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What consists of the arrival of the


The teaching that the reader will read was delivered on the day 21th in the
constellation of Virgo of the Luniheliokron (year) 2016; that according to the
chronological satanic order, profane order, known by all, is August 29, 2010.

Due to the last events occurred in the Cosmos, after the explosion
happened in the Sun that shines on us, the day of August first of this year
2010, the GRAN KOMENDADOR who is now named (THE GREAT ELOHIM
WEORSSHAMADDIHAAEL) gave a great wise teaching, which is the one that
we will be sharing with you. We are confident that this will be very useful, and
that it will help you to understand the difficult and complex times in which the
inhabitants of this world, this solar system, such as this galaxy and from other
galaxies are going through.

This message has been a great awakening for us, and we want also to be the
same to you, your family, friends, classmates and workmates. Please get the
message across to them, by any means, convenient to you, and help them to
be saved, helping to save the Earth and the Cosmos.

Here is the message:



After the Birth of The Great SHILOH

That according to Satan is Sunday August 29, 2010

The Great Elohim Weorsshamaddihaael says: Dear brothers of the People

of God and all other inhabitants of Earth, greets you and talks to you the GRAN
KOMENDADOR, a humble servant of yours, of the humanity and of the Gods on
As I had said a few hours ago, fulfilling the divine will on this day, and knowing
the great quantity of events that loom over humanity, I feel the supreme duty
to make known to you, aspects of huge importance that cannot be silenced to
the eyes and the ears of those who dwell on earth, because they are related to
the life of the humanities and the many races, people, nations and languages
that inhabit the Earth, and that if they are swept away from the face of the
world and this servant of yours, and of the gods, does not mention them toágina 1

you, would be the cosmic weight of responsibility, because of the silence of not
being mentioned to a humanity that was putting out its existence, the serious
risk that hangs over the humanity itself.
It is not my wish to sow panic, but if for fear of it, the mankind perishes in
ignorance... serious is the karma, due to the silence of the one who knows
the huge danger, and it will be like the watchman in whose responsibility, a
city rests safe, and he sees to come the destructive force, and in order to do
not sow panic in the city, keeps silent and the city falls victim to the invaders,
all the bloodshed, is upon the watchman, that by remaining silent, being a
destroyers’ accomplice, says nothing about the coming danger, thus removing
the opportunity to be saved, if not all of the inhabitants of the city, some of
them. Thus the world of our days.
As I told you dear brothers, at the first opportunity that I had to talk about the
terrible rigors of the Katun 13, I just described to you some of the many things
that the Venerable Masters described to me in that respect, but today given
the new circumstances that surround us and threaten life on Earth, my silence
cannot be continued. It is undoubtedly essential that in this opportunity I make
know to you more specific details that we must know as members of the People
of God, because the degree of risk is beyond any expectation, is beyond any
approximation; even more, the human mind is not capable of comprehending
the true extent of the danger; perhaps, it is just capable of seeing some results.
On the 20th of the current month, which is now ending, the Earth observatories
and their instruments detected some kind of fire in the atmosphere of the Sun,
which generated as a result the opening of a large hole, which is an effect of
the internal activity of the Sun, and that the solar plasma, due to its internal
activation, effects of the Katun 13 or effects of the arrival of that epoch, is
threatening to be just the beginning of an activity never happened before, and
as its first result is offering as a risk, a huge emission of energy against the
Earth, which threatens to change even the Earth's magnetic fields.
The rupture of the solar atmosphere produces the risk of the occurrence of
solar explosions, similar to those occurred a few days ago, those explosions
produced devastating effects on the Sun, where died or disembodied million of
beings who lived there.
And as shown in the fierce heat of these deserts where I am, I knew that the
Venerable Master SAMAEL JOHAV BATHOR WEOR had three immortal bodies in
the Sun and in the effort to contain the force of the explosions, He with millions
of beings more, placed their bodies in the mouth of the fire where they built
a giant Mandala, in order to stand between the solar fire and Earth. And their
bodies, one of the three, with more than five million Beings than were on that
Mandalic area, became cosmic dust, thus stopping the wrath and fury of the
fire, and if they themselves had not been placed their bodies there, maybe the
energetic shield that the Earth has, would have been impotent, and humanity
would now be history.
But today, the danger is rising again, and it is not only a blast, but the breaking
of its magnetic field, which can generate multiple explosions, launching giant
solar flares of fire against the Earth; which the science itself already evaluateságina 1

and sees it as a serious risk, the first thing that would be destroyed will be the
communication systems, and then the electricity networks.
And I say to you: this is just the beginning of the solar activity, because this
lack of control would produce as a result that the solar fires sprout to the
surface of the Solar Heavenly Body, as new explosions, that compared to the
ones that have already happened, would be tiny sparks; this also produces
the risk, due to unbalanced attractive force, that the internal fires of the Earth
want to come to the surface, which would make the surface of the world an
impressive sea of fire, which evaporates the water from the oceans, turning it
into steam, generating the activation of huge volcanoes that exist on Earth, of
which humanity has not been able to imagine in its totality the damage that
they would produce. Among these volcanoes, there exists one in the United
States, that if erupts, in the first few seconds of the volcanic eruption can erase
three-quarters of the United States and have covered the Earth, in a matter
of minutes, of lava in its totality, taking the Earth out of its orbit and making
it crashing against any other world or due to the Sun's gravitational force
throwing The Earth against the Sun.
Something of that magnitude, at that moment, there would not be much to
be done on earth to save the species, since at that instant, the species would
be "grass of the fire" or being extinct, and we would just be spirits out of our
bodies, looking at how the balloon Earth would be precipitated against the Sun,
generating an awful disaster, that would be a sort of nuclear fission, in which
solar systems would be the atoms that would become energy, happening in
that way what is written in the Sacred Scripture when says that one third of
the stars of heaven would disappear.
It is not ignored by science something that scientists have detected, which
is that Jupiter, the giant of the Solar System where we are, is on fire, and
the fumaroles of its fire have been identified by some observatories. And
they have detected that it is being activated within Jupiter, a thermonuclear
magnetic field that is causing the unbalance of Jupiter, and that in principle it
threatens to, that one of its multiple moons, one of its largest moons is being
charged electrically, and considering that it has a layer of ice of approximately
30 kilometers thick; this layer when overcharged, without having a controlled
discharge may explode, not only sending giant meteorites of ice, but also
an electric bombarding of nuclear nature that would sweep away in seconds
the life on Earth. But by continuing this activity in Jupiter, it can generate
an explosion, which would dilute due to the great abundance of energy, the
gravitational fields of the worlds of the solar system, which would leave them
like balloons adrift that due to their forces of gravity will attract each other
without any control, turning into cosmic dust when impact, and those pieces
when turning into energy, would do the same: would dilute the gravitational
field of the worlds of other solar systems, which, as a kind of domino effect,
would be joined to this kind of nuclear fission of the stellar and galactic type.
The Katun 13 is actually something gigantically sublime, but terribly
catastrophic. The Katun 13 is a great opportunity for the humankind ... if
we get humanity abandon its perverted form of living and the vast majorityágina 1

become mutants, the catastrophic effects of Katun 13 would disappear, and the
Earth would enter to a new stage in which the inhabitants of Earth would be
supermen. But if it is not done, there exist the terrifying risk of that not only the
Earth disappears, but also many worlds of this solar system.
I want to tell you, my dear brothers that the Venerable Mayans Brothers, who
predicted with huge accuracy, many of the events in history, began counting
their calendar on August 11, 3113 before Yeuz, the one who the profane
world calls christ, the accurate and precise date on which the Venerable Venus
Aphrodite was born among the Greek, 5,123 years ago, which corresponds to
the zero date of the counting of these wise beings seers of the times, the ages,
and the countless avatars of time. And they, when they began this counting,
5,123 years ago, or in the counting of the wise Mayans, this date corresponds
to: zero BAKTUN, zero KATUN, zero TUN, zero UINAL and zero KIN, which
corresponds exactly, as I told you, to August 11, 3113 before the birth of
Yeuz; the exact day in which the Venerable Venus Aphrodite was born in the
Olympus of the Greeks, and that was exactly the same day in which the two
Twin Saviors HUNABPUN and IXBALANKE triumphed in the battle against
the inhabitants of the underworld.
It was at that epoch when the Mayans began the counting of the great cycle
of 5,125 years, which is the temporary wheel used by the Mayans to measure
the ages. And that beginning coincided as well with the birth of the Great
HUN-NAL-YE, the first of the children of the corn, who gave origin to the
Nahua, the Aztec, the Zapotec, the Toltecs, the Olmecs, the Wividotoltecs and
to all those legendary anthropogenesis that made contact with the inhabitants
of other worlds. Among them with the legendary PAKAL, whose tomb was
located in the center of TENOSHTITLAN, in the TENOSHTITLAN inhabited
by the knights of the Fourth Sun, the Jaguars Knights, who wrote and
dictated the POPOL VUH, the CHILAM BALAM, who is the messenger of
the JAGUARS, anthropogenesis that knew with impressive accuracy, that
the secret to the salvation for the human race is just the
Mutation of the ENS SEMINIS, that is sexual energy, as well
as the God PAKAL taught it to that race of mutants. And with it they could
open the eyes in order to cross the ages, foreseeing the fateful future that was
looming and is looming upon the humanity in the bleak future of the times,
bleak future that is now on the threshold of our present, in an frightening
present where there are about to accomplish the cataclysms that these seers
saw, and are the result of constant fornication of the inhabitants of this and
other spheres, who have spilled their genetic energy during the passing of the
The Cosmos is a celestial mechanics, that being in a perfect gear, it is
maintained itself and sustained itself, flowing itself and ebbing itself, and
sustaining itself in the advance, in the backward movement and in the advance
of the globes and worlds.
What consists of the arrival or the time of the KATUN 13?
It consists of the maximum point of acceleration of the atoms that make up theágina 1

mass of all the worlds of the third dimension, Venerable Brothers is something
similar to reach the point of maximum acceleration of an engine, whose parts
are subjected to the highest test when the engine is in its point of maximum
When the Mayans, 5,123 years ago, began the counting of their time, we
were in the ALPHA; we were in the zero BAKTUN, zero KATUN, zero TUN, zero
UINAL, zero KIN. That was the Alpha. Today, we are in Omega, at the time of
the great velocities, we are in Omega, and that state of Omega is not just a
theory, is an impressive reality.
If at the maximum moment of the acceleration of that engine, any part fails,
not only is threatened the part that suffered the failure, if not it runs the risk of
tearing into pieces many more.
The atoms of the mass oscillate at a specific speed. The atoms of calcium, of
magnesium, of silicon, iron, manganese, cadmium, cobalt, nickel, silver, cesium,
rubidium, bismuth, lead, tin and all others, each one has, at the time of alpha,
a specified speed with which they oscillate, that is, the particles that conform
those atoms and that revolve around their nuclei, go to a speed in the time of
Alpha; but that speed at the time of Omega, is 13 times higher than in the time
of Alpha, that is, if the particles of an atom in the time of Alpha, spin 5 million
times per second, at the time of Omega will spin 65 million times per second,
13 times more, and that not only happens to the atoms of the mass. The solar
systems are atoms of another giant mass, that is, the solar systems where we
live are macroatoms.
And I say to you dear brothers: the earth is an electron of an atom of calcium
called SOLAR SYSTEM OF ORS, that is why here on Earth is called electric, the
one that goes through the wires. If the Earth would be a proton, it would not
be electric power that comes from electrons, instead it would be protonic
energy, that would be a stream of protons; but we are in this electron of
this calcium atom of a molecule of calcium, in a drop of milk called the Milky
Way, and that drop of milk has about 150 thousand millions of atoms,
that is, 150 thousand millions of Suns, each one with a large number of
worlds revolving around it, filled with countless humanities, that all of them
are, including us, at risk; since the acceleration in the Katun 13 comes to the
maximum point, not only for our Solar System, but also for solar systems that
are in the area of the Cosmos of the TRITOCOSMOS, in this area of the same,
which compromises one third of the solar systems of the Milky Way, which are
50 thousand millions of solar systems, only with regard to the Milky Way.
And it turns out that as the Milky Way, in the area that is at risk, there are
3,000 galaxies more at risk, due to what is this? because this area of the
Cosmos is not found with the sufficient balance that is required to withstand
this maximum point of acceleration, which is a stage in the cosmic breath,
and that is similar to a engine, which for lack of oil can be burned when is
accelerated to the maximum.
That is why the Sun is on fire, Jupiter is on fire, because these worlds do
not have enough FUKONSAJA, enough ALVITIKOS, do not have enough
RETIFAS, neither do have enough PHETALVITIKOS, which exert theágina 1

bitraction that the worlds need to resist that strong point of acceleration.
Neither do the worlds of these areas have enough FOHARES, elements that
make up something like the lubricant fuel of the cosmic gear of the spheres,
and that maintain in absolute balance to the worlds, but if the worlds are
surprised in failure of these components, exists the risk of a giant atomic
conflagration; that in comparison with the bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki,
are less than a tiny spark, the tiniest one that we can imagine; because only in
the Milky Way can be converted into energy, 50 billion of solar systems, among
which is counted our solar system, and that it would happen to about 3000
galaxies. That is why the Mayans said the face of the Sun would be broken and
the Moon would be precipitated upon the Earth.
Maybe some may think: but the Venerable Masters moved the Earth 15,000
years in the future. I tell you, it was so, and that is why the geological changes
have not been occurred, because they are arresting Hercolubus behind Saturn,
but this is beyond the proportions of Hercolubus or in other words Barnard,
moreover, the Venerable Masters as great fighters in favor of the salvation of
the humanities, we know that, as it happened in the sun and I told you before,
they are to give even their own lives. They moved the Earth 15,000 years in
the future, but the area that is at risk from end to end, covers an estimated
of 5 million light years, that is, the Venerable Masters moved the Earth 15,000
years in space, which made that the geological changes did not happen, but the
risk of the Katun 13 goes beyond that distance, that is, beyond the radius of
the risk. It is not that what they did, is useless, they gave us a space of time to
prepare ourselves in order to face something bigger and that we have the great
hope, that for being mutants of the Earth, do as far as concerns us, because in
countless millions of worlds and Suns, there are clusters much more countless,
doing up the unthinkable to stop, we cannot say this global cataclysm, but
instead this Intergalactic hecatomb, that is why the Mayans saw that the sky
would cry blood.
Beyond this, there is also something more impressive, and that is that in
the bordering areas where there is the risk of disaster, there is the risk
of a major battle between the armies of God and the armies of some
regions are called regions of the AGAFANDOS, other regions that are called
APARKANDISKAPSTKM, also other regions called RAMKA, and from other
areas of the Cosmos where the Bilcos and Blascos come from, and that these
monsters, due to the possible risk of a conflagration of millions and millions of
worlds, would be thrown themselves to steal spheres from the middle of the
disaster, in order to steal from them something called FUKONSAJA, and that is
precisely what the mutants employ, and that exists in some Suns and worlds, to
achieve the balance of them in the maximum clashes of the Katun 13.
The Earth where we live, dear brothers, is a tiny edge of dust in the middle
of the immense sea of countless millions of worlds that are at risk. Perhaps,
beloved Brothers, never crossed our minds that the Sun that shines on us
would be beaten by a catastrophe. The Sun that shines on us, is within the
Suns that are dying, it is a step in the giant Jacob's ladder that leads to the
Ahalic Suns, and the Suns of the Gloriams, which are the immortal Suns. Andágina 1

that there is the risk that the Sun that shines on us, unless we act swiftly and
quickly, enters into a wave of eruptions, of which what had happened is just
the beginning.
There is also something that is very conclusive and is the following: the
Venerable Venus APHRODITE was born on August 11, 3113 before Christ,
that is, at time zero of the counting of the Mayan calendar, precisely when
the victory of the two twins saviors HUNABPUK and ISVALANKE. And in
this epoch, at present, our adored cosmic Mother APHRODITE, 5123 years,
after an August 13, 2010 in disorder satanic, went from Earth to the Suns,
almost exactly the same day that she was born in that legendary time, of such
a remote stage; today, when we are to 2 years to accomplish the 5,125 years,
amid the clashing of the Katun 13, recorded in that way in the Sacred Calendar
called TZOLKIN.
The Venerable Cosmic Mother APHRODITE, to whom we mourned today
with our tears and tears of the People of GOD, departed like the warrior of
the Cosmos to the Sun that shines on us, and that is being injured by the
explosions and cataclysms that already burned some part of its atmosphere,
and have produced a gap that threatens life on Earth, that is, the explosions
in the Sun have continued and the foundations of this area of the Cosmos are
continuing rumbling, and it is our urgent duty to understand the seriousness of
this, without entering panic. For I tell you brothers, to where do we go running?
We would have to be able to leave Earth and travel 5 billion light years away,
but it is possible that we may not reach, because we exhausted, just by running
two or three kilometers, we have to run inwards, towards where there is the
power of God.
I tell you brothers, the man or woman who spills their genetic energy, his
or her semen, are genociders, cosmociders, suiciders, because they are
contributing to the destruction not only of their own race, but also of countless
millions of races. We are in an emergency at a cosmic level, because a global
cataclysm would be less severe, but it is possible that with what I have said on
this day, we have a greater clarity of the proportions of the danger.
The Venerable Mother APHRODITE and the armies of GOD, are stationed, she
as a great warrior, the Venerable Masters and countless millions and billions of
Esparaveles, under the command of the great Warrior Jehovah, GOD of armies
of the Cosmos, are ready in the boundaries of these regions to deal with the
beasts that want to charge into us, to capture solar systems, of which their
inhabitants, in order to extract the cosmic organs of connection with God. And
today's figures show that our Sacred and Venerable MOTHER APHRODITE
traveled fighting, and continues to fight from that incommensurable distance,
for the same what they came to fight on Earth.
I tell you, dear brothers: we, as the Army of World Salvation, are obliged
and forced to give battle without surrender, we cannot fail to the Armies of
Heaven and their great commanders, and as their military on Earth, we must
fight relentlessly; not in a struggle to attack someone, if not in a struggle
of the revolution of consciousness, in a struggle to mutate our energy, and
in a struggle that from the Temple, send the rivers and the seas of cosmicágina 1

components needed for the worlds to resist and not be burned, as our physical
eyes are seeing that fact with the Sun and Jupiter, due to that fact, we must
accelerate the Evangelization in order to increase the mutants on Earth, and we
must accelerate the construction of the Mandalas in the Great Temple Vegetal
Sakroakuarius, as a main energetic point of the Earth, from where will be the
greatest force that from the Earth will be sent to the Suns, first the one that
shine on us, and from this one to others. Thus, we will fight with everything we
have at our disposal to overcome the fury of the Katun 13, which threatens not
only our lives.
Now, you understand in a better way the size and proportion of the threat. I
hope that is so, dear brothers, the awareness and knowledge will make us free.
Maybe now, you understand better what is hanging over our heads, because a
fire and an explosion of such a number of worlds, the proportion of the disaster
fails to fit into our human heads.
I want to know my dear brothers, if someone is reported by making known
whether he or she has understood what was said, and if I could make myself
understood clearly. Go ahead.

It is said from the Branch of Rio Suarez: it is said from the Branch of
Charon de Rio Blanco.
It is said from the Branch of Rio Blanco, Kristi: Good day. From the
Branch of Charon de Rio Blanco, we are reporting to you, it is understood what
was said and we are to the service of our commanders. Thank you very much
Venerable Elohim Weorsshamaddihaael for your infinite wisdom, what we have
to do, we will do it!!! ... Thank you very much. We are running a campaign
entitled THE WORLD WILL NOT END, and as we have a daily radio program, we
are teaching to the Beings the Message. Please help us to get the people closer
to the guidance that is given through the radio program, and please give us the
potency in our voices to make the Beings obey and mutate, they join this noble
cause. Thank you very much Venerable Lord.
It is said from the Branch of Rio de la Plata: at this moment arrives to the
chat of Branch of Rio de la Plata, a question of a being called Cesar Leal.
Cesar Leal says: are we licensed to put your message in all possible
languages including the one of the Science, to explain to the scientists about
the danger that comes upon us? That is the question. Up to this point.

The Great Elohim Weorsshamaddihaael says: of course yes, Venerable.

This dissertation and explanation that we had given, is of the kind of general
audience, and not only what has been said, but also what remains to say, the
answers to the questions that are going to make and everything concerning this
The one who speaks to you, the Gran Komendador, authorizes this to be
translated into the languages you want, because it is an explanation that
provides orientation to a greater understanding of the risk, and it is focused onágina 1

providing the solution and the possible exit that we have on Earth, and that the
Mayans, thousands of years ago, also said what it was.
For I say to you, the human race is an endangered species, and that is
precisely due to the evil system of life in which is encountered the decadent
humanity. If we want to leave where to live for the future generations, our role
is to act from now and from now on. So, dear brother Cesar, you can post what
was said wherever you want. Go ahead, if there is another doubt.
Cesar Leal says: Well, thank you very much. Help us make our neurons have
the virtue of being able to explain this to humanity with wisdom and with the
science that is accepted by the world. Thank you very much for your mercy in
The Master Aldenvid says: Good day, sublime Elohim Weorsshamaddihaael.
I had understood this message, it is a warning to wake up and open our eyes
to this reality. Venerable Lord, I want to ask something that I think that it is
important now, and that is that at the time of the Venerable Master Samael Aun
Weor. He said in his teachings that to resist the end times, it has to be elevated
the Mother Kundalini, at least to the Heart Chakra and that only in this way it
would be possible to save a creature from the cataclysm. I ask: if this law is still
valid, and what would have to be done in order to achieve this high percentage
of mutation. Up to this point the question, thank you very much.
The Great Elohim Weorsshamaddihaael says: Venerable Aldenvid, I am
glad to give you the answer.
The Mother Kundalini corresponds to the SACRED FIRE that is encountered in
the first three vertebrae of the tailbone up, that is, precisely at the base of the
Kundartiguador organ, where there is also the estribation of Kundabuffer, which
is an extension of the sidereal column infracosmic and it can have thousands
and millions of vertebrae, these vertebrae, obviously talking about a demon
that has some percentage of conscience, not the decrepit human beings that
ignore that they ignore, or rather, they do not even know that they do not
The human beings who populate the fields and cities of the Earth, totally
immersed in ignorance, and some of them very inflamed of intelequia,
graduated from universities, but full of ignorance in the things of God, those
are not included in the account of those who have Kundabuffer, because they
not even know they exist, because they are those who are dead in life or that
live dead, because on them weighs the sentence that every soul who sins shall
die, they are not counted even among the living, they are, as The Christ said:
whitewashed sepulchre, who have Kundartiguador organ, of which they are its
victim, his Mother Kundalini literally does not exist.
At the time a creature receives the revealing of one of its beings, this creature
resurrects, and passes to be among the living creatures; that creature
abandons the Valley of death, being no longer a whitewashed sepulcher and
becomes a creature with LIVING SOUL, he or she is again written in the Book
of Life. At that moment the solar bodies, the bodies of Gold of the Being, come
to join what the Budhata, the monad, the nonada, the Fejon or Dimon, had
been able to rebuild, up to that time, they also united with the EIDOLON andágina 1

with all other organs, both physical and cosmic organs, that this creature has
managed to develop again, or to recover the Devi Kundalini, that among the
profanes is dead. Turns back to life, and to the extent that this creature makes
cleaner its genetic energy, that is, makes it more mutable, that is carried out in
real way, the genetic reprogramming of the Templogen man, and Templogen
woman, begins then the lifting of the Kundalini. And that Kundalini makes that
the fire of the Being, gradually ascends through the vertebrae of the spine, in
accordance to the constant mutation, and the Being, as Being itself is on and
located in the spine, and as is ascending through it, vertebra by vertebra, is
raising the Mother Kundalini, because the Being, without the force of Kundalini,
does not remain in the body. The force of the Kundalini is reached by mutating
the genetic energy, raising and making ascending the sexual fire, without
spilling the holy oil called SEMEN in the man and VITRIOLUS in the woman.
The Venerable Master SAMAEL AUN WEOR, was referring to survive a
geological change, but being in front of a cataclysm like this one that is in front
of this area of the Cosmos, it is not only required that in order to survive, I am
referring to the survival of the physical body, because cosmic survival is not lost
with the loss of the body, to survive a Hecatomb like the one that is threatening
to this area of the Cosmos, it is required that all Beings must be located in
the vertebra 33, and must be Master, Dragon, Mahatma and White Dimon.
With this, the OANES would rescue the body of these Beings from the midst of
disaster and take them to other regions of the Cosmos, because the Hecatomb
that threatens us, not only endangers humanity, but the scale of the disaster
threatens to erase from the Cosmos billions of solar systems, if something like
this happens, perhaps, some portions of the Earth, some sacred places, would
be torn from the Earth itself to be transported to other regions of the Cosmos,
to preserve their existence. And those who fought here on Earth, as mutants,
some with body would be taken, the great majority, and others would go to be
born to other regions of the Cosmos, where they would continue the struggle
for their liberation, others would be taken to the Suns, and the vast majority of
humanity would come back to where they live, that are the abysses.
So that the survival to what was referred, the Venerable Master SAMAEL AUN
WEOR, makes reference to the event in which the Earth continues existing, that
is precisely for what, we are going to fight by any means and in whatever form,
because in this way, our brothers are doing it, in every corner of the area of the
The Beings, in general, are located in the vertebra, to which has been ascended
the fire of Kundalini. The vertebrae of the spine correspond, in ascending order,
to three for each of the three lower chakras, three for the Muladhara chakra,
three for the Basal chakra, and three for the Solar Plexus chakra, that are nine,
and six for each of the four superior chakras: six for the Heart chakra, six for
the Throat chakra, six for the Brow chakra and six for the Crown chakra, six
times four equals to 24, plus nine equals to 33, which are the vertebrae of the
When the Venerable Master SAMAEL AUN WEOR said this, the Earth was not
in the abyss, now that the Earth is in the abyss, is a little different, becauseágina 1

at that time, the human beings did not have Dimon, did not have the fourth
center of gravity, they were only three-brained bipeds, and those who ignore
God's teaching, homunculi irrational, but those who have Beings and knowledge
are Beings. It is something somehow similar, Venerable Being, but slightly
different. This is the answer to your question Venerable Being. If there is
another question, I am listening to it.
The Master Aldenvid says: Venerable Lord Great Elohim
Weorsshamaddihaael, I thank you greatly for this beautiful answer that
encourages us to fight harder. And we ask to you, to the Venerable Great
Without Simvre, to the Mother Ruvla, to the Great Rabbi Jaharmilek, to give to
us the willpower to be able to dominate ourselves, and every time, more ways
to sustain ourselves as mutants that we should become here and now, and the
help to do not spill our semen. Up to this point.
The Dragon Leark says: Good day, good money, good health, is that the
Mayans say that the galactic day lasts more or less 25,000 years, time in which
when arriving to the last 20 years, we enter the Katun 13, time in which and
according to the Mayans the sphere suffers a geological change, in which the
Earth is renewed and prepared to enter the new galactic dawn.
The Venerable Master JAH KELIUM ZEUS INDUZEUS teaches us that every
14,500 years or 15,000 years, a geologic change is produced. Venerable Lord,
the question is: if both changes are the same, or how they fit into the cosmic
gear. Up to this point the question.
The Great Elohim Weorsshamaddihaael says: Venerable Leark, receives
a friendly greeting, the same to all my brothers of the Temple, of whom I am
greatly glad, because I have your attention for this important dialogue, which
gives us the opportunity to learn and receive the wisdom and the knowledge by
which we will increase the presence of God in our bodies, and through this the
Beings will be kindled in order to strengthen the fire of the wisdom.
We must take into account some essential aspects in this corresponding matter.
It is essential to note that the Mayans used three different types of calendars:
One was used to keep track of the successive days that have passed since the
start date of your calendar, August 11, 3113 BC, which they called CALENDAR
OF THE LONG COUNT, which began in zero Baktun, zero Katun, zero Tun,
zero Uinal, and zero Kin. A BAKTUN corresponds to 144,000 days, which
corresponds to 20 Katuns of 7,200 days each, and each Katun corresponds to
20 TUN of 360 days each, and each TUN corresponds to 18 UINAL of 20 days
each, and that a KIN is one day, this is what handled the Calendar of the long
count, which is, that in the day December 21, 2012 ends its existence of 5,125
years, where ends the influence of the Katun 13, that began in 1992.
The second calendar used by them was the calendar called TZOLKIN, this
was considered the sacred calendar, which had 13 constellations, each of which
had 20 days, that is, it counted cycles of 260 days, this was the one they used
for their predictions and prophecies, each of these 20 days had or has a name,
the name of the first: IMIX, the second day: IK, third AKBAL, fourth KAN,
fifth CHICCHAN, the sixth CIMI, the seventh MANIK, the eighth LAMAT,
the ninth MULUC, the tenth OC, the eleventh CHUEN, the twelfth EB, theágina 1

thirteenth BEN, the fourteenth IX, the fifteenth MEN, the sixteenth CIV, the
seventeenth CABAN, the eighteenth ETZNAB, the nineteenth CAUAC and the
twentieth AHAU. These are the 20 days used in the management of the second
calendar, which has around 13 months and was of 260 days.
Now, we are going to talk about the third calendar, which was called HAAB or
Civil Calendar. This was used for agricultural work, that is, for plantations and
others, this had 18 months, that they called UINALES, and had one month
of adjustment of 5 days. Eighteen months of 20 days each month, gives 360
days, and the month of adjustment was only of 5 days. The 18 months were
called, the first POP, the second UO, the third was called ZIP, the fourth was
called ZOTZ, the fifth ZEC, the sixth XUL, the seventh YAXKIN, the eighth
MOL, the ninth CHEN, the tenth YAX, the eleventh CEH, the twelfth MAC,
the thirteenth KANKI, the fourteenth MUAN, the fifteenth PAX, the sixteenth
KAYAB, the seventeenth KUMKU, the eighteenth UAYEB.
The cycles that they used in some of their calendars, some were of 52 years
at the beginning and at the ending of which was reached the cycle of the
moon-solar calendar. The Moon calendar was the one that had 13 UINALES,
that is, 13 months and the solar calendar was the one that had 18 months
or 18 UINALES, plus one month of 5 days. They used these three calendars
simultaneously, that is, one calendar was contained within the other, which
produces alterations in the concept "years", because the year of 260 days ... if
the 25,000 years, correspond to years of 260 days, we have 6,500,000 days,
which divided into years of 365 days and fractions, gives 17,771 years, of
the years of the counting of the Gregorian calendar, which is the one used
by the humanity of today. This makes that the account is somewhat closer in
the sense of the figures that the Venerable Masters taught us, that range in
between 14,500 and 15,000 years, because these figures although are perfect,
are an approximation of each geological change, because there are geological
changes that are delayed and there are others that are speeded up and some
do not occur.
For example, we should remember the following: HERCOLUBUS passes every
14,500 years or 15,000 years, causing disasters, and also ALCYONE passes
revolutionizing the magnetic axes of the Earth every 11,000 or 11,500 years,
what makes that do not coincide the two of them with accuracy, as it is
happening now, that there exists the risk that the two of them pass at the same
time, which duplicates the danger, but those two giants with the journey of
15,000 years in the future, this produces an alteration, not only in the dates,
but also in many other aspects.
Then Venerable Leark, 15,000 years that is the time in which passes
Hercolubus, plus 10,000 or 11,000 years being the time in which Alcyone
passes, gives 25,000 years of the counting that you had asked to me, which
corresponds to the galactic day, in which, when the Katun 13 is completed,
enters the Earth, the solar system and some others regions in a cosmic dawn of
unparalleled beauty; that if we make humanity to wake up in the knowledge of
God. Moreover, if it is not so, the Mayans saw a lot more than what I have said
to you. This is the answer. Venerable Leark, is it understood?ágina 1

The Dragon Leark says: Venerable Lord. Thank you very much for your
answer and for giving me the clarity. What a blessing is to have on this sphere
the incarnation itself of the wisdom, that at the beginning of the answer, You
weighted with greatness, being You yourself the Brain of this creation, since
even before it, You know, You were the knowledge. Thank you very much
again Lord. And although I have more questions, I must give the turn to my
other brothers of the world. Thank you very much Lord. Up to this point.
The Great Elohim Weorsshamaddihaael says: the moment for more
questions will come, do not forget them.
The Dragon Leark says: of course yes, my Lord, I will have them written, so
I do not forget them, and I will wait my turn to make the questions, so we all
can be nourished from the womb of the wisdom ... Your Grace. Up to this point.
The Great Elohim Weorsshamaddihaael says: of course yes, Venerable,
and I hope that with these answers, the clarity increases in all of us.
From somewhere, from a place of exile, I receive a question of a Being, and is
as follows:
"If we are in the Milky Way where we are a particle of an atom of calcium,
where not only the system but also other systems and other galaxies belong
to this large drop of milk that is calcium, could it be possible that exists some
cosmic chemical reaction in conjunction with other elements that could help to
achieve the balance in this area of the Cosmos?, and if this would be possible,
what would be the mechanism to achieve this Dharma? and what elements
would enter into the reaction, or how they would react? "
Of course yes, we will give the answer to this question.
What we are looking to achieve with the mutation of the energy, that is the
milk of the life, is the creation of FOARES that the atoms in the place we are
living need, so that this reaction will occur in an adequate and appropriate
way, so that this cluster of atoms does not enter into fission and therefore it
destroy us, because now there exist the additional components to achieve such
stability, but it is required the different fires that are generated and produced
by the Beings, who possess the great FUKONSAJA, FUKOSMSAJA, organs
that possess the mutant, and energy that possesses the mutants, which emits
ALVITIKOS, which is the fire required for the stabilization of that large cluster of
atoms called solar systems.
We are many the millions of mutants, who in the countless worlds, are as one,
working each group from its world, in order to achieve that rebalancing again,
but there are many, the billions or trillions, who are doing the opposite, that in
quantity far outweigh us, we have as a clear example, the Earth.
As mutants on Earth, we do not exceed the number of 500,000, we are less
than 500,000, and the fornicators, who spill hundreds of tons of semen on
Earth, are more than 7,000 million, and that excessive imbalance occurs in the
vast majority of the worlds. That sinister fact has deteriorated the Suns that are
in danger as our Sun, and that this deterioration threatens not only our lives,
but also the existence of the worlds themselves. But as mutants, we will fight
to obtain the victory or until the end, because Jehovah himself said: Because
of the righteous on Earth, the Earth lives, and although it is an unequalágina 1

struggle, in that way always has been, but if something would happen, we will
leave on Earth, the historical present, that we had fought to the end, when
the flames swallowed up our bodies. Moreover, we have the greatest hope,
and the solid certainty, that from the many corners of the Cosmos, we will
achieve stopping this monstrous Hecatomb that threatens us, but we should
not underestimate the size of the terrifying danger.
The great chemical reaction that we want to do, is with the FOARES, making
disappearing the fosires, which is the energy generated by the fornicators,
which has unbalanced this region of the Cosmos, and that it is, what is keeping
us at the threshold of the great disaster, but we are, as the Mayans said:
the only race on Earth, with the sufficient power in its hands, to stop the
great danger, because we have the Runes and our bodies, as power plants
that generate energy, of Foat, of Askokin, and of all other forms of energy
that require the Suns and worlds to sustain themselves. That is the chemical
reaction for which we need fire, a vital element to achieve it, and that fire is
obtained by not spilling the energy, by mutating it. So Mutants: do mutate!!!,
because within it, it is the solution that we all want.
That is the answer to the question made by the exiled Being.
Venerable Beings, it has been a pleasure on this day, to carried out this
dialogue with all of you, on this issue of transcendental importance, which we
could not conclude on this day, perhaps, there still remain several questions to
make, but I hope with what I had said, I had given to you some clarity on this
theme, quite alarming for the people of God, as well as for the inhabitants of
In the coming days, I will fix a date with all of you, in which we can continue
this dialogue, and answer some remaining questions.
I request to the Beings of Rio de la Plata, and to the Beings of the radio station
that what was said on this day, shall be read every day twice a day, so in this
way, we can have a better understanding on this matter, so you can, and we all
can have more clarity on this matter.
Thank you very much, and that all of you have an excellent awakening. And
stay tuned for the coming days.ágina 1

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