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Deep and critical reading guide

1) The main purpose of the text is to:

(Try to write as clearly as possible the author’s purpose for writing the article. What, in your view, was the author
trying to accomplish in writing this paper?)

2) The key problem the author is addressing:

(What is the main problem or issue the author is trying to solve or address? Why is this important?)

3) The most important ideas and/or arguments in this article is:

(What are some of the most important ideas and/or arguments being presented by the author? What is he using to
support these ideas or arguments?)

4) The main assumption(s) underlying the author’s thinking is:

(What is the author taking for granted [that might be questione]). Assumptions are general statements that the author
does not think he has to defend in his paper, and they are usually unstated.)

5) If we take this line of reasoning seriously, what are the implications:

(What would happen if people take the author’s writings seriously? What would happen if
people ignore what the author is saying? Here you need to think about long term
results/implications of the author’s position. You should include long-term results/implications
that the author states, if you believe them to be reasonable. Either way, you should do your
best thinking to determine what you think the long term results/implications may mean.)

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