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If time ever told me that I could only have one last thing to say to you, one final plea

to try and make

you understand how it is I feel… it wouldn’t be ‘I love you.’ It wouldn’t be ‘this was all pre-destined.’ And
it wouldn’t be ‘one day you’ll regret this decision.’ Although it would be heart wrenching, I would look
into your eyes and say ‘to love is to find freedom in its truest sense. And I would only hope one day you
are able to let yourself be enveloped by the full intensity of that emotion.’ Those would be my final
words of good-bye to you. It is only then that hope will have finally faded away and courage would help
me go on. But always know a part of me will say: ’soul wants you, heart needs you. For you I am willing
to try.

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