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Music Video Questionnaire

What age are you?

a) 14 – 16
b) 17 – 20
c) 21 +

Are you male or female?

a) Male
b) Female

How long do you spend watching music videos a week?

a) 0 – 30 minutes
b) 30 minutes – 1 hour
c) 1 – 2 hours
d) 2 hours +

What genre of music do you prefer to listen to?

a) Rock
b) Pop
c) Indie
d) Metal
e) Classical
f) Alternative
g) Other

What music channel(s) do you prefer to listen to?

a) MTV
b) Viva
c) 4Music
d) Kiss
e) The Box
f) VHM
g) Scuzz
h) Kerrang
i) Other

Where do you mostly listen to your music?

a) Internet use (e.g. Youtube, iTunes etc.)

b) iPod use
c) Radio
d) TV Music Channels
e) Other

What makes you watch a music video?

a) Features attractive men/women

b) Narrative to the video itself
c) Art-style video
d) Focused on favourite artist
e) Good use of pace
f) Other

Would you prefer to see special effects in a music video?

a) Yes
b) No

Any particular reason why?

Do you like music videos that fit in with the song’s lyrics or
abstract-styled videos?

a) Fit with the lyrics

b) Abstract

Your favourite music video? Why?

Your least favourite music video? Why?

Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire.

Mollie Falconer.

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