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Childbearing women experience varying worrying that even a small amount of drug will
levels of pain and other demanding sensations reach the fetus. They also allow the patient to
during labor and birth. The pain associated gain an enhanced sense of control over her
with the first stage of labor is unique in that it childbirth experience by feeling safe and
accompanies a normal physiologic process secure in the process (Beal, 1999).
(Ladewig, 2006).
Complementary medicine can be of
Moreover, pain in labor, varies from great help in alleviating pain in laboring
mother to mother in the strength of uterine mothers. In this case, other non-invasive and
contractions and degree of cervical dilatations. non-pharmacologic interventions such as
The pain is more likely caused by the changing acupressure can be used to minimize pain and
of the shape of the uterus rather than the baby anxiety. Not known to many, acupressure is a
pressing through the birth canal. This is a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) which
natural process that women experience in introduced several techniques that have been
order to give life (Simkin & Bolding, 2004). effectively used not only to alleviate pain but
also to facilitate labor. Primarily, the principle of
Although there is a major concern on traditional Chinese medicine is to balance and
intrapartum pain management of pregnant harmonize a person¶s two conflicting energies,
mothers in labor, their safety should not be Yin and Yang, to preserve health. Moreover,
neglected with the use of various TCM explains there are channels of energy
pharmacologic treatments that may impose running through the body. This energy
side effects and risks to both mother and baby. facilitates bodily functions enhancing blood
The use of these drugs are of concern due to flow and nourishing tissues. Any impediments
the known and unknown effects of the in these energy flows can cause disturbances
medications on the fetus; thus, prescribing which may lead to illness (Lee et al., 2004).
medication for pregnant women requires
knowledge of teratogenicity and fetal and It is said, that there are certain points in
neonatal effects that may be associated with our body in which Qi or vital force flows. By
the drugs given (Hansen, et al., 2002). manipulating these points or meridians, it is
Therefore, it is important for nurses to use non- believed that it will bring harmony and balance
pharmacologic pain relieving measures such to the system. One way of manipulating the
as touch and acupressure that may be flow of Qi to the meridians is by acupressure,
particularly satisfactory to women in labor (Lee, which is the application of constant pressure
et al., 2004). Non-pharmacologic measures on certain anatomic points. Acupressure is a
may be beneficial to women in labor without non-invasive technique that returns the levels
of vital energy of the body, Qi, thus The Technique for SP6 Acupressure were as
harmonizing the free flow of Qi of women in follows:
labor (Beal, 1998). These channels have a 1. The subjects under the experimental
great effect on pregnancy because the most group were asked to position in left
common disturbance during labor and delivery lateral.
is the obstruction of these channels (Cook and 2. Then, the doctor/midwife assessed
Wilcox, 1997). the dilatation of the cervix. Cervical
dilatation of 7cm signaled the start of the
Acupressure on SP6 point may help to initial assessment.
induce labor and manage various 3. After the initial assessment, two
gynecological and obstetrical dysfunctions. researchers conducted the intervention
SP6 acupoint is located at the spleen meridian on the experimental group. Researcher
(from above the tip of the inner malleolus to the (a) monitored the contractions while
posterior border of the tibia) (Lian, et al., 2000). researcher (b) applied the pressure on
the SP6 acupoint in each leg. During
Acupressure on the SP6 acupoint is periods of no contraction, researcher (b)
believed to stimulate the release of oxytocin asked the subjects of the experimental
from the pituitary gland, which in turn group if the pressure that was applied
stimulates uterine contractions to enhance the by the researcher was able to generate
labor process or to manage labor pain (Beal, a numbing effect which was caused by
1999). the desired pressure. Any painful
Although there have been many reports sensation felt by the subject was an
of acupressure having substantial effects, the indication of too much pressure applied.
researchers have no knowledge of any existing 4. For the experimental group,
study done here in the Philippines. These researcher (b) stood at the feet of
factors prompted the researchers to conduct women in labor. Researcher (b)
the study, which aims to determine the effects positioned at the available side of the
of SP6 acupressure in pain and duration of subject and located the SP6 acupoint by
labor of multigravidas at selected lying-in measuring four-finger widths (patient¶s
clinics and hospital in Metro Manila. fingers) from above the tip of the inner
malleolus to the posterior border of the
r  tibia. For the application of acupressure,
researcher (b) used his/her thumb with
The study utilized a quantitative, quasi- cupped hands in applying pressure on
experimental design. This study was the lateral side of the distal tibia.
conducted in two lying-in clinics of the Manila Researcher (a) began monitoring the
Health Department and one government subject at the start of the application of
hospital in Metro Manila. A total of thirty (30) pressure by researcher (b). For every
subjects was obtained; wherein fifteen (15) contraction that the researcher (a)
was assigned in the control group and fifteen identified, researcher (b) increased the
(15) for the experimental group. Probability depth of pressure applied. The pressure
simple random sampling using fish bowl that was applied should be enough to
technique and draw lots assignment to generate a numbing effect. And for
experimental and control group were done. every periods of no contraction,
The study utilized the Visual Analogue Scale researcher (b) lightened the application
(VAS) which measures pain with the ratings of pressure but still with minimal
from 0-10 in which higher scores indicate more pressure. Researcher (b) continued to
pain. In addition, an interview was conducted apply the treatment until the thirty-
to further validate the pain scale score. minute period has expired.

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 " #$ 

In the initial assessment, three subjects had subjects of the control group felt increased;
a pain score of 5/10; three had a pain score of 6/10; however, from the 15-minute mark to 30 minutes
five had a pain score of 7/10; two had a pain score after intervention, the level of pain remained
of 8/10; one had a pain score of 9; and one had constant. On the other hand, upon initial
pain score of 10/10. Fifteen minutes (15) after the assessment to the 15-minute mark, the level of pain
intervention, two subjects had a pain score of 6/10; that five subjects of the control group remained
five had a pain score of 7/10; one had a pain score constant; however, from the 15-minute mark to 30
of 8/10; five had a pain score of 9/10 and two had a minutes after intervention, the level of pain
pain score of 10/10. Thirty minutes (30) after increased. The last one subject had a pain score of
intervention, four subjects had a pain score of 7/10; 10 throughout the three phases. Generally, when
three had a pain score of 8/10; three had a pain compared to the control group, the labor pain
score of 9/10; and five had a pain score of 10/10. scores of the experimental group were lower.
Most (8 out of 15) subjects experienced a gradual These differences in the level of pain of the
increase in the labor pain scores. The gradual subjects can also be attributed to labor pain, as a
increase in the labor pain scores can be subjective and intricate experience resulting from
simultaneously correlated with the progression of the interaction of the physiological and
labor of the subjects. Upon initial assessment to 15 psychosocial aspects of the body. Pain
minutes after the intervention, level of pain that five experienced during labor is unique and highly
individualized (Chung, et. al, 2003).

r %  



  6.87±1.46 8.00±1.36 8.60±1.24

Table 1 shows the computation for the

mean pain scores of the control group during initial group obtained a mean of 6.87± 1.46 during initial
assessment, 15 minutes after the application of assessment; 8.00 ± 1.36 45 minutes after initial
acupressure and 30 minutes after the application of assessment and 8.60 ± 1.24 60 minutes after initial
acupressure. The mean pain score of the assessment. Both attention and distraction can
experimental influence the perception of pain. When pain
sensation is the focus attention, perceived intensity acupoints with some local redness, and sweating.
is greater. A sensory stimulus can be a distraction These are normal responses to the treatment and
that focuses the woman¶s attention on the stimulus need not cause concern for they will spontaneously
rather than the pain. This explains some of the disappear. Moreover a study conducted by Lee. et
verbalizations of the subjects that ³mas nawawala al. (2004) also utilized the use of SP6 acupressure
yung sakit kapag nakapindot ka´. When the and SP6 touch to alleviate the pain of women in
subjects were asked if the intervention was helpful, labor. Their study presented a statistically
one subject verbalized ³Medyo nabawasan ang significant difference in labor pain scores between
hilab na nararamdaman ko sa tiyan pero the SP6 acupressure group and SP6 touch group
nakaramdam ako ng pamamanhid sa mga binti ko´. which means that SP6 acupressure according to
According to Chan (2005), after acupressure their study can lower the perceived pain compared
patients may feel hot, sore, and numb around the to SP6 touch.

 c c( cc



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c  c


c  c



c c 


 " &$ 

In the initial assessment, one subject had a had a pain score of 10/10. Subjects who had a pain
pain score of 5/10; three had a pain score of 6/10; score of 10/10 manifested facial grimacing,
six had a pain score of 7/10; three had a pain score frequent shouting and moaning. A subject with the
of 8 and two had pain score of 10/10. The subjects same score verbalized, ³I-cesarean niyo na ko. Di
who scored 5/10 and 6/10 were quiet, could still ko na kaya!´ Eleven out of 15 subjects experienced
smile, and verbalized, ³Kaya ko pa naman yung a gradual increase in the labor pain scores. The
sakit.´ The two subjects who scored 10/10 at the gradual increase in the labor pain scores can be
initial assessment were easily irritated, and were simultaneously correlated with the progression of
requesting for an anesthesia and painless delivery. labor of the subjects (Ladewig, 2006). Niven (2000)
Forty five minutes after the initial assessment, one suggested that women do not completely forget
subject had a pain score of 6/10; one had a pain labor pain, and recall is often vivid but not always
score of 7/10; seven had a pain score of 8/10; four entirely accurate. The level of pain that two
had a pain score of 9/10 and two had a pain score subjects of the control group felt increased 45
of 10/10. The subjects who scored 6/10 and 7/10 minutes after the initial assessment; however, from
displayed face grimacing only during uterine the 45-minute mark to 60 minutes after initial
contraction. While the subjects who scored 10/10 assessment, the level of pain remained constant.
still continued to be irritable and persisted on The remaining two subjects had a pain score of 10
having a painless vaginal delivery. Sixty minutes throughout the three phases.
after initial assessment, four subjects had a pain 
score of 8/10; five had a pain score of 9/10 and six

r %  



  7.27±1.39 8.33±1.05 9.13±0.83


The mean pain score of the control group basis for this. Pain in the first stage of labor is
obtained a mean of 7.27± 1.39 during initial primarily attributed to the dilatation of the cervix,
assessment; 8.33 ± 1.05 45 minutes after initial other secondary sources of pain are stretching of
assessment and 9.13 ± 0.83 60 minutes after initial the lower uterine segment, pressure on the
assessment. It can be seen on the table that there adjacent tissues and hypoxia of uterine muscles
is a gradual increase in the labor pain scores of the during contraction (Blackburn, 2003).
subjects. According to Ladewig (2006), the gradual  
increase in the labor pain scores can be The results showed that even if the chosen
simultaneously correlated with the progression of subjects were multigravidas, which means that they
labor of the subjects. Moreover, childbearing have had a past experience of labor pain, the mean
women experience varying levels of pain and other pain scores were all above the moderate level in
demanding sensations during labor and birth reference to the VAS. This implies that more or
(Ladewig, 2006). Although the perception of pain less, parturients will need interventions for labor
varies among the subjects, there is a physiologic pain. 



r    ,

+. +.

 7.27± 1.39 1.9321 15

28 0.77 0.4477 2.048
  6.87± 1.46 2.1316 15


  0.77 < 2.048

* ! 


The experimental group obtained a mean of is done on both groups and subjects from
6.87± 1.46, while the control group has a mean of both groups belong to same inclusion criteria, thus
7.27±1.39. At a 0.05 level of significance, a T-stat/t- asserting homogeneity of the sample population.
value of 0.77 was obtained. The Tcrit (two-tailed) is This homogeneity is verified by the result of the t-
2.048. Since the statistical t of 0.77 is less than the test of the age, gravidity, educational attainment
Tcrit (two-tailed) of 2.048, by conventional criteria and pre natal check-ups of the subjects. Moreover,
this difference is considered to be not statistically the lack of significant difference between the
significant. The result obtained is somehow groups will provide a good comparison in the
expected since at initial assessment no intervention succeeding time points since the mean labor pain
scores have a small disparity and they all started at
the same level of pain. 



r   "
" ,
     +. +. 



  8.33± 1.05 1.1025 15
28 0.7513 0.4587 2.048
  8.00± 1.36 1.8496 15

  0.7513 < 2.048
earlier time period used in their studies. This
The experimental group obtained a mean of implies that earlier time period should be used in
8.00± 1.36, while the control group has a mean of the application of SP6 acupressure to be able to
8.33± 1.05. At a 0.05 level of significance, a T- fully assess the pain relieving effect. Lee, et al
stat/t-value of 0.75 was obtained. The Tcrit (two- started measuring the pain scores at latent phase
tailed) is 2.048. Since the statistical t of 0.75 is less (3 cm) while this study started at transitional phase
than Tcrit (two-tailed) of 2.048, by conventional (7 cm). In this case a higher pain scores are
criteria this difference is considered to be not obtained in this study and a small disparity in the
statistically significant. The result in this part is scores were noted since it is already the last phase
somehow contradictory to studies conducted by of the first stage of labor. In the transition phase the
Chung, et al (2003) and Lee, et al (2004). Their contractions gradually occur more frequently, and
results presented a significant difference between the pain becomes severe or unbearable
the mean labor scores at all time points. The (McDonald, 2005).
contradiction in the results can be attributed to an

* #$ 




r   "
" ,
   "    % 


  9.13± 0.83 0.6889 15

28 1.3807 0.1783 2.048
8.60± 1.24 1.5376 15

  1.3807 < 2.048
The experimental group obtained a mean of longer time to evaluate the pain relieving effects of
8.60± 1.24, while the control group has a mean of acupressure beyond 30 minutes after intervention.
9.13± 0.83. At a 0.05 level of significance, a T- According to Wong et al (2010), a reduction in pain
stat/t-value of 1.38 was obtained. The Tcrit (two- intensity could be felt more after 30 minutes, 1 hour
tailed) is 2.048. Since the Tcrit (two-tailed) of 2.048 and 2 hours after SP6 acupressure. This could
is greater than the statistical t of 0.18, by explain the lack of significance in the result of this
conventional criteria this difference is considered to study, because the researchers failed to measure
be not statistically significant. This result is the pain beyond the 30 minute mark after the
contradictory from a parallel study conducted by intervention. The researchers failed to measure the
Lee et al. The study conducted by Lee presented pain 30 minutes after intervention/ 60 minutes after
significant differences at all time points following initial assessment because most of the subjects
their intervention. However, their study applied have already delivered the fetus at this time.
acupressure on SP6 point at an earlier phase of
labor, which is 3 cm dilatation and applied it 
continuously for 30 minutes. Therefore, they have a

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c c 






 % 2 å  

For the experimental group, three (20%) out had ninety three minutes. On the other hand, for
of fifteen had a labor duration of 20 minutes from 7 the control group, one (4%) respondent had
cm to full dilatation. One (4%) respondent had a acquired a labor duration of thirty five minutes. One
duration time of 22 minutes. One (4%) had thirty (4%) had forty minutes. One (4%) had forty five
one minutes. One (4%) had thirty five minutes. One minutes. One (4%) had fifty five minutes. Two
(4%) had forty minutes. One (4%) had fifty three (13%) had fifty seven minutes. Three (20%) had
minutes. One (4%) had fifty five minutes. One (4%) sixty five minutes. One (4%) had sixty seven
had sixty minutes. One (4%) had seventy two minutes. One (4%) had seventy five minutes and
minutes. One (4%) had ninety minutes. One (4%) lastly, one (4%) had eighty three minutes.
Figure 4.a shows that the experimental (SP6 acupressure on the SP6 acupoint is an effective
acupressure) group has shorter labor duration time technique in decreasing the labor duration time
from 7 cm to full dilatation compared to the control from 7 cm to full dilatation.
group. This suggests that application of

 c  ci
c cc
"  c c cc c 
! c  cc#c c! c

c ˜
  ˜  !   c



c c 







In the experimental group, one (4%) out of minutes. One (4%) had twenty two minutes. One
fifteen had a labor duration of 5 minutes from full (4%) had twenty three minutes. One (4%) had
dilatation to the delivery of the fetus. One (4%) twenty four minutes. One (4%) had twenty five
respondent had a duration time of 7 minutes. One minutes. One (4%) had twenty seven minutes. One
(4%) had 9 minutes. One (4%) had 10 minutes. (4%) had twenty nine minutes. One (4%) had forty
One (4%) had 12 minutes. Then, two (13%) had minutes. One (4%) had forty two minutes. And
fifteen minutes. Two (13%) had nineteen minutes. lastly, one (4%) had sixty five minutes. The data
One (4%) had 20 minutes. One (4%) had twenty shows that among the 15 respondents in the
two minutes. One (4%) had twenty five minutes. experimental group, only one respondent exceeded
Two (13%) had thirty five minutes. And then one the labor duration time from full dilatation to delivery
(4%) had eighty four minutes. On the other hand, of fetus as compared to the control group. This
for the control group, one (4%) respondent had implies that majority (14 out of 15: 93%) of the
acquired a labor duration of ten minutes. One (4%) subjects under the experimental group who had
had fifteen minutes. One (4%) had seventeen received the SP6 acupressure had a shorter labor
minutes. One (4%) had eighteen minutes. One duration time full dilatation to delivery of fetus than
(4%) had twenty minutes. One (4%) had twenty one those in the control group. 





2 å"  "
"   +


  59.27 ±12.43 26.53 ± 13.61

  44.27 ± 25.15 22.13 ± 19.34

There were 30 subjects who participated belief acupressure has been used frequently to
wherein a total mean score of 59.27 ±12.43 was enhance labor, manage labor pain, and shorten
obtained from the control group and 44.27 ± 25.15 delivery time. Further, acupressure may stimulate
for the experimental group from 7cm to full the release of oxytocin from the pituitary gland
dilatation. The data were arranged from the which directly stimulates uterine contractions thus
shortest to longest labor duration time in minutes enhances the progression of labor (Chung, 2003).
for both the control and experimental group. In
general, the experimental group has a shorter There were 30 subjects who participated
mean labor duration time compared to the control wherein a total mean score of 26.53 ± 13.61 was
group primarily because acupressure treatment has obtained from the control group and 22.13± 19.34
a positive effect on the duration of labor, namely by for the experimental group from full dilatation to
shortening the first stage of labor (Lee, et al., delivery of the newborn. The data were arranged
2004). According to the meridian theory, labor is from the shortest to longest labor duration time in
viewed as a consequence of imbalance of two minutes for both the control and experimental
energy entities and this imbalance may be group. Among the 15 subjects in the experimental
corrected by utilizing acupressure. Based on this group, only one subject exceeded the labor
duration time from full dilatation to delivery of fetus
as compared to the control group.

+ r  



 % 2 å  

" ,
   "    % 
   - +. +.
 59.27± 12.43 154.5049 15

28 2.0711 0.0477 2.048
  44.27± 25.15 632.5225 15



2.0711 > 2.048


The experimental group obtained a mean of of 59.27± 12.43. At a 0.05 level of significance, a T-
44.27 ± 25.15, while the control group has a mean stat/t-value of 2.07 was obtained. The Tcrit (two-
tailed) is 2.048. Since the statistical t of 2.07 is acupuncture on length of labor and maternal blood
greater than Tcrit (two-tailed) of 2.048, by levels of interleukin-s, prostaglandin F2-Į, and ȕ-
conventional criteria this difference is considered to endorphins, substances known to be involved in the
be statistically significant. This result is consistent process of cervical ripening and dilation.
with Lee et al¶s, 2004 study wherein they also Acupressure on these acupoints is believed to
presented a significant difference during the first stimulate the release of oxytocin from the pituitary
stage of labor wherein their experimental group gland, which, in turn, stimulates uterine
acquired a mean of 108.3 ± 52.1 minutes and 146.3 contractions to enhance the labor process or to
± 60.7 for the control group and obtained a t stat of manage labor pain (Cook and Wilcox, 1997).
-2.689. Zeisler et al. (1998) and Tempfer et al.
(1998) reported that acupuncture also shortened The application of acupressure on the SP6
the duration of the first stage of labor. Zeisler et al. acupoint is proven to hasten the first stage of labor
(1998) suggested that acupuncture treatment could and in turn, can be utilized as an intervention for
be recommended as a form of childbirth laboring women to feel empowered with their
preparation because of its positive affect on the pregnancy experience. Also, it may be implied that
duration of labor, namely by shortening the first a shortened first stage of labor can lead to lesser
stage of labor. Tempfer et al. (1998) reported on a pain sensation during labor since the suffering of
matched-pair study of the effects of prenatal laboring mothers will likewise be reduced.

* "  "
3 0




" ,

  26.53± 13.61 13.61 185.2321 15
  22.13± 19.34 19.34 374.0356 15 28 0.7206 0.4771 2.048



0.7206 < 2.048


The experimental group obtained a mean of 22.13 stage labor) did not differ significantly between the
± 19.34, while the control group has a mean of two groups (t=-1.780, p=0.082). This result can be
26.53± 13.61. At a 0.05 level of significance, a T- attributed to the erratic nature of delivery of the
stat/t-value of 0.72 was obtained. The Tcrit (two- subjects. Although not statistically significant, the
tailed) is 2.048. Since the T-stat/t-value of 0.72 is mean labor duration time of the experimental group
greater than the statistical Tcrit (two-tailed) of 2.048, is still lower as compared to the control group.
by conventional criteria this difference is considered Based on this finding, SP6 acupressure to some
to be not statistically significant. This result is extent still has an effect on facilitating and
consistent other studies involving the use of SP6 decreasing the mean duration time of the second
acupressure. One example is the study conducted stage of labor.
by Lee on 2004 wherein the duration from full c c
cervical dilatation to delivery of the fetus (second
))4  This intervention could be
implemented by the administration as part
Based on the findings of this study, of the protocol in giving care to patients who
the application of acupressure on the are in labor in accordance to the policies,
Sanjinyao point 6 (SP6) in laboring women standards and goals of the hospital and
proves to be an effective intervention in provided through in-service training and
decreasing the duration of labor from continuing education for those nurses
transition phase (7 cm) to full dilatation. looking to improve on their professional
However, acupressure showed no growth and competency in the management
significant effect on labor pain level and on of DR patients.
labor duration from full dilatation to fetal 

In the instance that SP6 SP6 acupressure or Complementary

acupressure statistically revealed no Medicine, in general, could be incorporated
significant effect in decreasing pain in the course outline of the nursing
sensation among laboring mothers, it was curriculum, specifically as an elective,
still effective in relieving the painful effects because it promotes individualistic care in a
of labor based on the subjective decrease of patient-centered approach which nursing
scores in the visual analog scale as pointed students must develop within them as they
out by the subjects and as they have grow to become professional nurses.
verbalized through guided interview.

The researchers recommend that 
acupressure treatment could be a form of 1) The researchers recommend that
childbirth preparation because of its positive future studies be conducted in a longer
effect on the labor duration. Therefore, SP6 period of time and in different and wider
acupressure as an intervention has a big settings so as to gather more subjects. This
potential of success in various health will correspondingly have a significant effect
settings if used effectively and efficiently in the results and will make the findings
among parturients. more generalizable.

5 )rr 1   2) A different pain assessment tool,

aside from the Visual Analog Scale, could
Based on the results of this study, be developed by future researchers that
the following are recommended on these would also measure other factors that may
sections: affect the pain levels felt by the subjects.

 3) The physiologic mechanism behind
pain relief caused by acupressure could be
The researchers recommend that elaborated and further explained for better
the application of SP6 acupressure be understanding of this effect because
strengthened as an independent nursing objective proof could pave the way for its
function by promoting the use of this safe credibility to conventional medicine.
and non-pharmacologic intervention in the
labor room because it has been proven to 4) Future researchers could identify the
shorten the duration of labor with the proper effects of SP6 acupressure as
training of delivery room nurses. complementary medicine to high risk clients
 through literature reviews and case studies

 to avoid indiscriminate use of SP6
acupressure and prevent undue harm to the
mother and fetus.

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