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Plaguebringer 80 pts

Ws bs s t w I a ld sv
2 - 3 4 2 1 1 10 5+ 6+
Wargear: rotting armor and plague sword.
At range plaugebringeres get a 2+ invulnerable save with a reroll

Plaguebringeres spawn 2d6 plaguebearers when assaulted if a one or a

double is rolled the plaugebearers come out confused and assault the
plaguebringer. Any plaugebearers spawned by the plaguebringer must stay
within 12" of him at all times. the plaugebringer cannot be destroyed by an
enemy unit if there are any plaugebearers on the field (spawned by the
plaguebringer). All plaugebearers with in 6" of the plaguebringer gains
noxious touch (friend or foe). All plaguebearers are in a squad no matter
how many there are.

If the plaugebringer is destroyed and there are any remaining plaguebearers

gain the special rules: mindless, fleet and furious charge. They also lost the
slow and purposeful rule.

Hons 485pts

Ws bs s t w I a ld sv
8 6 5 6 x 7 5 10 2+ 3+
Monstrous human (creature)

1 unique

Terminator armor
Sword of Reckoning = doubles his strength, adds d3 attacks and gives him
boon of mutation.
Gifted bolter = counts as a twin-linked heavy bolter that has rending and
passes invulnerable saves, but it counts as heavy 6, not heavy 3
Special rules:
3+ invulnerable save
Feel no pain on 3+
Eternal warrior
Furious charge
Blessing of the blood god
Give me life!!!!! = At the beginning of the game, select one unit of infantry,
during the game, you may sacrifice that unit to spawn Hons, this is the only
way to summon hons. When spawned, hons deep strikes onto the battlefield,
without scattering, but he may not be accompanied by any unit when he
deep strikes, once deep striked, he is not affected by normal deep strike
I don’t care, give me your soul! = once spawned, hons’ wounds are equal to
the amount of units sacrificed in his name, to a max of 10. If spawned in a
sacrificial circle, his wounds are doubled, to a max of 10.

Puppiness of slannesh
5 - 6 5 3 6 5 10 6+ 4+

1 unique

Rending teeth
Armed skin

Special rules:
Vulnerable to blast markers
Furious Charge

Psychic powers:
Gift of chaos
Lash of submission

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