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2. Determine the titer obtained and identification of the virus. Is it significant?

For Polio virus type 1, the titer obtained for the acute is 5, while 20 for the convalescent. For type 2 Polio
virus, the titer is 5 for the acute and 10 for the convalescent. Lastly, for the Polio virus type 3, the titer is
0 for both the acute and convalescent. Therefore, the virus is Polio type 1 where it exhibited a fourfold
rise in the acute and convalescent titers.

It is significant to note the type of the virus since there are different antigens for each; there are also
different antibodies for each type. Also, it is significant to know the titer for each Polio virus type
because it determines whether there is an active infection, past immunization, or past exposure to a
certain type of polio virus.

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