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Exercise Program For: Date: 18/10/2007

Jacky Stanford Page: 1

AROM lumbar neutral spine supine AROM shld retract bil prone (neutral)

• Lie on back with knees bent, small ball between knees. • Lie face down arms at side. LIFT ARMS SLIGHTLY AND STRETCH
• Put fingers in hollow next to hip bones, pull belly button down to spine until DOWN TOWARDS YOUR FEET. PULL BELLY BUTTON IN AS YOU
you feel the contraction. EXHALE as you pull belly button in and SQUEEZE STRETCH DOWN.
small ball. • DO NOT LIFT YOUR HEAD.
Perform 2 sets of 8 Repetitions, once a day.
Perform 1 set of 10 Repetitions, once a day.
Perform 1 repetition every 4 Seconds.
Perform 1 repetition every 4 Seconds.
AROM shld retract bil prone (w/ER) Stretch Rhomboids, wrist flexors bil (front)

• Lie face down, arms out from body at 90 degrees, elbows bent as shown. • Interlock fingers of both hands.
• Squeeze shoulder blades together. • Straighten arms in front, ROUND CHEST AND TUCK CHIN IN.
• Hold the squeeze and lift arms up slightly. STRETCH FORWARD UNTIL YOU FEEL STRETCH IN UPPER BACK.
• Relax and repeat.
Perform 1 set of 4 Repetitions, twice a day.

Hold exercise for 5 Seconds.

Perform 1 set of 10 Repetitions, once a day.

Perform 1 repetition every 4 Seconds.

Issued By: Bridget Signature: ____________________________

These exercises are to be used only under the direction of a licensed, qualified professional.
Marica Kok Fisioterapie Except as to user supplied materials, Copyright 1995-2005 BioEx Systems, Inc.

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