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Practical List(Summer 2010)

Object Oriented Programming

1. Develop a Console Application to find area of Rectangle using Structure.
2. Develop a Console Application to input 5 Student Records like Rollno,Name, Marks
of 3 subjects. Calculate total marks ,find grade and print those student record who
have in first division. Using class.
3. Develop a Console Application to Demonstrate the Enumeration.
4. Console Application to input Employee data like Eno,Ename,DOB,salary.
Print the complete data using class and function.
5. Develop a Console Application to Demonstrate the Overloaded Constructor.
6. Develop a Console Application to Calculate average list of inputs.
7. Develop a Console Application use class to calculate the factorial of input.
8. Develop a Console Application to Demonstrate the to built a simple calculator in
which the user enter an Expression and this is evaluated. There are several situations
in which the program will fail or crash these being.
1) non numeric input from users.
2) Division by zero.
3) The user entering an operator ie. Not supported.
Add Exception handling code to cope with the error result.
9. Develop a Console Application to use a class that can be used to demonstrate
The Hash Table Data structure.
10. Develop a simple windows application to display output (using any three
mouse and keyboard event and controls).
11. Develop a Windows Application to initialize and print two dimentional array.(used
controls and events)
12. Develop a Window Application to find the greatest no in an array.
13. Develop a Console Application to add a shopping list items in to an array list
And perform the following operations .
1) Count the number of item in an array list
2) Find the capacity of arraylist
3) Sort an array list.

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