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The Committee of Religious NGOs at the United Nations

and the

NGO Committee on
Disarmament, Peace & Security

invite you to a meeting on

Wednesday, March 9
1:00-2:30 pm
Church Center Boss Room, 8th Floor

The $1.5 Trillion Dollar Question

RNGOs Discuss Military Expenditure
In 2009, global military spending reached an all-time high of $1.5 trillion. Given the numerous
crises facing the planet — economic, environmental, health, diplomatic — our speaker and
respondents will explore how to better set the tone for reductions and shifts in military
expenditures so that we might all have a life free from want and fear.

What would you do with this money? What would it take to make that shift happen? Discussion
will follow on participation in the April 12, 2011 Global Day of Action on Military Spending.


Ms. Ray Acheson of Reaching Critical Will, a project of

Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom

Allison Pytlak, Religions for Peace, Moderator

Ibrahim Ramey, Temple of Understanding and Muslim American Society
Hiro Sakurai, Soka Gokkai International

Special music by peace activist Stephan Said

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