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Trigger 3 Further findings from the food items eaten by the workers are as below:

Ate food (Expose) Didn’t eat (Unexpose)

No. Type Infected Total population Attack Rate1(%) Infected Total population Attack Rate2(%) Attack Rate1-Attack Rate
1 Mee goreng 30 310 (30/310)*100=9.63 15 300 (15/300)*100=5.00 9.63-5.00=4.63
2 Mee tiau 20 250 8 10 150 6.67 8.00-6.67=1.33
3 Roti canai 50 100 50 30 300 10 50.00-10.00=40.00
4 Nasi kerabu 10 150 6.67 5 200 2.5 6.67-2.50=4.17
5 Sirap bandung 70 120 58.33 10 250 4 58.33-4.00=54.33
6 The-O ice 30 250 12 10 230 4.35 12.00-4.35=7.65
The highest attack rate is sirap bandung with attack rate 54.33. This indicates that the highest probability for source of infection is from sirap bandung.

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