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Error Logger
1. Design HTML a templates for Login, Register, about us and contact us.
2. Valudate the fields in the HTML pages using Java Script.
3. Write a program to send mail using java mail.
4. Write a program to catch an exception and write it into a file.
5. Create a CURD application using Mysql.
6. Write a program to catch an exception and save it as a serilize file
and then retieve the serilised information and display it on console.
7. Write a program to catch an Exception and send it to server using http tunnel
8. Write a program to catch an Exception and send it to server and save it a dat
a base.
9. write a programm to dislpay Exceptions and its details in a table on a jsp pa
10. write a programm to send SMS using GSM Modem.

Start Project
1. Design a Template for ErrorLogger.
2. Add, Edit, Programmer.
3. Add, Edit, Delete Project.
4. Registration Module.
5. Login Module.
6. Java Mail Module
7. client application module.
8. Http tunnelling module
9. Upload file module.
10.Valudation module.

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