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It has been raining since night, and now what a fine morning it is.

The rain has gleaned the pollution

from the environment, and has cleansed the surroundings. Its a perfect day for a Date. I think, we
should go for a walk, Shall we? Get ready soon then, we shall reach the park before its too late to
miss the sunrise.

Lets move into the park. Oh, clean leaves, pathways, air, really it has been a long time since we
entered into a park. Lets look at the sun rise, and savour the morning beauty. The chirping of birds is
a lovely song to the ears. Now lets observe our companions.

I am not amazed to see a yoga shivir in the park. I count, there are 9 people sitting on the grass and
doing yoga. On observing closely, I find that they are reciting some sholkas. It is heartening to note
the quality of pronunciation and the unison of speech. I feel like sitting here for a while. But look into
the eyes of those men, and gestures of women. I realise that the act is performed under boundation.
Some are fighting from diabetes, or some are trying to get good health.

Meanwhile the reciting continues, lets have a glance around us. I am pleased to see a formidable
presence of youth in the park. Infact, their sedentary job demands some physical exercise, and they
are rightfully committed to health care. Along with them, I can find many rich people, in flamboyant
attire, jogging up and down to reduce the belly or to relieve the tension. The park is replete with all
age group and gender.

Do you have time? I just want to conduct one exercise. Dont worry, its not yoga or anything. I hope
you will enjoy this also. So lets, begin!!

Just observe the young people; do you see a common thing? Ya, you have rightly pointed out, the
next generation I-pod. The music instrument presents it selves in plethora of forms, and makes a
glittering presence around us. Its really painfull to see that in such natural settings, where chirping of
birds brings peace to mind, and tranquillity to body, we are still engrossed with artificial songs.
Another grimace that you may notice is the downward glance. Its almost common in all people
present everywhere. Eveyone is thinking about the other things. It appears some are ruminating
over the life problems, while others are meticulously planning the day. The morning walk has two
objectives. Meanwhile the body continues to run and maintain health, you can continue to plan and
act smart. I will not be amazed, if few of them boast of this dual hit with a single shot.

After observing them for few mins, I suddenly realise something. This gave me an invaluable insight
of what we are doing to our lives. What a mercy and what a mess we have build around us. If god
would have been sitting among us, he would have noticed certain things about mankind, Human

They get bored with childhood; they rush to grow up, and then long to be children again.

They loose their health to make money, and then lose their money to restore the health.

That by thinking anxiously about future, they forget the present, such that they neither live in
present nor in future.

That they live as if they will never die, and die as if they never lived !!

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