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Teacher: What is A + B?
Student: It¶s me Abby!
Teacher: No, it actually C. Ok, Abby what¶s B+Z?
Student: BUSY!
Teacher: ?!?!?
(She is not being rude; bee+zee=busy)

Teacher: Why are you late today?

Sam: I was rushing but then I saw a signboard in front of school!

Teacher: Good, you are aware of the rules of the road. But what does the sign say?
Sam: Slow down! School ahead.

Discipline teacher: Are you chewing gum?

Student: No teacher, you got the wrong boy, I¶m Abdul Malik!

Teacher: Ali, tell me a sentence that starts with I .

Ali: I is..............
Teacher: ³I´ will only followed by ³am´.
Ali: I am the ninth letter in the alphabet.

Teacher: Students, dengue is on arise! What prevention measures can be taken to prevent
diseases that are caused by biting insects?
Student: Just don¶t bite any!

One day at the zoo.

Mum: Son, that is the 12-foot snake!

Son: Mummy, I think you should go to kindergarten with me.

Mum: Why?
Son: Snakes have no feet.

Teacher: What is the chemical formula for water?

Sarah: ³HIJKLMNO´!!
Teacher: What are you talking about?
Sarah: Yesterday, you said it¶s H to O!

Physics Teacher: ³Isaac Newton was sitting under a tree when an apple fell on his head and he
discovered gravity. Isn¶t that wonderful?´
Student: ³Yes sir. If he had been sitting in class looking at books like us, he wouldn¶t have
discovered anything.´

Silvia: Dad, can you write in the dark?

Father: I think so. What do you want me to write?
Silvia: Your name on this report card.

Great news, teacher says we have a test today come rain or shine.
So what¶s so great about that?
It¶s snowing outside!

Student A: My teacher caned me for something I didn¶t do.

Student B: That¶s bad.
Student A: Well, I didn¶t do my homework.

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