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Midterm study guide

Exam questions will be based on this list of topics/concepts below. The questions mostly
test the major empirical and analytical points that are covered in lectures, discussions,
textbooks and audiovisual materials.

 multiple choice questions (45 questions, total 135 points)

Tested topics/concepts (more than one questions may be based on a topic)

 East Asian states – political characteristics
 East Asian societies – social and cultural characteristics
 oceanic voyages – key examples
 early modern Islamic empires
 land-based long distance trade – regions, key articles, effects
 the Columbian Exchange – articles exchanged, effects
 the Columbian Exchange – places and processes
 rise of European power
 Spanish “conquest” of the Americas – causes, processes
 societies in the Americas – main groups
 the “black death” – effects
 Renaissance – key features
 Reformation
 Ming and Qing dynasties in China – government, society, civil service exam
 early modern Japan – social groups, contact with West
 Confucianism in China and Japan
 early empires in Eurasia, Africa, south America – names, governments
 world religions – how they spread, what key doctrines were taught
 industrialization – causes, economic and social effects
 Atlantic revolutions – examples, solidarity and resistance movements
 multicultural Americas – main groups, interactions

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