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TimeTrex Payroll and Time Management


1. Confirm that your system meets the TimeTrex minimum requirements.

- PHP v5.x or greater
- MySQL v4.1.3+ or PostgreSQL v8.0+

2. Locate your webroot directory on your web server. This is the directory
on your web server where publicly accessilbe files are made available by your
web server. Common locations include:

/var/www/html/ (Linux/Apache)
C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\ (Windows/IIS)
C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache\htdocs\ (Windows/Apache)
/Library/Web server/Documents/ (MaxOS X/Apache)

3. Unzip the TimeTrex zip file into your webroot. A directory is automatically
created within webroot. Rename this directory if desired.

4. Rename timetrex.ini.php-example to timetrex.ini.php

5. Edit timetrex.ini.php and confirm that all paths are correct.

The installer will create and configure the database
for you, as well as modify other non-path settings for you.

6. Point your web browser to:

http://<web server address>/<timetrex directory>/interface/install/install.php
ie: http://localhost/timetrex/interface/install/install.php

7. Follow instructions


1. *IMPORTANT* Create a backup of your current installation, including your TimeTrex database.

2. Unzip TimeTrex zip overtop of your current installation.

3. Edit timetrex.ini.php and set:

installer_enabled = TRUE

4. Point your web browser to:

http://<web server address>/<timetrex directory>/interface/install/install.php
ie: http://localhost/timetrex/interface/install/install.php

5. Follow instructions, TimeTrex will automatically upgrade

your database tables as necessary.

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