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Final Wanderer Project

Objective: Your goal is to pick a character from the novel and represent how that specific character
changed throughout the novel. You can choose to complete this either through a visual representation or
a written explanation.

Step 1: Choose Character. My chosen character is ______________________.

Step 2: Think of at least 2 reasons

you chose that character. I chose this character because...

2. _______________________________________
Step 3: Complete the double-sided graphic
organizer. (separate yellow sheet)

Step 4: Decide which method of showing

the change in the character;
visual representation
or written explanation. I'm choosing to create a _____________________

Step 5: Look at rubric while working

on project. Possibly create a timeline for
what you plan to accomplish each day
in order to create the best project
you can.

Step 6: When you think you've finished

your project, have a classmate/parent
check it over. I, _______________________, have checked over
Name of person

_______________________'s project. __________

Name of student Date

Step 7: Check over rubric one final time I, ______________________, have looked over my
to make sure you've completed all of the Name of student
requirements. My project and I've checked the rubric to make sure
I have all required components.

________________________ _________
Signature of student Date
Graphic Organizer

Words to describe Evidence from story to support my conclusions (include

____________________ in the page numbers)
beginning of the story
Graphic Organizer

Words to describe Evidence from story to support my conclusions (include

____________________ at the end page numbers)
of the story
Introductory Paragraph
− includes an introduction of the text
− thesis statement /5 points
Evidence Evidence 1 /2 pts

- 6 pieces of evidence (2 points each) Evidence 2 /2 pts

- 3 pieces of evidence from beginning of book Evidence 3 /2 pts

- 3 pieces of evidence from end of book Evidence 4 /2 pts

Evidence must show how the character has Evidence 5 /2 pts

changed over the course of the book.
Evidence 6 /2 pts

Interpretations Interpretation 1 /2 pts

- 6 interpretations (2 points each)
Interpretation 2 /2 pts
- Interpretation of each piece of evidence
linking it back to the main idea. Interpretation 3 /2 pts

Interpretation 4 /2 pts

Interpretation 5 /2 pts

Interpretation 6 /2 pts
Concluding Paragraph
− restates thesis
− exit sentence /5 points
− spelling, grammar, punctuation /3 pts
− Overall effectiveness of project
− sentence fluency, transitions, flow of essay / 3pts
Overall Project Worth 80 points /40 x2 /80

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