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Advise client to take medicine as prescribed by the Physician. Medicines used to treat pneumonia may
include antibiotics to cure the infection.
-Medicine: Cefuroxime 500mg BID, Albuterol Sulfate 1 tab

Take adequate rest. If tolerated, do light exercises such as walking. And also do deep breathing and
coughing exercise.

Medications should be taken exactly as prescribed by a physician. If it is not helping, call the doctor. Do
not quit taking it unless told to do so by a doctor. Nebulization as ordered by the doctor. Always change
position to facilitate drainage and mobilization of secretions.

Comply with the treatment regimen: place the client in a comfortable position. Encourage deep
breathing and cough exercises.

Comply with the scheduled follow-up check up. Even though the patient feels better, his lungs may still
be infected. It’s important to have the doctor monitor his progress.

Eat healthy and nutritious food. Eat fruits rich in vitamin C or take vitamin C to increase the resistance of
the client against infection. Increase fluid intake if not contraindicated to the patient. Increase fluid
intake to 2,500to 3000ml per day to help liquefy secretion.

Pray for faster recovery.

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