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This survey aims to identify the acceptability of dimsum products to market

on a food cart. It is useful to introduce vegetables as a substitute to meat snacks so
we utilize the dimsum products with vegetables rather than the meat on its own,
since it is an effective way yo encourage people of young age to eat vegetables in
small amounts as a starting routine.

DIRECTIONS: Put an (x) on the answer of your choice.

1. Are you fond of eating dimsums?

___ Yes ___ No ___ Not Much

2. Do you eat vegetables?

___ Yes ___ No

If yes, how often?

___ Daily

___ Weekly

___ Sometimes

___ Never

If no, state your reason.

___ I am not used in eating vegetables/ It is not included in my eating habits.

___ I don’t like the taste of vegetables.

___ Others: (Please specify) __________________________________________________

3. Have you tried or tasted dimsum with vegetables?

___ Yes ___ No

4. Which do you prefer?

___ Dimsums with vegetables

___ Dimsums with meat

5. What health benefits do you know about vegetables?


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