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March 4, 2011

To the State Representatives of the Great State of Mississippi:

RE: Reject the Proposed House Redistricting Plan of March 3, 2011

Dear Representative:

I am writing to ask in the strongest of terms that the current redistricting plan be voted down. We have many
concerns about the current plan, but what may be of the greatest concern is that it is being pushed through
quickly with so very little time for people of Mississippi to study it and comment.

I ask you to carefully consider the Congressional election of November 2010. One of the primary things that
had the American voter upset was Congress’s rushing through massive bills without carefully studying the
impact and the voices of the people. The slighting that the American People received had a major impact on
who was elected and who was voted out of office.

Our expectation of you is that the redistricting will reflect the interests and will of our communities. Some of
the districts in the current plan split small towns unnecessarily and remove schools from a city’s primary
district. In addition the map seems to reveal very deliberate gerrymandering that creates districts which make
no sense for the communities themselves.

Please vote AGAINST the current plan and insist on taking the time and thought to create a rational plan.

“It IS about our fundamental values.”

Chapters: 912Project Hattiesburg, Central Mississippi Tea Party, Laflore/Carroll Tea Party, Madison County Tea Party, Meridian Tea
Party, Starkville Tea Party, Southwest Mississippi Tea Party, Vicksburg Tea Party, We The People Congress of Pear River County,
and the Mississippi Gulf Coast 912 Project
A voluntary association of patriotic organizations speaking with a unified voice to the people of Mississippi.

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