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 1751- James Madison was born on March 16, in Port Conway, Virginia.

 1769-1772-Attended the College of New Jersey, now known as Princeton.

 1775- He made Colonel in the Orange County Militia.
 1776- Elected Delegate to the Virginia Convention and the General Assembly.
 1780- Served as one of Virginia’s Delegates to the Continental Congress.
 1787- He played the role as the “Father of the Constitution.”
 1787-1788- James helped write the Federalists Papers.
 1788- The Constitution was ratified.
 1789- He was elected to the House of Representatives; sponsors Bill of Rights; and works with
Thomas Jefferson to form the Democratic Republican Party.
 1794- James Madison married Dolley Payne Todd on September 15.
 1801-1809- He served as the Secretary of State for Thomas Jefferson.
 1809- Elected as the fourth president of the United States.
 1812- War of 1812.
 1813- Second Term.
 1814- The British burned down the White House; in addition, Dolley saved The Declaration of
Independence and a picture of George Washington.
 1817- James retired.
 1829- Serves as Delegate to Virginia’s second constitutional convention; only member present
from the first convention in 1776.
 1836- James Madison died on June 28 at Montpelier.

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