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lr:i31 l.Iil 1,,","1 I I:



-Para 0 desenvol virnento da pauta, precisarnos da participacao ativa dos profissionais (Redatores, fotografos, diretares de arte), 11a sugestao de rna erias relacionadas as questoes de l=lUIviANIDADES aplicadas 110 Municlpio de Viana,

- Precisamos criar: TitLtlo /IJallta / Indice I Matcrias / Poesias / Fotografia / Cobertura de eventos: Territ6rio de Paz no dia 8 de maio no C3111pO do bo afogo, dia das rnaes .. ~






C]~rI~ Llspector (nc~lf:mber 10. 1920 ~ December 511. 1~77) ww: a .6razHlairi. wrirc:r.. Aeclalmed i . .irlit~.rDaUOl1arl'y fOr her [tLt.!:ov;at!i'ile novels. andshert stertes, shewas aJLs;o. ajournallst and. Oli translator, it legendAry flgure ~f.ilRrazI]; reucwned fhil' her uneommoa and unique w:riUltig .s;rjll~i her greatpersonal lliCnUlry-tlu: AmIl!:i:"I!:"'.n1 tlF.:1:t1S [ilil:or' Gre.g.oE'}i'" IRalba.ssa recalled belng Itfi<liblblI!'rgii1Sl,~<I. It.O meet ~illI: .rOlir-e person W[U:i' looked like Mat.oJ.i!.UiIiC Dletrtcb and wJ'!Ote ]ik_e Vi:rgi.iriLli<li Wo6·U~ '~b]-a.nd ber .!I."Cc(::i'iuk:p;::::r;s.on<llJil)'; Ciad!:C' is now censtdered (with. Jo~o GWtiiilii"J.fl:!:: trt:l:I!:!iii1l) i:!'m{!- ef t'hi!!' rw~ mosr cl..usla.i;idl~g Brii:illI'8_ p~ Wfne~ ;O,f'l:hlf' 'l:\'I,I,ffiit!eth (:entl1l"Y.

. 8o~l'ii U:.. ~Jewl!ih family in fi'odoUa. bTl. W!I!'Sltei:'".i:i. U krame, ClarIl::c was brought to Bii:"a.ZiI as iitif'Wi~~. amidst the disasters ltill.".i:' n.a"th,r,c land foll[!lwlirilg ill!!! Hrst W(J·rld W.aii. Shof grew' up iili nertheasrem Bfiii:ZUj whoC.i."'~ her mother dled wh~1m. she was nine, The famHy YIiOVOO [I) Rio de J anelro when she was ln her teens, WhIle .ilill 11'1,0,1' school Jn Rio she beg~[Ij publlshlng !u.i:' firsitJoW".rn.aI.IsUc 'Work and short stcrles, i:"a~:oII(i'D.uUll:ig 10 :£~me;llt age 2.3 wU~:i l he pU.IbUC'.ill:I:~'Oi:lJ ·ofh!l."l' .lli:':n nevcl, N(o.ill" to. the Wild: Heart {PC lit 0 do r,Ora(~Cl Sc~VtLgil:'m)i

w.rHl.f:ti as en tnterlor mOjt!lologiJI.f!· :Lr:Ii a style.and language It'harr was eonstdered revoliL'1ti.'oi'lk1lf.)' in Bmz.H.

sl1e left 8.t'OlZil In 1944:;, i!:ldlo'wltIJg hce marrlage to a .Rra.z:tlian rl.I'plo~na~i Md. spcot thlB .i1:~X[ d('CIIillrl!!: and a balfl.iiilEil.IIJI'G::lpf: and ehe UitiUcd 5rat~. UIP'OItl return to. .RI0 de J fine-b·o l.irli 1·~5·9'. s!h~ ~iTii lPi'iQ(h..i:c:~i1I.g her m.OO'~ famous works, liieh:J.dEi::u.g: I he si·orles of i!ilii:i:uly TIL!'S. i[l:'.a~{:iS de' ,iilIi:!IlUa) iiliLlirl g.i'~<llt mystic novel Th~ Passion A'LOOrdIim.g te GJt (A. Pabl:~ S~gUJildo G..1I-I .• ). Wounded m an ace ~dCfi~ tn ] iIJl6,jj.~ s.hif' .Spc.I:'H: lJioC! ]Mt' decade of ~ei:'" Jlfe lti &'f>quiI!j'U .pali1, st(!-:adily wrl ~ili:i.g and p'·]~1tIng novels; iilnd! sto:r~es umJllierpii'em.atililfr"e deat h hi Hn7' •

Tbough her bocks were ofben re put 00. to be di:f.lfkllIl' 01'" hermerte rliltiJ"mg her JJrotili:fiC, ,I]'c!'.i:" fame ad.1dl reputatloe have not eoascd rID' Inerease slnce h~.i:' death, .sh~ Is the :liuIbJt~t: of numerous books; and references to. hif!:t' and belt work 11i:'~ commen In .8r·i:1izl]iamJ. Ilterature and musle, several of her works. have beenturned Into, fllms,


,~ -



:~I!i1'b~t~illi!l s~~a:d)(J; (bOJ:',fiJ .j!,(C!!Eu·j(jiary $1' 19i~:~,} is; :a ,Eir'aziUili:i'l, s..~(llaJ dut;"y J#!~~tiO 't,oJp·.a,p.:h er :atJj.~ F,,~.o~!UjellJir.ii:l1111h~:t~

,;\\foo',~ il 8tim!trwl1!l~, i.~~<iUC'i",aill:'~ c-:hi]~]a:1Ji0d~ :S~lg~l!, 'lra:tnl"d as ~Q ,lJi(\l;lI!ilu,m.i8it" ifi'.Ili.U!i:ltin,~ a F;niilsKilllils: d(l,pGlC' hii: eC{ll[ljom~~ lEriOf['l t:hc l'i:n.i'!{iil'tlt'8]l" D~ S~U f'al!tl.o t[!l ~\J',az~t .H:8' b:c-ga.~ wf21ttk,u, Iiltll 'L:'ulf!!t1iQ~~is~, fur· ,the .I.Q:h~i:'1Jij~t.I;jJI~allL~ffclt': [}~g~i28iUl!:!tI1f1; utl.cH. tf:'W!t~I<ktl!,~, to ~,IC~ tlIQ ,n1I:;:dli!itu::, ,flor. ~hli1' WiiI!;t",M ~a~k, wh~.n h~ .fb:',si ,~~m~'iI, iSGif'itHLlsty ta.kI~, :p:nij}~!il!,gz!'aphlS(. HIi!' chose' to iilhando.n a iC'i'ilif)C'C.f' as "~~ ~~filifn)Tld~t iil1tlJ. ~SiWltcb.l!ld ~@I ,p,,~,mC!;gr'ilI,hy ILn, ]I. 9ry3,~ \!iJj}dd:~8 hl.i.iL:la;U.~f en ,n£lWSi ,ilji&S;i,g;rm.!EIll,[fI!ts; 'bilif.Q(re 'i;'ilei:'~:Uf.g miili(it\1i}' ~'Cifi;,\',.aIlCd:s dc!:l:l!tmi2'~:~al').~)!~t' work :S~g~,do :~~a:~taUy w.orQo£!d \..t.iCh ~bi! :P';ll:ls b~LtJ ~,gOt'l!~1 Gi~a., b u.t~ ~w 1:~rr9 he Jrl!di4,(1i1. ~Ho,:e ill~cr:!lmn:6:~ii] OO&lllPfl'r,.I!I'~~e ,~f',s ,!'IIllEm"P:i-m,{l;tCKSi_lme lof!$!:, ,M,<i!gillIWlID, b!.1:~,'iJ4 ,and :fOf.'P1C:~ .1118, O~,i!l,gfl\tlCY!, ArnliilZ([I!til}S' .llirtil.a,g\QSj, .i.iIiI, ,P':il!t~S l1i) N:pr'('!S(!'t.lJt w.o~J:c. 11:118 :~$ parrt.icnd~]y :n)jfjtil]!~ 110[''' h~8 8filllil:a:1 cl:Oe'I!I!tllClIlb!f.lY F,:h!llI:og~~P:h:y of 'W'U(It':kc["s ~tIi less

clJ~i:!':I~ ,~ii::!li Itutii:h];,~iS.;g~tml' ga~iill)(!'r'Y dtrllt;¢,oli:" I~]~~, Gali.d ciIl, !C\Qf.isM.ern :S!l1g:~_cil:,[!J ~o be ~h~ :Ili1;O,s;l [~Ji\rMj1.:t fh.01~[li,gr.m:~h.eii" !ilJf l-hc' 1@i!ll"ly ,:ZJ!,sl~ ;r)1il:!:iiJl]lIJ·Y. ,EllfIJd,gi!'\i\i;:' l!dlEi.hi:s :fljr-'S~ :s:~;O'w. ff1! 'tihc- U~ilt~lRI, Sl~:tc-"~ e-

:Sa~8wd:!ll! w'O'r:ks IEiif.1j, ,10fi'8:, l"et."m:" &'!?~f·aS!!l,~,gi!la~ p1i'~J~ds [!liiilflJ i:ll~ '!.~ldTh1Ch ,h4"\'I8' bG~i:;~, [pllbhsbcdl ,;ilii ib!l:!o:ks; 'flliC il)th~,J:' .i\l!iUQlfi'cas. ~ab_t"I", WO:il,k'IJl",sli and J,i,\n,gt£L~~fJi:l:~~ lh~ ,i~lt~r Lw"", are !ltlilmmO'lh, ~Onil'C!~·hlimi~' w,i~'.h ll!Lj!nt ... e~ Cj"f: ~:rnjjbige.Sl ~aeh f~fP~ ,iiiU a~~und t~, WOi:'~d" [1lI1s :Plwsl f:ii1~'h'Ii.iS' :p'ff:~W:\e-.s ~~c' 6IaJ ,[;,lJl:!c1miti:'i:i2' il1&, llr.-a.zil UIlil1d. :S'~:i",r.a. 'e~.:l!d~". ,1-[[' a~i ~r!ll'~iIl'.ndy W,illi:r:kIng, OR a, ~rnjt!!e't t::~Ui1~d GiI!~lt:'~aS:\i tpi'ltiil!l)o,~ril,,~hin;g, tlt~ [a,.~,dlSe&l!,pl2'. rt!OI".Ili. iilnd ,~i1i,IlI,[I:a, !U!illi p,liile(!'~, Uli!l e~['fb. tha~, :h£], . Q' [!.OJ~ Iblj}.!}~, l~!l~efil,oveF.'b:y ,ma:i!'!i .•

~IPI s~p'tcmhjj1!i" and ot'~{fib,Q,[' ,Zilllil!!7'~, S;a.lp!tlo, ii:'Ils pJay Cit] MlSi ph!TI!lDJ]r.~p!ns uif !e!l!i,Iij.(;!1C! w!fi!tr:k(ior,~ flww ~[1ji.iU:I1,. "G1U'~~,m!'ll~1!. ,E~~J!i]rpf~ ,and, t1jtr'ii.zlla~, the- .Bi:ilZl~[a..lm, ,Euih~ 'f.iii!, L.Oii'lcil:Oiil~, .~.iIl!' ;;j]rni af Ihe· !P'r~~(',!l;:lt Wa8i l'\lI; ,rOiJiisJIIi' pllll~dic a!W'i!l!i:"(;!in:C~8 e:rtRa.c ii)lf'igHns,,!&'dTdil!l!i IPOpUJiillt" ~~D!k.

X- ~

".:: .:::'.

:~, '~~G;.~;t t b;!,:'

1;.l11:)~E. I •• f::

DaI.vid C ;;:1.-1"510],'1. is an .. AITl;e:dI[~.n grn.p hie: d\?~j'ug!l1e·r· •. He is, best kr:uJiwn. for 'hfs inrtovatlve ·i:n.t:1;g~:Z·[:I']e det1,ig~':I; t'II1J,d use of if ){:p ertm ental typo,gF".2rphy. H~ 'W~JS, the art dire (bDT far the magf:ijz:l.rile REiY G un, C arson Wi\i1S perh [lp5 the' ,tlh~~'~ :[mtflueril'tl al g.nrph [C' d~si.g]']Je'r of the nineties, lrL partleular, his wideIY-liTIit~l~.ed file ~t ~etl c

_I ~ _~ ,_ ! _ ·['I.J II II

l;Je.~ uteu the 50-;;;:.;:1 .. _.eli,l. ·gn.llng,e e fa,.



- Cobertura de eventos! Dia 8 de maio ocorrera no call1po do botafogo em Nova Bethania 0 evento de lancarnento do Territ6rio de Paz, seria ideal dividir uma equipe corn urn fotografo e redator para captar as fa tos marcantes e entrevis ar pessoas e ou ra equipe COl11 cameraman e redator atuando como reporter para entrevistas e cobertura de imagens ern movimentol Quem opa? Yea11!



A PDi~fe:itljJra rv liI n I diE' V Ian a [~lI1lli da V-@~:§i!9 Sen horla piiI ra Iltl rnC] p a r d ~ 1.:1 n~i1 rill ento do '"'TerritoriI) de Pae" ~ d~ ~Arao Ifil'ttl?.Bra~;a de' CM9{dtil~t:J pela Seg.!.!Iran5;ilil

Data: lOB de' maio de ,2010 u l.', g·····lnnlh n(!r~f!CI ..... uu_

,IJ" eKelL'L!~lD ,do i?MttolSd Sf' di!.lr~\ ,fKl't" melo df' ~iltahi hZi!l~eies, comunlrartas e pcllc lais .. .A 8.i~J,cI,!t;a,o entre as difi!rt2'~te~ fo.i\?.;1:o]. de :!!i!:gllr.!l!t:11l,,'0 - pol rdEl:; d 'In, mihra r, bornbel ro, g!::!ar.-dia. municipal, serrcrarta de sotgur:!H'L~a P. ubllca e rcpresentanaes da socledade [~\,Iil ~ed reahzada pilii' [1),8.10 an G8,b inete de G{'H~a, 11'~ifg.r';1till MrllnJdp<1~ (GG~M)_ 0 f..rtj,tM m'gail!,;!r atlvldades que levarae <1tO rle.~;;]Jt!t ida;.!i:r<JjI~a puhl Lea j'lO I1j LLttidp.i:o" A]erm dL~:SO" 'Ii!Cj,UDpes, ,tmJ.l,tM~sr~ plinares i!!t uar dO ne :P~r:H'.!~!i i."'I (asgjs~e-tH es sedais, p~lc61og,Q:;1,. ed ucadcres, p~J@gog!Js) para f'Omentilir os GG I,~ de' i,[]fbr-mil~oe~ e iden tLfi car (J€' proJetCi:':, do Pronascl que podem ser Lffiph:!'m~t1t ados,

:S~rJ!J l.r;,:Hal,adeis OU, ap.1'itllDr$lda:; 1i'I.i1!£ ~UI11ulr'LLddde-5 das i:'If',g[6~s Irhe::~.I'opu'l itanas de Pronascl es Ld:tlSe.HliOS (om un ih.\.l'los de .segu.~'illJ'IJ';~ C's.l~@~·J}s, de- dlscussoes s . .;U questces referentes ,8:

scgur,l!ln~;,l, p(ihl,k<L, As. tkl('!'I:J:tl~i:lS comunltarias de cada b&~n'o serso (apa:cll:ada~, para p<lrl:h::JP~:r des debates e a-r;j5ies de. §@gl.l,r'.:l!tJ. ca p~ltll,tca e. .jJ:tl£!,ji[@~i\'io die, £:o:n:nir~s. if'~pre~ er~tat~d(j!m'es e-t~t SiI],;)S prj nelpals r.letlJ,ant:l!as I~ necessldades,

'Ser,}!;) Jw~lt ufqil-S mecanismos parn gO! rantlr !J aCI.:"!:8§!J das .com"fl.llt"l,i:dhtde5 aes at1Bgm de defesa do (.o'.i'I~umLd.Q:i:' _ (I ob.l>eH v o e fazer cam que as pesscas.ccesclentesde seu papel como ci,d~Jiiios. PDS;S;;].JH ('xig].'" SlI!lLS dlreltcs, Us estados II! Oc'S munielpios \laO eontar ,,--om al ~npla,i'I!ti:l,~(I, do S~~l:~m@. N::l! de [)i!!,fes.a de (onsumJdf1;!' (51 N,P,D::1 que i:li:lm uas ibi,bllatecas j t'l5tal,aci.:l!s, pe I J). Proi:'.!<1S( I..

1- .,..... - d ~. ' 'I...~ -. "I

nas J'e-._g oes p!J'mor:tili!·I,@S. 0S ItS ta tos ramuem receeerao IJe!c uros

,qUi2' func lona!J':iiio ec me fac lIltacla:i:' t1 J) p!"o.cess!J d!i!' tH'!tI.ilgar"."'ilo des dtrettos da c j,dadal1!ia,

o projeto \l i S.:1 atilFL,g[r jovens em S.1.tL1d~8{j< de risco para r.nfi::!l:'mjJj{ ~:L13 d~re'[to~, df' ctdadanla, OB J O'ile.i'U Sii!t8,J} sens ihl·

lizadcs C" capacitados e, e.l:r'!1 1 mea, pedcrao partlclpar de ,2I~eies. culturats. 0 objetlvo do p.j'fjj~to ~ fa.ze.r !,':Chifl! qL..!l~ a jovem ~~jj: reecnhecldo na s(id.:Jade· ~ largue 0 a'ir.rt~· toj}r.tliii.tld.;)~seo L.lilt'! .!Ni!.d.tipl.h::ddol' dos dlri2"[tos do eensumtder p~V'J. O::O[l1J eutrosjovens.

A lei Mi:li:"'i~ da !P·f'nb<L,. sanclonada em i::lgosta de 2007, golt"l~bar<i :[:tl!<.l i s .f.o.I~.l .I'~1) Pronase L .5.el:<iO eonsteutdos Ce.tHi:'Oi~ de .E..dLllc.:l~i1i{}. e .R.eab;iio para A.gresS0res. Ci~ f:13,p.a!:,":OS set\l~r~.{Il cemo IOL.:liI de combate ~ l.r.t'lfi L.1t1.1.di:1dt~ e p!i"Oitt1D'(~O da rultura de· pal: e Si2'r.JG erguldes nas .regW'i!os ~il:Cir:!,di~s. Flti' p..r.Jj;gf:i1lm~l. Ain!l<l . no ~J1'lb.i.t·o dk!. :Lei Me:U'h1. cia Pen ha, serao imp]emelil";.;KldS juizadcs de via:i':?!rl rea d omes1: lea e [:'am.i.l.uLi.r contra iJ ~nLllhe:i:".;. delegacias e i~lid!.i!\Qs.!;:!s peel allzades nas .aefel.']sur~!1.s pil.b['~s; ... ~ meta e rf!<1~~241!i', po!' rnj.e.~O de parcerl as cem t~·tbll.i~ais estaduals de j ustiea, tl!~ifl!l5te ~ rlos J.H~bn(,DS. e defenscrlas 'pl~IB:iJ leas, cerca de 7![erlilf[[tlie:nt[),~. :at~2011 .•

.~ii!a,g[,. promoto lies e de fenseres pfj,bUCCkS ra.m~j~rn. ser-ao capacttados ern dlreltos humanos ... 0 P ronascl pre v if!. ~i' C!!!·r:I. ;.§S £:0.(rl ~SCGI.~~ superleres de flil!ilgJ:!;U'atll["'L (1 obJl2tL\lo if iTtsi"i'lr no cotidiano des eperaderes do dlr.dta temas relacl enades ;;:LOs, .d.~rejtL1~ bumanos. pdtu:i pill] mente os que. ;[IiZetl~ respelto iii . .:lip.l tea . .:;~);) des tratados I nter.r.ld·(';';::Ii'!!aJ~ ;::L~Sbi1 ados pelo ~.f"Q~JJ; No .f:f.t9aJ de :ZO[] b. 0 M!~.tstciji(j da . .J L1st~~a. a. Sec.lI'iH iIIr'La [s.pochi.l. de ni.r!t[ws, Humanos eo e (or):se-lho de J L1Hio;Ii assmarare accrdo para oCr.i 'l~lo de um slstema de aeempanhamento d e prO":~S50S que envolvarn gITi.V'~S ... JolaQi)e~ aes dlreitos lsumauos.

o r ron ~.5C j U i:lI~ P le 111)8 rH:,@.ii.. :m J'IIl.i:d ecs de jus r lea ( ur . .) ria, Ui:~~t'a~~!~~!!l das comuuldades iiC roil) e::lipaL'nadas ern. o(kfi{'imli!1~ iP<1~@ t~ledliat." confl ltos e p.tOml'i:.Qo'l('~' a coeslu soctel, Essas llderancas 3ltrJo I:dt:!·.ntlJ]'{'adas. por meio de pa reeria s com a l)e:f~nwr:1 a. publica.; M ilrl.[s Lciri0 P'ubHciJ,. rr~lm~lJits de J1i.str~-i:l f a secretarta de Ii'..flf6!i't~~a do J u(H~hir]ii' •. A. ul~di.ilI:;.aO d~ cenfllros p~I~. eemun i dade ~ruJnov.e ajustica de fo.rma altemari ... 21. e ,P-1C if'hC.L A. r.nt:,en~~{l ~ reallzar cerea de 375 mtl atend.1"ffl1frI:'lii:CllS, at8' 2:0 n.

t t


. · ... 'DI--' 'r. :._·-e·,.···'.···,····,·v'·,'·",··::'::l' .. ·.S,' ·~~a···'--

I ' " •• ' • ' • ,",. ,"

- - - - --

"Neq U e p OJ" q uisquam lest Iqllli dolorem ipsum qui a dolor s,iit amet,

C onse ctetur, 3,d ipisci veht, .. ~'t'

Lerem i psum dolor s ~t arne t I' .consec tet.ur ~d:~pi$cing eli L Ir.~lteger :tJ],artti's leo ac sem ,t,'ritl,gi lla v'Eltl'LlJjl~" D'rJr.Je~< temper massa ~eo. NuUattl, 8:i:t. t3J1TIet Hg,~i la t elhl:S" QldS{llLle. 51 i~, am E'l. urna eres, ,PeUe:i:'~bE'SCjJue ,C'r),t1il.itYI,e:t1t.lLIIl:"n ~ rsibh quls dii.ptbus condlrneotum, 1(11l1,arn Iectus l:r.i$tiqWle rnetus, slt .i:urne k u~ tric ies ~1E'(Ii q~,afr.u qi!.l~S dlam. ~ ri. et 'PlIJtllJ!:5, e~ ¥I~H~, pr,etJ:L.lJtfl rutrum, PeUen,tesq,ue. ,rrlo~,es,tLe'. f.eli~ ~ mol I'~s Li.h.rlctes".

:Rev~s.-tfiJ ,_ Lorem mel ~ is h,trp~sj et daplbus lorem

'II "_.. -, II, 'I- ... ,"1'" ,- ,- f J;,-. - - ~'l': -1- ",Ib,-, . f e "'"b ,JI' ,-

,u().I:e,i:T), leg,l£!!- : anLS, . .n. ,~q , !!',LU.gI~. a (,1 ... L Llm "" ';;";'i!..e - LL ,1lJi.m",

1,1-~j=""" -,~ Ilil" A'-,"? 'I{ ~!o' arrrus LIl~, CLUU"

Rafael N'ohf:'\e ,_ fit ipsum Iuctus 'ege:nas 'itlJ all: dSLtS", Sed: gra v:tda pe'i len te'sque COil vallis. F'l~sce at n i bh non ~ec.h~s, ccnseetetur suscipi t, [b,ss apte.r~t: ~,aci~.i se rio Sqti ad litera terquent Iler conubia nostra.

Re¥~shli, ,~ Lorem ITh)Ui:S turpis, et dapibus lorern lorem e,ge ~ lac us", ,A"I iquam ,f.dn,gi lla flir.t UM vestibulum, Vi vamU S I!j~ dUi,?

.R:.\1Jf~,el N,Qhtie ,_ En Ipsumluctus eg,e'S~;:i!s i.n at, risus, Sed gravida pellentesque cenvallls, Fusee 0l!1 nibh non lectus conssc te'~ LLr' S LLS.r[p i t, cttLSS, ;:Lp'~e..t1t ~,ac:lt.i 51 oeiosqu ad ,1.l:~,O ra bDfq~lIBJ'lt pet' conubia nostra ..

,Revishil ,_ Lorem mollis turpis, et daplbus ,10 rem lorem ege t Jar LlS", .A.JiGl LL3:m frt:ngi I ~2), Idicr Lim ve stibulum,

U'-.. - - d, -,~ - ,?'

1,r I vamus IU~ UliLiU ,;

R~fae'l Nobre ,_ £1.'1, lpsum ~'lJ,L~,US ,e,ges~ ;3JS, i:n at ris LtS", sed ,gr'2lv ida pel ~e~.te8que' con _ a.l,H s, fusee at rubh non lectus eonsecterur S usc lpi t Class aptent taciti S ociosqu ad lirora t(i:rCJJl~ertt, 'p'e."t con ubia nostra


--_ Titulo da revista?

-Poesias (Rap? lip-hop?)

- Fotografias e ilustracoes? (Editorial de moda? Brer k

Bhoy? Rarnpa do urubu? Carnpeonato de futebol? Casa da Cultura? Grupo Excalibur")

_ Materias? (Funk? Kelly Clarkson? Chris BrOW11?

SlJS entabilidade? Eleicao presidencial?) _ Coluna social?

_ Eventos? Dicas de informatica? Mais 0 que?





, ,

I: ",

, ,


Gl"Ul)O 01: Redator, fotografo e dire or de artc,

- Materia sabre "Accssthilidadc" - No Banco do Brasil.

GIlUllQ 02: '{edator, fotografo e diretor de arte.

- Materia sabre "Natureza' - Valao em Nova Bethania.

Gl{U110 03: Redator, fotografo e diretor de arte. - Entrevis a com "Norlen Apelfeler"

X· -





t.erem Ipsurn d:1J;fe.[~ sit @,r:tl,e t. ICO,j'!l:5;fC; etur 8i1Jp iJCI,t'lg. e I tr. tnteger rna 1 t E s l eo ac s e III f~'3 tlgi [Ia I,',(!,h.l.c ula, Do,nee temper rnassa leo. .N ullam slt amet llgula tel lus, Qu~~ql.!le slt amet U/II1:ili eros.Pellen tesque Co ndjrne ntum, i:1illb qu ls dapJb.u:s cond inte nt urn q,lI.ur!. lertus trisnque metus, S.Lt amet ultricies ~M Q1],am quis diOiJ~)., 1.11 et P urus ell. vellt pretium rutl'li.l.tn_ Pie] 11f' ntesque,

~ P:';{i'n:l and gbaticr I umln J.(1) aest,

Lor,f'il:U Ipsum d!ol!;)j' slt arnet , e ens E!'C~ c tur <l£[t:1.g elit, 1J'l!te' mattts W!2',!] ,~,Ii;.' sem f r:!. i":l,g ~ l l :Q, !iJ c b [ C u I: ;J _ IDa nee temper ,i'I1@'sS'd leo. N ullain slt amet Hgula tellus, QLLi~qlJe. sj t amet 1l.[":r1S, eros.Pelleutesque condimen l1J1FI'I!. !I:1iM) qu ls dapHn.l!$ c l5:f1!dl cnlt'nt,LlI'tl!, q Ham lectus trisrlq ue metus, £;~~ ame t: ultrlctes lee C]'LiJlIm QL1JS dl<1tl]" J.D, et 1P11riJ& ,elLl vdJL pretium rutrum, Pe]J£!r~~~sq ue,

] p~CirJl and ,g~.;Iitler ~ umtn LUll aes t,

Lerem lpsum d!0]i"j).r sit am er , C('l,tUI;! I:t ~,t U!I' ach pl:i{:L~;g elit~, Integer rua ttts lee ac sern f.~ i, ri,g J lla ~I!: hi rr: u l a. Donee 'be,mp'lll:' i'l!lItLS!S<1I ,1'i'!D_ N ullam stt amet I igub tel lus .. QIj~Sqli>f' s it ,UIIH:'l urna eros.Pellen tesque e[}l'l,dii ruen tu rn, ntbh ~iI.I ls dap,~!J us eO.fld,i U1.~nt L!i tll,! q Lt.!1m lectus': metus, slr arnet ul trlcles lee quam quls dlam, .i t:). et purus eu vellt pre tlum J:'!):!:L.!."\Lm_ .P!1.J1.8,~tesql1~',. lp snm ;!!i:l:·d gh.3t.i.>E':r JWl1.Lt:1l.Lt:r.I aes t,

L~:rl::!'m iP;Sl,i.i.Ll dolor 5,Lt arnet , COt1.Si::'i,:t~'E ur <lalpuu'iiflg elit, l.itlt.tgf'J' matris lee ac s ern ft'l~'Lg,! Ita, ve-hi,c,LI la, Denee tei:1:liP'i}r m.:1:S~<Jj leo, IN ullam ~H amet Hguh tellus, QLti]sq~J-e s,il .!Iir.Ll-:::~ urna L:I');)§.,Pe] [entesq LIe' C!J~,dj tIlC'i1:tILU'M, nlbh qms daptbus C"C1n.di,j w,cntLull r q ua.!;1} lect L.l!S trlsttque metus, s~~ amet ultricies lee quara quls dlam. trl, et PL1l!i'LIS e LL vel tt pretlum ttl l rum, ,Pe.l,t!i!'.l'ltegqu~',. Jp'SU!r11 an.d ~haUe:r ,I umlnum aest.

La:r2'r.n ip~tI.!lj da]iIlr.,~ ~~ .;! met , c ousect et ur .;)d.ipisdj'~g c~H" • integer matt!s ] uo ~,C ~IH~l ftEJ'l:g i u, ¥ehlc.~l.!a" I}Llitl ce te ttj por niassa leo. Nu].[am f.,i~. am12tt lLgLl1ill t!,;!Hu~_ QLJ.lSg ue sE~ aIJ:l1.'(!~ urna eros.Pcllentesq ue condl mentu tn,; nl b-lt quls d a pfbus ccnd l,mellt.I!.!,I'tl. q 1J-:II,m leetus trlsrlque rnetus, sit amet u.tlt.:rir.: les lee q, lIa]'b'rl quls di am. In et purus e u veHt prenum rutrum, Pe-.ll~~'l,tes-qt.~e" Ipsorn and ghaUe:r lurntnum aest,

t.erem Ipsurn d:1J;fe.[~ sit @,r:tl,e t. ICO,j'!l:5;fC; etur adfp iJCI,t'lg. e I L~_ tnteger rna 1 t E s l eo ac s e III f~'3 tlgi [Ia I,',(!,h.l.c ula, Do,nee temper rnassa leo. .N ullam slt amet Hg:L1liJ tel lus, Qu~~ql.!le slt 8!1!l et urna e t"1I} s, iP e I] e ntesque Co ndjrne ntum, i:1illb qu ls dapJb.u:s cond inte nt urn q,lI.un lertus trisnque metus, sit amet ultricies ~M qn,am quis diOiJ~)., 1.11 et P urus ell. vellt pt",~ti.lJr:r.t rutl'Ii.lm_ Pie] 11f' ntesque,

~ P:';{i'n:l and gbaticr lumln J.(1) a est"

Lot",f'il:U Ipsum d!ol!;)j' slt arnet , e ens E!'C~ c tur[t:1.g elit, 1J'l!te' mattts W!2',!] ,~,Ii;.' sem fr:!. i":l,g ~ l l :Q, !iJ c b [ C u I: ;J _ IDa nee temper ,i'I1@'sS'd leo. N ullain slt amet Hgula tellus, QLLi~qlJe. sj t amet 1l.[":r1S, eros.Pelleutesque condimen l1J1FI'I!. !i:1iM) qu ls dapHn.l!$ ;;: l5:f1!dl cnlt'nt,LlI'tl!, q Ham lectus trisrlq ue metus, 8~~ ame t: ultrlctes lee C]'LiJlIm QL1JS dl<1tl]" J.D, et 1P11t"U& ,el!.I vdJL pretium rutrum, Pe]J£!r~~~sq ue,

] p~CirJl and ,g~.;Iitler 1 umlnum aes t,

Lerem lpsum d!0]i"j).r sit am er , C('l,tUI;! I:t ~,t U!I' ach pl:i{:L~;g elit~, Integer ttL a t tis ! If' Q ac sern :f.r i,tl,gJ tla, ~I!: hirr:l!,l,;"L Donee 'be,mp'lll:' i'l!lItLS!S<1I ,I eo _ N ullam stt amet ligula tel lus .. QIj~Sqli>f' s it ,UIIH:'l urna eros.Pellen tesque e[}l'l,dii ruen tu rn, ntbh ~ilI ls dap,~!J us eO.fld,i U1.~nt u tll,! q Lt.!1m lectus': metus, slr arnet ul trlcles lee q uam quls dlam, .i t:). et purus eu vellt pre tLUj1;lI f:!):!:L!."\Lm_ .P!1.J1.8,~tesql1~',.

1 ~~'Dm. ;!!i:l:{1 gh.3t.i.>E':r ,1,LL.t:J1.Lnl.Lt:r.I aes t,

L(:iJ'I.::!,ttt iP;Sl,i.l.Ll dolor 5,Lt amet , COt1.Si::'i,:t~'E ur ~dj:pu:uiiflg elit, l.itlt.tgf'J' matris lee ac s ern f t' l ~'L g ,! 11 a v e- h tc L! I a, Denee tei:1:liP'i}t" m.:1:S~~ leo, IN ullam ~H amet Hguh tellus, QLti]sq~.I.e s,il ar.Ll-:::~ urna L:I');)§.,Pe] [entesq LIe' C!J~,dj tIlC'ITtILU'M, nlbh qms daptbus c~n,dI,i w,cntLull r q ua.!;ll lect L.l!S trlsttque metus, s~~ amet ultricies leo quara quls dlam. trl, et pL1l!i'LIS e LL vel tt pretlum ttl l rum, ,Pe.l,t!i!'.l'ltegqu~',. Ipsom an.d ~haUe:r ,I um.L[!,LI!.I!l1, aest.

LOJ'2't.lli ip~U!lj da]iIlr.,~ ~~ .;l met , c ousect et ur adJpisdj'~g ellt, integer mattls ] uo ~,C ~IH~l YdJ'1:g i u, ¥ehlc.~l.!a" 'DLlitl ce te ttj por niassa leo, Nu].[am f.i~_ am12tt lLgL1]a t!,;!Hu~_ QLJ.lSg ue sE~ arnct urna eros.Pcllentesq ue condl mentu tn,; ,j:l.i blt quls d a pfbus ccnd l,mellt.I!.!,I'tl. q 1J-:II,m leetus trlsrlque rnetus, slt amet u.tlt.:rir.: les lee q, lIa]'b'rl quls di am. In et purus e u veHt prenum rutrum, Pe-.ll~~'l,tes-qt.~e" Ipsorn and ghaUe:r lumtnum aest,

t.erem Ipsurn d:1J;fe.[~ sit Cl.r:t:i,e t. ICO,j'!l:5;fC; etur adfp iJCI,t'lg_ e I tr. tnteger rna 1 t E s l eo ac s e III f~'3 tlgi [Ia 1J,(!,hlc ula. Do,nee temper rnassa leo. .N ullam slt amet llgula tel lus, Qu~~ql!le slt amet U/II1:ili eros.Pellen tesque Co ndjrne ntum, i:1illb qu ls dapJb.u:s cond inte nt urn q,lI.ur!. lertus trisnque metus, S.Lt amet ultricies ~M Q1],am quis diaJ~)., 1.11 et P urus ell. vellt pretium rutl'li.lftl_ Pie] 11f' ntesque,

~ P:';{i'n:l and gbaticr I umln J.(1) aest,

tlJr,f'n~ Ipsum d!ol!;)j' slt i:l~l~~, e ens E!'C~ c tur[t1.g elit, 1J'l!te' mattts W!2',!] ,~,Ii;.' sem f r:!. i':l,g ~ l l :Q, !iJ c b [ C u I: ;J _ IDa nee temper ,i'I1@'sS"d leo. N ullain slt amet Hgula tellus, QLLi~qlJe. sj t amet 1l.[":r1S, eros.Pelleutesque condimen l1J1FI'l!. !l:'tiM) qu ls dapHnl!$ c l5:f1!dl cnlt'nt,LlI'tl!, q Ham lectus trisrlq ue metus, 8~~ ame t: ultrlctes lee q uam QL1JS dl<1tl]" J.D, et ~l1riJ& ,elLl vdJL pretium rutrum, Pe]J£!r~~~sq ue,

] p~Cinl and ,g~.;Iitler 1 umtn LUll aes t,

Lerem lpsum d!0]i',t).r sit am er , C('l,tUI;! I:t ~,t U!I' ach plS{:L~;g elit~, Integer ttL a t tis ! If' Q ac sern f.r i, ri,g J [J;;j, ~I!: hi rr: u l a. Donee 'be,mp'lll:' i'l!lItLS!S<1I ,I eo _ N 1,J.1li11.JfL stt amet Ugub tel lus, QIj~Sqli>f' s it ,UIIH:'l urna eros.Pellen tesque e[}l'l,dii ruen tu rn, ntbh ~iI.I ls dap,~!J us cO,fld,i U1.~nt L!i tll,! q Lt.!1m 1eClUS': metus, slr arnet ul trlcles lee quam quls dlam, .i t), et purus eu vellt pre tLLU!:lI J.'!):!:L.!."\Lm_ .P!1.J1.8,~tesql1~',.

l ~~'Dm. ;!!i1:·d gh.3t.i.>E':r JWl1.Ln LLt:r.I aes t,

L(:iJ'I.::!,ttt iP;Sl,i.i.Ll dolor 5,Lt a met .'i,:t~'E ur ~dj:pu:uiiflg elit, l.itlt.tgf'J' matris lee ac s ern ft'l~'Lg,! Ita, ve-hi,c,LI la, Denee tei:1:liP'i}r m.:1:S~<Jj 1'120. IN ~H amet Hglllh tellus, QLti]sq~J.e s,il ar.Ll-:::~ urna L:I');)§.,Pe] [entesq LIe' C!J~,dj tIlC'i1:tILU'M, ntbh qms daptbus c~n.dl,i w,cntLull r q ua.!;1l lect Ll!S trlsttque metus, §~~ amet ultricies lee q,Lharhl quls dlam. trl, et PL1l!i'LIS e LL vel tt pretlum rut rum, ,Pe.l,t!i!'.l'ltegqu~',. Ipsom an.d ~haUe:r ,I umJ!'],LLJ!l1, aest.

L.o:r2'r.n ip~tI.!lj daJiIll"',~ ~~ .;! met , c ousect et ur .;)dJpisdj'~g c~H" • integer matt!s ] uo ~,C ~IH~l fdJ'l:g i u, ¥ehlc.~l.!a" I}[litl ce te ttj por niassa leo. Nu].[am f.,i~" am12tt lLgL1]a t!,;!Hu~_ QLJ.lSg ue sE~ 31111.'(! ~ u f!'l a, ero ~.F' cl le J1- tesq ue condl mentu tn,; 11.1 blt quls d a pfbus ccnd l,mellt.I!.!,1't"i • q 1J-:II,m leetus trlsrlque rnetus, sit amet les lee q,iJ~Hb'rI quls di am • In et purus e u veHt prenum rutrum, Pe-.ll~~'l.tes-qt.~e" Ipsorn and ghaUe:r lurntnum aest,

t.erem Ipsurn d:1J;fe.[~ sit @,r:tl,e t. ICO,j'!l:5;fC; etur 8i1Jp iJCI,t'lg. e I tr. tnteger rna 1 t E s l eo ac s e III f~'3 tlgi [Ia I,',(!,h.l.c ula, Do,nee temper rnassa leo. .N ullam slt amet llgula tel lus, Qu~~ql.!le slt amet U/II1:ili eros.Pellen tesque Co ndjrne ntum, i:1illb qu ls dapJb.u:s cond inte nt urn q,lI.ur!. lertus trisnque metus, S.Lt amet ultricies ~M Q1],am quis diOiJ~)., 1.11 et P urus ell. vellt pretium rutl'li.l.tn_ Pie] 11f' ntesque,

~ P:';{i'n:l and gbaticr I umln J.(1) aest,

Lor,f'il:U Ipsum d!ol!;)j' slt arnet , e ens E!'C~ c tur <l£[t:1.g elit, 1J'l!te' mattts W!2',!] ,~,Ii;.' sem f r:!. i":l,g ~ l l :Q, !iJ c b [ C u I: ;J _ IDa nee temper ,i'I1@'sS'd leo. N ullain slt amet Hgula tellus, Ql.Li~qlJe. sj t amet 1l.[":r1S, eros.Pelleutesque condimen l1J1FI'I!. !I:1iM) qu ls dapHn.l!$ c l5:f1!dl cnlt'nt,LlI'tl!, q Ham lectus trisrlq ue metus, £;~~ ame t: ultrlctes lee C]'LiJlIm QL1JS dl<1tl]" J.D, et 1P11riJ& ,elLl vdJL pretium rutrum, Pe]J£!r~~~sq ue,

] p~CirJl and ,g~.;Iitler ~ umtn LUll aes t,

Lerem lpsum d!0]i"j).r sit am er , C('l,tUI;! I:t ~,t U!I' ach pl:i{:L~;g elit~, Integer rua ttts lee ac sern f.~ i, ri,g J lla ~I!: hi rr: u l a. Donee 'be,mp'lll:' i'l!lItLS!S<1I ,1'i'!D_ N ullam stt amet I igub tel lus .. QIj~Sqli>f' s it ,UIIH:'l urna eros.Pellen [A? Sqlll, if! e[}l'l,dii ruen tu rn, ntbh ~iI.I ls dap,~!J us eO.fld,i U1.~nt L!i tll,! q Lt.!1m lectus': metus, slr arnet ul trlcles lee quam quls dlam, .i t:). et purus eu vellt pre tlum J:'!):!:L.!."\Lm_ .P!1.J1.8,~tesql1~',. lp snm ;!!i:l:·d gh.3t.i.>E':r JWl1.Lt:1l.Lt:r.I aes t,

L~:rl::!'m iP;Sl,i.i.Ll dolor 5,Lt arnet , COt1.Si::'i,:t~'E ur <lalpuu'iiflg elit, l.itlt.tgf'J' matris lee ac s ern ft'l~'Lg,! Ita, ve-hi,c,LI la, Denee tei:1:liP'i}r m.:1:S~<Jj leo, IN ullam ~H amet Hguh tellus, QLti]sq~J-e s,il .!Iir.Ll-:::~ urna L:I');)§.,Pe] [entesq LIe' C!J~,dj tIlC'i1:tILU'M, nlbh qms daptbus C"C1n.di,j w,cntLull r q ua.!;1} lect L.l!S trlsttque metus, s~~ amet ultricies lee quara quls dlam. trl, et PL1l!i'LIS e LL vel tt pretlum ttl l rum, ,Pe.l,t!i!'.l'ltegqu~',. Jp'SU!r11 an.d ~haUe:r ,I umlnum aest.

Fotografos ,_ Man Ray; Henri Cartier-Bresson; Sebastiao Salgado. <RobysOfi, 'nle ~ju,da?'>

Lit e ·r.· a rtura .. (Redat ores) - Co ... :·r· 'a C-o ... ira li n a !!I C'-.'~!,a- ri c •. ·.e,·· Lispcc t .0·.' r:

, , ,. .".. . ., '" ~'.. . ,Jl. ~ _ '" . . . . '" H •• , f. '_ ..Iii.. . , .,

I-lild.a Hilst, ~J,oselYI me ajtrda,?>

Diretor de arte (Designers) ,_ Andy 'Wa.r,h,ol; Everaldo Coelho; David Carson, <.fdbi'01 n1e aiuda?»


Materia sobre n,atur'ezaLslls' enta'b ~lida,de

Equipe realiza pesquisa sobre sustenrabilidade na internet, depois visita 0 valao em um dia de sol para fotografa-lo de

I' '" Alb d £' A • d ~ .

varIIOS an,gu, os, uscan ,0 rcrcrcncias . a pesqulsa na In er-

net, Entrevista e fo ografa pessoas proxirnas perguntando de onde vern 01 lixo do valao e se aq uilo faria 'bern para as g,era-

~5es futuras.


Entrevista com N'orlle,n Apelfeler

Redator (Super seriol rsrsrs.i.) liga para Ana Lucia, secrc aria de Norlen Ie agenda uma entrevista, pergunta sc pede ser aqui no espaco O'U na Diretoria Ide Seguranca Publica em VIana Sede, No dia da entrevista 0 grLlpo complete vai, 0 redator faz as perguntas 10 fotografo registra tude e 0 diretor de arte segu.ra 0 gravador e bota a caichola pra funcionar de como sera a diagramacao depois,


,I!:ii!' ,I'!j, ,i, iIdi ~U~ li'Qr ift1J; .~d ~"L;I!\~I~I!~'~ ~ C11~J!I!·~

';,;i!,d~l!'rit> i1.I,)iJ~~~


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