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Create a Table Emp12 with empno as primary key and salary with the check
constraint salary should always greater than 200

Query the above Constraint name,type and status

2.List the Employee Name and Hire date with the next monday & after the sixth
month date . date format appears as "twenty-second june 1981"

3. Disable the above check constraint and enable it(Write the Statements)

4. Update the Job,manager and Salary of Employee 114 to match the job of
employee 205 , manager of 188 and the salary of Employee 108

5. create a user named 'Test11' and give the particular privilage to populate
the SCOTT's emp table.

Revoke all the privilages(Write the Statements) .

6. List the dept id, deptname, average salary , total salary departmentwise
and average salary should be greater than 900

7.Display the details of the employees who are managed by the same manager as
the employees with the the first name of "John" and work in the same
department as the employees with the first name of "John"

8.Find all the employees who earn more than average salary in their
department(Use Correlated Subquery)

9.Create a sequence for Purchase Table for puchase order number starting with
1000 and with max value 10000. Also display the current value and next value.

10.Insert the empid , sal to special_all table , insert empid,hiredate,sal to

sal_history table , insert empid, mgr,sal to mgr_history table using emp table
where empid is 125 and salary greater than above 2000 (using insert all)

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