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Open Cheat Box Ctrl + Alt + C (enter all cheat codes in the cheat box)
$1,000 Sim money klapaucius
$1,000 Sim money second rosebud
Repeat rosebud ;!;!;!;! (each exclamation means rosebud, use as much as you
Change game time set_hour <1-24>
Moat or lake around the water_tool
Disable all of the frames draw_all_frames_off
Enables all of the frames draw_all_frames_on
Tile information tile_information on (mouse over tile then you will get info on
Edit map map_edit on  (to turn off type map_edit off)
Move/delete any object Crtl+Shift+C then type in move_objects on
IQ autonomy (1-1000) at the cheat window
Rate of grass growth grow_grass (1-150)
Show different character's Interests
Character mode EDIT CHAR
Fix lot objects PREPARE_LOT
Grass tall/short (0-150) GROW GRASS
Person's origins DRAW_ORIGINS
Person's route off DRAW_ROUTES OFF
Person's route on DRAW_ROUTES ON
Show social dialogue DEBUG_SOCIAL
Reload skins, animations, RELOAD_PEOPLE
suits, people
Water around home WATER TOOL
Tutorial off Turn Off Tutorial
Rosebud entries unlimited Type rosebud;!;!;!;1 (use as many exclamation points as you
want) then just press enter over and over again until you are
satisfied with your money
Trash cleaning When the trash gets full sell it and buy a new one (it won't cost
(automatic) you because a used trash ©can costs the same as a new one)
Max out on your Don't give your new sim any personality points, move them
personality points into a house, buy a chemistry lab set, have them make potions
until they make a yellow one.  Drink yellow potion.
Save room Build a balcony then delete pillars
Repair-man for free for hire a repair-man to fix something broken, when he enters the
life house build walls around him, keep him trapped for two days,
he will die and become a ghost, ghost will fix things for free
Full green bars (cheats box) type move_objects on then save the game.  Then
to make the full green bars pause game, select them and delete
them.  Press play, click on their heads.
Skill points In create-a sim mode, create a child with no personality and
name them M.  Edit the child and turn it into an adult with
whatever name you want and make then look how you want. 
Give them personality points, create a family, move them into a
lot, then look at their skills. 

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