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eyeOS 2.

3 Installation Manual

▪ Apache

Apache HTTP Server 2.x


MySQL-server and MySQL-client 5.x


php 5.2, or higher


1. Download eyeOS

If you have not got a copy of eyeOS you can dowload it just clicking this link eyeOS it will show
what file best fits your needs.

2. Unpack & Placement

2.1. Uncompress the downloaded package to your web directory you should see a folder named
eyeOS with 4 to 6 files and folders (depending on eyeOS version).

2.2. After we do that If we are On a Unix meshen we need to chmod 777 our eyeOS folder

2.3. Open a command prompt(terminal) Do as super user most do "sudo" or "su root"

EX. #sudo chown -R www-data.www-data /var/www/eyeOS (change www-data to your

apache user.)
EX. #sudo chmod 750 -R /var/www/eyeOS

replace /var/www/eyeOS as needed

3. Installation

3.1. Open your browser and navigate to

• On local Computer from home setup or Portable media


• On a Hoster

You should see a screen like this

3.2. Follow the instructions. If you have some System requirements not installed on your server,
please, take a look at Installation FAQ to know how install and configure them.

3.3. Fill the required information to finish the installation!

3.4. Configure the mod-rewrite on Apache

a2enmod rewrite

nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/default
Change, at <Directory /var/www/> the variable AllowOverride to All

3)Restart Apache
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart

3.5. Install exiftool in order to be able to extract mp3 infos

apt-get install libimage-exiftool-perl

3.6. Please remember to remove the install directory after a succesfull instalation.

But... I still have problems...

Please, visit the eyeOS Forums. There you will meet other eyeOS users and developers which will
help you!

Installation FAQ

I need the Curl extension

You have to run the following command

apt-get install php5-curl
I need the GD extension
You have to run the following command
apt-get install php5-gd

I need the Mbstring extension

Nothing. It comes with PHP5

I need the mcrypt extension

You have to run the following command

apt-get install php5-mcrypt

I need the Mysql extension

You have to run the following command

apt-get install php5-mysql

I need the Mysqli extension

You have to run the following command

apt-get install php5-mysql

I need the SQLite extension

You have to run the following command

apt-get install php5-sqlite

I need the PDO extension

You have to run the following command

apt-get install php-db

I need the PDO Mysql Driver

You have to run the following command

apt-get install pdo-mysql

I need the PDO Sqlite Driver

You have to run the following command

apt-get install pdo-sqlite

I need Python
You have to run the following command
apt-get install python-support

I need Python Uno

You have to run the following command

apt-get install python-uno

I have problems with PHP.ini.

Configure PHP.ini:
• error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE
• display_errors = Off
• max_execution_time = 30
• max_input_time = 60
• memory_limit = 128M
• post_max_size = 200M
• upload_max_filesize = 100M
• allow_url_fopen = On
• disable_functions =
• safe_mode = Off
• short_open_tag = On
• magic_quotes_runtime = Off
• file_uploads = On

I need Recoll

You have to run the following command

apt-get install recoll

I need the Open Office Deamon

You have to run the following command

apt-get install
• Be sure www-data is able to write his own home (take a look at /etc/passwd to find out
www-data's home, and set the right permissions if needed)
• OpenOffice daemon must be launched by www-data user, by doing:
'su www-data'
'soffice "-accept=socket,host=localhost,port=2002;urp;" -headless'

If it does not work, then we need the X server; in a debian based system, we can fix this
problem by doing:
'apt-get install xvfb'
'soffice "-accept=socket,host=localhost,port=2002;urp;" -headless -display :1.0'

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