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American Revolution: Advantages and Disadvantages

← British Redcoats
• Advantages
o Population (7.5 Million English to 2.5 Million Colonists)
o Monetary Wealth
o Naval Forces
o Professional Army
 50,000 British
 30,000 Hessians (German Mercenaries)
 30,000 American Loyalists
• Disadvantages
o Unrest in Ireland
o British government inept and confused
o Lack of British desire to crush American “cousins”
o Military Difficulties
 Second-rate Generals
 Brutal treatment of soldiers
 Inadequate, poor provisions
 Need for a clear victory. A draw would be a colonial
 Armies were 3000 miles from home. Orders took
months for them to reach the soldiers.
 Vast colonial territory (1000 miles by 600 miles) to
← American Colonists
• Advantages
o Outstanding Leadership
 Military- Washington
 Diplomatic- Franklin
 European imports- Lafayette
o Colonists had to fight defensively
o Self-sustaining agricultural base
o Colonists were better marksmen
o Moral advantage. They were supporting a just cause with a
positive goal to achieve.
• Disadvantages
o Colonies were badly organized, disunited for war.
o Continental Congress debated, but took little action
o Written constitution (Articles of Confederation) not adopted
until 1781
o Colonies were jealous of Congress, each other’s region
o Economic difficulties
 Little metallic currency available
 Fearful of taxation, Congress issued virtually worthless
Continental currency.
 Inflation led to increased prices
o Limited military supplies
 Inadequate firearms and powder
 Clothing and shoes scarce. At Valley Forge, 2800 of the
men walked around barefooted.
o American soldiers were numerous, but unreliable
o Profiteers used greed and speculation to weaken morale and
aid the British
21/09/2010 17:47:00

21/09/2010 17:47:00

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