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How to Make a Homemade Kitchen Counter 

Kitchen counters create a huge impact when it comes to kitchen style.  This is where almost all of the
food preparation is done. Good kitchen counters must be convenient and comfortable to work in. It
should allow you to reach objects from afar at your convenience. Most kitchen counters are installed on
top of cabinets. There are some that are place to make room for installation of other cooking materials
such as sinks, stoves and cook tops. Some even put accessories such as cutting and drain boards. Here’s
a guide on how to make your own home made kitchen counter. 

What you need:

 Hardwood (oak or maple)

 Steel tape

 Concrete

 Epoxy

 Power sander

 Back splash

 Nails

 Hammer

 Damp cloth

 Wet wipes

 Water proof lacquer 


Step 1- Choosing an area

Decide on where to build your countertop. You can build one right on the kitchen cabinet.

Step 2- Take measurements

Using a steel tape, get all the needed lengths, widths and heights. Take the measurements of the
cabinet. Measure the space of where your kitchen counter should be. Make sure to make it as precise as
possible. This is important for shopping wood as your counter. 

Step 3- Choosing a countertop

This is the time where your research skills are put to a test. Check at your local home improvements
shops. Find the perfect wood that suits your taste. Try searching on its style, durability and
concreteness. Make a thorough examination before buying the wood. Use wood material that would not
crack and give in easily to marks when an object is dropped into it. Use a wood with a hard surface such
as a maple or oak. Avoid the wood with a soft surface such as pine.  

Step 4- Attaching the wood for the countertop

Cut wood with the use of a power sander. Be sure to do a triple check with the measurements you have
before cutting the wood. After cutting it, clean the area where the countertop is to be attached. Remove
dust and debris surrounding it. Attach wood with the use of hammer and nails. Fasten wood tightly.

Step 5- Put on the back splash

Add in the backsplash. Make sure it fits perfectly against the wall. You could either use readymade
backsplash or tiles. Use concrete or epoxy in attaching tiles to kitchen counter.

Step 6- Doing the finishing touches

Once everything is in place snugly, start gluing these items in. Clean the countertop with a wet wipe to
remove dusts. Use epoxy for small areas that needs gluing. Make sure to remove excess glue from the
counter and backsplash. Once the counter is dry enough, do some necessary clean up. Use a damp cloth
in cleaning the counter. Brush in a waterproof lacquer. Examine the installation and allow it to dry


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