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Are you looking for a fundraising program to help?

And having Fun while doing it?

™ Your School PTA
™ Your Church Ministries
™ Or your preferred Non Profit Organization that helps:
¾ Breast Cancer Patients
¾ Homeless Children
¾ Elderly, Frail or Chronically Ill Individuals

Here is the solution!

Carnival Cruises' Fundraising Program

o Carnival will donate $10.00 per cabin, per day

o You can set a markup price to the Fare price
o Carnival offers FREE berths, which you can utilize for
additional fundraising (auctions, raffles, promotion, etc)
Fundraising Group Example

7Day Cruise (Group Sells 50 cabins)

9 Mark up price by $35pp ($70 per cabin)= $70x50=$3,500
9 Carnival donates $70 per cabin ($10 x 7days) = $70x50=$3,500
9 Group sells Raffle tickets by using earned berth
• 250 tickets sold @$5 each raising $1,250
9 Total Funds Raised $3,500+$3,500+$1,250 = $8,250

Get your group together and begin helping others while enjoy
your vacation!
For more information:
Leila Reyes
L R Travel

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