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Oral cancer

Def.: term used to describe

any malignancy arising in oral
:characterizrd by
Suppressor genes
Oral cancer is one of the ten leading
.cancer in the world

.Occurs usually in old age

The most common type of oral cancer is


.Statistics of affected cases in the world

:Carcinoma of
.the floor of the mouth
.the buccal mucosa
.the palate
.the tongue
.the gingiva
.the lip
:Staging (T.N.M)
Stage I: T1 N0 M0
Stage II: T2 N0 M0
Stage III : T3 N0 M0, any T except
.Stage IV: any T4 ,any N2,N3,anyM1
:Regulatory approach-1
.Increased taxes on tobacco
.Print warning
.Use media for healthy warning against use
.Ban on advertising
:Educational approach-2
Modifying habbits &-
:eliminate causes
:Primary prevention )a(
.Eliminate tobacco use
Reducing excessive alcohol
.Reducing excessive exposure to sunlight
.Greater intake of fruits& vegetables
.Organizations & governments-
Educational programmes for dentists-
to increase awareness
.Chemo prevention -

:Secondary prevention)b(
By patients (Mouth self examination) -
.Burning sensation or numbness of tongue
.Patches not rubbed off
.Brown /black pigmentations
.Difficulty in chewing/swallowing
.BY dentists: common sites ,LN, whole mucosa-
:Service approach-3
Laboratory diagnosis e.g-
.biopsy ,oral brush biopsy
Oral brush biopsy: (oral CDx) )a(
gathering cellular sample of
suspicious areas and sending it to
.lab for computer analysis
Incisional )b(
Excisional )c(
Drill biopsy )d(
:Technical diagnosis-
They’re important in premalignant
lesions which are difficult to
.identify in visual examination
They don’t use harmful ionizing
.radiation as X-rays do
Spectroscopy: It illuminates-1
tissues with one or more
wavelengths /colors of light , then
analyses spectrum of remitted light

Fluorescence imaging: -2
Illuminates tissues with blue / UV
Normal tissues appear green while
.Neoplastic lesions appear darker

:Nanotechnology -3
Electrons on surface of nanoparticles
interact with photons )gold/silver(
.producing unique effects
Optical coherence -3
Provides detailed image of the
.structure layers of tissues

:Confocal microscopy -4
Laser is used for illumination, images of
cellular detail can be obtained to
.specific tissue depths

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