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Adrienne the Inspiring

  Akiko the Alert

  Anchorite Ceyla

  Anchorite Jaliah

Anchorite Karja

  Domona the Ever-Watchful

  Elementalist Psyrin


 Feera Quickshot

 First Responder Avaressa

  Gladiator Loraala


  Huntress Xenia

  Ixiya the Attuned


 Kana Nassis

 Kindara Mindflayer

Kylanda the Harmonious


  Loraala the Frigid

 Moala Stonebinder

  Rysa the Earthcaller

 Xanata the Lightsworn

(death knight )

  Drandus the Deathcaller

Koltira Deathweaver

 Whitney Gravecaller

  Troggbane, Axe of the Frostborne King

  Warmace of Menethil
 Saeryn Dusksorrow

 Voldrethar, Dark Blade of Oblivion

Demon pet

  Xia, Queen of Suffering




Silea Dawnwalker

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