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Cal\lourl Countyirailwav, (Phase 1, Se,gment 11 Addendum to RFP #1

January ]14, 2011

1.. YI!HI reference Transpcetatton Enhancement 'ITE), so I'm assuming t:his, is an MDOT TE grantfunded project, is that correct? Yes. What is the l;onstl1l.u;t;iion bydget used for grant applicatiQn and wha,t portion is MOOT grant? Theapprcodmate Construerioa Budget IS $1,792,653.00. this amount j'l'Ich,.des the $500,000.00 M DNRtrl.l5t fund grant that has been conditionallyaipproved. The TEA requested amount is $1,075,591.BO. Estimated total non participating amount is $83,320.00.

2. Vou mentione.d bV phone the Alliallce"s inceptic," olf the project. I'm a,ss:ym~l!Ilg that is the SMA!RT (Southwest Mithigan AUiante of Recreatiom.:l Trails), is that correct? No. This Is a specific local County Trailway Group. They are the Carhoun COllntyTrailway All lance.

3. Whait stakeholders are Ire:present1ed O'n true Selection Committee, i.e. CeRC, other Calhoun County agencies, Emmett TOiwnship and/or others. o,ther Cournti,es, .SMART, MOOT, others? CeRe, County Administration and the Calhoun ,County Ira ilway Alliance.

4. Was a con:oultaO't used to develop the Master PI.alr'l from which this is conceived, and if so, who? No, it was developed by County staff and the Calhoun County Tra~lwaV AllianE:e ..

5. Also if outside help was used, why would the Selectiorl Committee want to look at other consultants to do this work? N/A

6. What other consulta nts has: the team worked with in prior pre:jjects? Calhoun County has not don e previous trailway work with oon.sulltilnts.

7. What is order of priority in selectlen criteria? What: are you looking for most In a, firm?

Experienu! ln designing trails, filmiliarity with the County Park!; system land funding,. and costs,

S.. There are two dates listed for proposal slIbmittal- Febl1uary 4, and January 2B. please confirm the correct date that the proposals are due. TheV ars du l! ·February 4. See corrected page 11.

9. llhe RFP Is silent on a [pr~bid meeting, lf there is no pre-bid meet ins. is there all opportunity to meet with representatives of the Road Commission and/of the Calhoun (ioynity Trailway Alliance t{lre .... iew project details? We will be hosting a Trailway wa,lkthrough Oil Thursday, Janu,ary 27th at. 9:00 A.M. We will be m.l'i;etlng at the Kimball Pines Park locatedat 1150 East Michigan Avenue, Battle Creek, Mil 49014, Behind the Calhoun Counity Medical Care F,ilcility.

]0. H!ave there' been any natural features or eultural resource assessments completedi i'lIQ~g the proposed trail corridor? Not for this current proposed I'D 'Ute, but we have attached previous Ott Biological Preserve decuments relating to envlrenrnental assessment.

n. What is the extent of .agency coordlaatlon that has taken place at this [point af pl"(l!ject developmerrt? We !la,ve worked wirth MDOT and MDNRE to coordlnate thls project. Specifica,lIy, ~5 there concurrence from MIDOT and M DN R.E r"gareJlng teasfbillty of the proposed rol.lte1 Ye,s.

12. Please provide detail:!; required for the Organizatiion and Financial Statement iderrtifiil}d on Page 6. This Form is not found ln the RFP. Please refer to pages 16·18 of the RFP.

13, Are there any plallls/5I:udiies preVlouslV pu!pated for this segment of trail development avaUabfe? If so, bv"whom were they prepared end h,ow might one view or receive a ropy of them? Please refer tothe Calhoun County Ma!>ter Plim for <illy information availabh~

raga rding this topic.

14. In the RF"P, Task II: Prepare Fi:nal' Plans, Specs, & Engineer's Estimate does not mention constructton e'nsi.nee:rinH!<IdminisUattiorn. Will dle cOl1lsultant li"IiClveany reSiPotlSibilities to observe/inspect durang construction? No. CeRe will be responslble,

15. Would you please tell me what the construction budget: is ferthe above project and are there additional phases and ifso eo \Iou have 8, 'budget and tlmellne when the additiolilail phases might begin construction'? There is no budget er timeJine for the additional phases.

'16. Are there any more detailed pr~iect maps/plans avaiilable? We will be hosting a trallway waJ kthrough on Thursday, Ja,nuary 27tb at 9:00 A.M. We will be meeting at the 'Kimball Pines Pa.rllt located at 1150 East Michiga.n Avenue, BaUle Cfeek, MI 49014, Behind the Calhoun County Medical Care Facility. Also, a detailed scope has been provided.

17. Are there allY major streem or wetland cf'ossings pr1oposed? There are potenttal wetland crossings.

'18. What are: the e~pected requirements for public meetinl!lsr You indicated that this would prolJab~v be' no more than one inm,rmatiollal/input meeting, please confirm. Potentially one Informational/public input: meeting once the tentative design and' plan is completed. This does not indudl! project develeprnent meetings with MOOT.

1.9. Explanati,on 'of"assistance in aequtsltlon of rii!!ht~ojf-wav".1 understand YOUi may remove' this. from the RJP by Bin addendum. If not, please explain the e:Kteint of thls work. Tine consultant will be resuo rnsfble for writing any descriptions needed and surveying. The negotiations, for aGquisltion will be performed by CCRe and the Calhoun County Trialwav Alliance.

20. The Project plan the crossing of a railroad at the south end of the proj,ect. Isthiis iltMl'existlng clro,ssing? What,. If any, contact has been made with the ~ailro<!d ~ompany~' There are no p~ilIns to cross a railroad howev,er; there are plans to follow an eKisting path that follows through a tunnel just south of F Drive North under the that is part of Histor!'c Brid~e Park

21. P~ease ,elaiborate on the location(s), extent and details (width) associated wi;tI'l Uliell'roposedl boardwalks. Wfi!. do not have extended details available. Thfi!.Y have been vefbally aparoved by MDNRE/DEQ and a re proposed to go In to cross ~he wetlands at Kimball Pines Park. ',"lease see scope' for additional trail derails that are available.

22. Is it al1ticipated that hydraLJlit studies \IIIOuld be requ:ired ofthe propcsed structures? The studies will foll'ow what MDNRE/DEQ requires for the proposed boardwa'ik.

23. Has a Phase 1 Environmental Sit.e As51B5Sment been completed for the corridor or all.,. portion ofthe eerrldor? Ilf set, is there intent ~fJ. compl'ete one as part efthls project? This will be based on MDOT and MO NRE/DEQ.'s requirements.

Project: Description:

This project will hegla at the intersection of Verona Road and Raymond Road in Em mett Tewnshlp. The total distance ofthe trail, from the Verona Road and Raymond Road intersection to Historic Brfdse Park is 5.3 miles. After passing tnrough the Con s urners Energy property the path will continue ~t the northern access point of the Ott Biological Preserve. The path wi.n wJnd through the Ott Biological Preserve on mostly preexisting trails and oome out adjacent to the Marshall (ommu Ai tv Cred It Union property on Mieniga n Avenue. To avoid unnecessary conflict witl1ellents and other uses in Kimball Pines the trail wil i be routed to the northern ledge of the park parallel to M-96 to the west boundary of the park where it will proceed south to the boardwalk wetland crossing at the south end of the park. The Trailway will continue in an easterly direction ultimatelv crossing Wafiles R.oad and entering Historic Briclge Park which will be the ending of this segment. a nd phase of the Tra ilway.




!iM!$1!t;\,!.!!! _re zs



t\ElfH J_~IUERS, CIIoI"",", J!:ll'll'l' C. l'lAR'INIK




JOI'flNENGLER. ,G ... em",


STEVENS li Mo,sO".eUIWN",.o !lOX;~ !.AN$JNQ!MI 4U!.H~e

August. 110, 1999

Mr. Dennis Randolph, Managing DI'!lector Calhoun C!oun~y Communrty Development 13300 15 Mile Road

Marshall, MI490S8

Dear Mr. RandQlph!;

SUBJECT:9g..~93, Ott Prreserve Improvem,ents

This letter is to transmit inmnnationl that was! provided to our section by the Department of Natu Resources"W]ildlife, Division, N,aturaJ Hernage Sadien. The endosed paper has a description of species known to exist in the section or adjacent tothe section where your project is proposed, as determined by a search oHtne Michigan Natural Features Inventory database.

Please take this opportl!lnity to further investigate if the listed natural feaJtUfe5 are within your proposed project area, land determine whether any permits will need to be secured it'll order to, cornlplete the propo5ed developmern: project:. If you wish to follow up om this information and provide further dccumentatlon regarding the possible species, occurrences and related penmits, please include documentation wHh any other supporthg ma.ieliiai to elihal1lC9 your application for R.o'und 2. Any addltlonallnrormationto SllIp,port your application must be sUlbmitted to us no later than

September 30, '1999.

Ilf'you have any questions or lif YOIU wish to discuss Round 1 Trust Fund evaluations and possible application ennal1C$rnelTlts for Round 2, please eentaet me at 517-2411-3070.

'j]\'h Sinoerely',


.t""~ 1-J1l'? ~ &,S.6~

yv 1\'

H ""

AmyJ.S. Elwert, Grants Coordiinator Grants Management Section Financiall Serviices DMsion 517-241-3070


cc: Ms. Allnette Chapman., Parks, Planning and Mapping Specialist


.' • t'{C~liCati"n Ilfi'lnt IIpplio:llliOIl~

Jli.~'}'J Page .5

A dry~meiic l1orthe'rn fOl:lest :nah!nli ~m!lnJJ!ity and II dry sand pralrle natural community lIave Deem iderntifned in

sections 3 and 4. &Ad~ ~-ed.





Type TtR,S

Dev TIS R 7W sec. 4. 9


Ott Preserve Imp.rovements The special concem pale aveus (Geuirl virgEn/anum) has 'been known to occur in section 4 and 9'. Pale livens inhabits openings. low gro~nd and banks in woods. This species 'flowers from June to August,



The special concern leadplant (AmorphQcanescens) inhabits prairies, dry bluffs and hills, sandy roadsides and clearings.

Flowering occurs ill June and. July _ .

The, spec;!al COncel:tl angular spittlebug (Lepyrtmia angul[fero) has been known to occur in section 9. The angular sp:ittlebug. is restricted to marly fens. It is prcbablya sedge or grass feeder: Adults are found from August to, November,

The stare-threatened w'hiw lady's slipper (Cypripedium candidum) has been known to occur in section 9. See species description above.

A prai:r,ie felllill8'wral co.mmunity has been recorded in section 9.






Type ToR.S:

Dr. T.K. Lawless

Acq T6S RIJW sec. 31


Cass County



Park North

A dry-mesie seurhern fOl'e1lt naturlll e@m.munity. :lI relict cOlllifer SWlI'm.p natural community and a hardwoed·cohifer swamp Datural commlllnlty have been l1eoorded in sections 3 l and 32.

The special eoneem hai.ry skullca.p (Scurdlarfa elltptlca) has been known til occur in section 31. Hairy skullcap inhabits deciduous woods (oak, hickory. ,SIIS'SllIfro.S, basswood, beech, maple). Flowe:ring occurs from late M!IlY to early July.



Title Type



Eagle Harbor To .... nshipAcq Nature Conservatory

A hardwood conifer ~warnp natural communi1y has been recorded in sectioa I.


Eagle Harbor Twp, Keweenaw


1"58N R3IW sec. I

The state threatened wild chives (AIi11)m scho.elloprasum) has been known to ocelli! in section 1. Wild chives ,~w ill cool, moist bedrock crevices on the Lake Superior shore, On Passage Island, it is IOGally common inseepy or sheltered rock crevices where a moist, organic soil MS developed, In Delta County. it occurs the Escaneba River in moist crevicesof Ilori:wntad limestone b~drock or at the bases of cliffs. Wild chives bloom in July lind August.

The special concern dowl'lY oat-gnw (Trisetum spicatum)' has been known. to occur in section 1_ Dewny cat-grass inhabits reek crevices ami shores: around the northern portions of (Ile globe. This species: flowers June {oear]y August. Special concern species are not afforded protection under endangered specieslegislarion, but are rare and in some cases are i:ndica.tors of other rare features.

The state threatened northern reedgrass (Calamr1grostis laclistriJ) has been known to 'OCCUr in sectionsl and 2. Northern reedgrass inhabits lake shores and rock crevices in the Lake SlIpe'ciorre,gioll. Flowering occurs ill July and August

Thestate threatened gll'eat DBrthern lister (Aster modesms) lias been known to occur if! section 2. Aller modl!SfU! .... ·M collected (In Isle Royale froma rocky shore and. an open field. At the sole mainland locality, it was found. in a roadaide cedar swamp .. Throughout its range" it inhabits wooded or open. moist places. Great northern aster flowers during late Augu~ll and early September in northern Michigan.




Annette Uhapman

(;a!hcua ("'.0_ (!amr:!JuDiuy D~~ lJ3C'JI ~ ~ Mile Rood

MYS.!l#ii!, M.f 491.168

AltacIMro. i1I o.dooWUllt JwmttarIzmg tile .major bebim' lyJ'es f1:l1!l"J11i At & on. P~~Yc. The 1J1idv~anlIl8p w.itb £Ili:!I dCOOll'lM comeI :&om. Bill mlbof'll19S4 p1m~in Mi"cill,iali! Ifutury_ The mS)} c;m be (l'I)W"...JQaded:liom thiI:,Ftietlit:o ef'ili6 Ott Pnlserr.l~web site d: ig!:p:Nottm-eMm1e.m'lll,gemti..htm:·_

Thae is lUI c~ve iirnDiil B'Jn'~ ot"fti;i rld!!L Flt:!wever. 1JGk.<w 111l:ite :.omCl tiJtl1" SJ1'!lcics reconioo fur tile ~ that might bi;:,ofinta:a'l: to OW'rcviC'.n:J'!IL

E'I'.5tem lJtr.f l'Urtle {1m,,!?,UllII!' r:aroiirla (l'froli"!'n) ~st. qmr:in1cmmm."u- I MYe ~ t!it:ile quite f'nxiumJy. mnstllY:ln Iow~ (~out~ImlSWllillIl fMM)

Spon~d ·ilurtl~tClemm.ys gIl<'1,Hl:) - ,sb.rte specir!l ~ - Simtd by Bob ~.~g ,(In pr.:tii.e rem. at 1:lw presc'I1Ve

Alihoug'h my m~ I!:ml. pum~ ll)1!ti:lJ!'ati!:!J. llur"ve [fl, stnlg ~ ill m(iile. mil: amphibillm_ OtblC'r commrm berps 6: b pres:allli: 1 :i!m.-ltlllW.t:Ounmr~ar(l. ~s I:llrtle.!., pdnt,ed tm!.!e~. nOO tlIDi~otjlJi&:: upon tP.cLtiil!;-'lds! lei b~l.i:ng A.menCllli: toads, (ll'ifo< QfMlicatUliS) :II: Brigham Lm, 'B}ne~":'S (Coltlber co<lUtlicto .. ) I!D.d ~ flo,gnose s~s (tl'(!lerorin!r. plM) 'aN ~~'~ in llPbnd ~_

-.~. --_~---' -~~----------,

Smnml'lQ of iInbimiti ,of tbe Ott BIClICgiCfll ~!Vr:

Ctill!onIlIC~finif. l\~""tiWlD

J .. Dt-"n, 5~n, .h:- •• I'h.n. !k!;tllrlTA!ilTlt ofDt.Q!cg)' Afb1cn .r:n!kll:c ,.JIJi!:;tt, Ml. 4.u"'1;1:4

Por l!':l ~!atively Grnalllri~iil (r.iiL Jon~), the On Pref!ecve har'i.-m's:a wida vsriety of habitats. which IifC sUOlIDariz;.:;;d bt:!ow.

PJ"Ilil"i'..e .FElI ~ At tb!: c.. Pm:iel'Je dI~ee' \vetl.mds on 'w4tletl<j:ggoo marl ~l~ .t;:I'." dominated by sedges (mo.!itl.y D&JchJzrU itpp.), BIl:!lIlCtllt Q;U :iW edges. wllich are fringed by'CCH 01 shrub!! .inc1udic.g'k (La~fx /aricimi). puis,,!!! iUiWW (Tlm'oodemr/ro<1- lIt'i'llit) and red-'lsler tW!f<mJd (Cmw!d .'I'n:lMa). Shrubby cinq,Wbil (fote1'rliFta /nttiwtJ) is a 00MI!Wn :!ibru'a. Th~ best..~dl':reitrle fcJJ ifJ mal:OO. cew.reaa D:exre:

Lalre (former!')' wiied B~cli.: LiIke) 1tlI4 HPJl Lo:k~ i'~ed ill a '/egclation map pu1J!ishedby Gil1rm: (954). CmriI'fW'.JI.l-.wbfl ~ ~ ~~ ~e incl.lildm p!1lpU!!i!eherplllD't (&J.mJCfl1Jrapurpurea11:1adderwnm (Ut'~ ~), 1tmll'aW (~a rottlruiifolia), ~-Qf-pilHil~S1!5 (Pa:. .... d4 .. ria ghiilCU), mn..'"Cd gcmtiG (Gen£ia.tJop.rir j!l"!r-4:Ta). ;!j"ldJ veia.<im [Ym~ ulip,::'M). S1w"e:mllJ~hid.s. iru:luifulg rose p>!gonia. (?ogrmfa QP.1iogto:s.roUim;) .. gress pink- (C4lopa..,"''fm i1~~)~ ~.f!ad¥·'s-sf,~~ (Cy'!H"'tpe,dI'Um regiJUif!!J tndth,:: ~e·tbreatenoo 1CJ1.ite 1Il.;l;,v':r:itJww (~~ .::a7ldid!m:h :Ilnl p;reIIe!I!I!. RlIbnrl A W'luting ~'e"'i$oo hiology profc:u3Z frmn J'~ Cominr...uit'/ CGn~g.e,; has in mi posscssIon 16mm fuolriji:: of II 5}'IO~1 til.Ilithl. (~I;U-' gulJ!J.ta). a sn.a-lJsted special cm1'lc:cm iipr:lCl;!ll,whit:h h~ filIr£!Cd stirring -up tn" llW'1:Jn 11 prairie fm tt1 the~m'e in mruut 191D (Whjtir!.S. t~leJ;!tilme .00000WIlIlDon ;l Oct l~.

SOlltlifm. I~p Ft)!'Wl- Ti~!IC fures'!ll on '1!nUcl:l: ~ domiLamd by:rea. mup}.e: (Acer r~ ....... ), yelilW 11b:.~h (OrmJrJ i/jlkg1iIlill·lm.l·/~). 1-¥ ~"':>~ wu.lU!lts llfblaak ~

(F~ ;ti:ra};c:;OO. Am.mQlln clm. (Ulmw a~a). Spicebush (LiJJkra ~gin) ill a COlJ-nmC)1l tmdCl"~lbrllb. Commwl. harb:!; inclw:le sbmk...eablJage (ll)mpJom.']mJ faetidus), partri.dge.-b~ny (Mitch~la rtperu~ smru.n.,g eln'b.m1llS1i (lfItpertia l~itMa). IO]o.'tbrend (Col'tM Miotla),. WIld ooiwnlline (Aqroil~ C$J~).. 1'h.Mo fcrests cornp>ise t!Je ~ority of'"LI'!wIzulJHiardl'mod;;" 00 tIu:: mr.p 'JWbl.hhed by Gilbert (195:4). Catma (1967) slii~Iro. i!nd O!!lCr fD,l1Cliki m 'ilil:: ~iol. noting tne· ~line cl Americ~D ~lm. This habitat is adjacent. tc P..:rlpam Llilie. IUld {g bl!!;l ~entoo m '!he lmv'~ds eR5t r.nd we::t ofthe-ccntntl {$~, &lst ol"'tM~. n<t thlI N ernl oftJU:!ilmrt ~em !;\'SM, It ~0T18Y NOl".:i ma.t :ill weU ,d.cvclOp2d """.Ii. ~ ar3 :EI1I.m.Cl'OiL.", 1ug~. ~1!t:1J:(J';( birch Ire.~ Illrl1l't:&!livBeloolP! of sbinitlgclub.-1'lC!1!! Dottecmmoruy cee~ 1n tiJis ~ of :tJJjeh.i81Ul·

Soilthem ShrutJ-,Can." -1'hese succeuiol\8Jsmuh·domine!:M commm:rit'.es are ban: 5om>1Whll1lrlmr.itical£l bl:lWcen :naL-ie :fen:a U1.d ll00i.lhem IJ'Warnp 'forests. I! .. s~~ mM m2:Y hll PruIleDt ~ sJlJruh .. !l'f ~ll tm:eB mc~ ~)'E~.ed and! JIed~:;;r


oopoiWS (CDlmt.S'MCBr.I;'JSQ and C aerit:ea respe11tttely1 [inC! 'l'Fil~ (SaHx "PP->~ This; brtinIAU includes 1bi~ i!lGng liOO'~ ~gl!kl M"J ill Ilesi..repmiootcd in OPlm. ~ S1i"IIlf lltl§r1>1m, L.a\o;., Most of tit~ Q>"~ trc!ltcd by Oiih«t (L~!54) .i!l 4(jras~: & S.MIWil!,eI,' are mw this !)Ip~ .,.fl.lab:i1ilt

'li1'-,M~1; ;f;i;1)ml!\~lII"1I ~f'C,t- Thel!lo\l ~, life dmmnBte~ by ~>hlt.; ~ and black o1!k !~ allJa. Q. ",liM', r\Dld Q, ~ ~tiwly)j ,l!:I:Id pignut and ebagbark Irlt"lWry (CaryagllJ'bt! mil C. DIIillo. respeeti\'!!tJ). Flowering dc~vood{COl'IUI.I';1onda) snd Swa.fma (&$tt.:rfrilS clbldum) me pn:sem in the 1!~r:y,. Commoo iipnq-flCl\'lCMig Ilctb~, inc!llde he~qt (Hq1QIiCD. ~), aWl ~IiM g:tza.Irium (!'l:!man.Dt.'n mLlculrltwlI). om!oert (1954) mapped thl!!llHbi-:at iI3 ··lJp.1m.il1 Hard;wodB." 'nWi lIDbltat is ctllm'IlW:1 in tlMJ. uplan&, illcludin,g ihe fups of the ~i_

0:1'1 SlllJ'd Pr:drlll,- These tli1f. S:lUldy.lJl!alS~y ha'bitas are UlIIl,at llie Ott Preserve ;md pl\'tclly in dislrillu!ion" o~ 'in smaIl0.peci:azs tad at!he frm.,""CS of fa i'e~ f,rngj;;ated by o1lib. T'ne Imbitat lls domina!;edl by g.."IUIIC8 ( app.)., Homs p.tC8!:.!lt ir.cltlde· the gPD.f·~ me (Iepbu'Sit; ViI'gl'lia,Ul) ImIi fM liti'ite IJICIli<ti CImC"m spccies..le!clplmt (..{mcrplla t:lm11$ceMi). Thill habr tal is iIm. developa::l. almilg &e, waf boUIld::ry ot the pmp;ttly at the OonsWD~1 iEMrgy rlga!.-of"Way. Diill; Fo'1"Ut3 -These at\:" p-nm .. ily ':be: old IIPPtQ o:~ ;.':lUt.afHall L~ in I!b.e ~iy tlbaI. w"s domed to me p~ by Alex Sruarek in :i. ~'93, awl whic:l:tt DOW wctndes the ~e':!! p:uk:L"l81m:, In IUidition m whire" red, ami bl:!!;cl;:: om,thc area includes many exotic trees IiU("h as ~lc (Malus p:!rmila). S:ibwill ~hn (lRmUJ' pumilnJ, 'lIcc·9f.:bca ............. (A.l1tM illilS altlE&ima). a.ouJ tiht&: j:r;)tm.!lt (lWhinw F~cia). Gllflic m1JlS1iml (AlIWrlapetiolma). a llDxlom aotic hl1lb .• ·is m;¢d~y ~dE:g lntn dI±~ arm. Ti1~ an:a r.l:2ppOO. by rOiIbort (~!;B4) aacullil.~ fie1dli i~ li.OW iliislm;uat. Iii awtlJn to h~ !!uOOe~to d.~ ~ fum!t.

Catani!, A s; Jr. 1967. Foreats ",fthe H::ltVeY N. Ott ~ A:m.. .:Midl.. ~_ 7ik 496- 5li7.

Gililc:ri, W. J. 1.954. The H~1~ N, Or. Biolo,gi:a1 ~ (If Alliillil! CQUe6.;l.

Mie1rlgBD.1-liBWrj311:: lY'-167.

__ ._. 195'5 .. A cataiugueofY!lsculilrp:attt& on tlw H&"~ N. Ott Blological Pre~'Vc of Albire; con~. Unpilbl. Marttl!~pl.

l(l/O:S/99 :::::; S.l. FA! Djd V~etmin.llMa,

Ij!I'1')~ Pagul an

S/:IppcNt fill· r!l;,; io1il'~ ~;.e Ita" ~~ti ~jjFij"""_,rjJ!VoriIJe(;I by t~~ .~~." W __ ;It: ?"~ &w¢«.:QIl.IJI""-"!.l!~ A!lwIl0;o~ .,,!tdill"~<1mn- .,'rom a:1I.'~~ ""'" l'f!ll¢r Ffwi~J.i:;!~I"'T::_ 11"i1.- .mQ.r,(~ in..dmp.r(.\J,f! r'Z!1.'"~7 ,M£: ;PUP' if,-1~~

Be[o,)W i3 a V!!y3tatIJr'! map, whl'ch was put;iisheC! DY

William J. Gilbert (1916~1994). Dr". Gilbert tmti a long ~nd dlstiliig!.!ishedcaree:ri:"! 1Ll'1~ D6partmi!!.nt of aif-'Iogy a,t Albion CoJ!ege. i11~ receJv2d his Ph. o. FrOm tt'1t; Ur.M..'TSity -of Mlcttlgon in 1'942 ,p'i1d carne to ,;lUJIo10n in1 A6 aft'eT" workIng Four yea;rs: (:IS a research biOlogist ;l1lndl~u'lC!. His prh"Odty research interest:; were the marine i:llgae or HawoU and

the cel:1ltre' Pacitiic~ for which he recelved three NSF research (lrants. In 19!:iS he produced an annotated catalog of the '/<:ls:tl.llaf" pk.nts Of tl\e Oli: PreSG!fVle. all vouchered by specimens still housed in the cO'i!ege's heraanurn. 81i1 ~el"'\lecias Chair or th@ Biology DepartmC!1lt from 1957-19711 and later as Assoctate Dean. He" retired from the co~_18g_e In 1.981.




'0'1 i.


J... ..,..





HarveyN.IOlt Biologica,1 Preserve

Calboun County Parks and Recraaltion Commission



A. Topography;

Se.e Suppletnelll; n

See Supp'l.emen:t ,It


C. KtneraJ lte.sOUI'It.t!S:

To the lalow.1edge olf the CCPRe and" Alb1"I~eg~tlte .Ellte hils 110 known or 8uspe.cted anas that would, be valuable a:8 mineral re.Ut!!lrCe!!o


P. Water Resources:


not: entirely indud!ed within th!! boundari~.1!1 of the Preserve , t'ney belollg to the area seolog1.c:ally. .and the bou.uCla.ry1111e:s ar'l;! obv1oullly

arbitrary and unnaturaL All thriee ,BEe sprin!!:;-fed and have

more tban one inlet. The springs a.rise at or near tile base II of


meande:r1ngatt:eams ~hicb, ar;e aeve,TB.l hundred )"aNa iD length. All

of the, lue8 have sUlgle outlet!;!. 'Fhe outl.ets Clf Brigham Lake and

Dexter l.lIiike both into OaU I.ake which is fed both by sprin;g_.

.'IId by the cut:leu Ill! the. other twOI La~es. The, IDutlet of Rail Lake

eorries, the.refore, the uverflow f1l:'olD. all three. of the bkt!.a. iog

areas surround Brighmn and, nllJ~.l Lakes and: the northern jlliIJ:'t ·of

J}exter lake. Biologically. Brigham Lake is much more proi!,uet:ive

thlUl e1tberol the, other lakes.

The she: and depths of the la~es as determLned by t.he departllle:nt are

as folIOUS·;

Brigham Lde - 3.1 acres/aD ft.

IlaU LPke - 5.9 acres,114 ft~

Dexter Lake 9'.5 aCl:<es/ f't:.
















AlBO~iII8 ll!entioned eArlleJ:'~ 'the lake. !!!I'C all !!prliDg fe.d, whieh woulcl iDdic~te a re1at::lvely pollution free water (l'ual:U:y c.ontent.

would 1.nclud!e non-motorlzed boating. :study ,of aqqat:l.,e plantR and anil!l&l!I and the. observation of w:Lld11f~.



One of the most striking things @gut the Haney N. Ott BiolO8,lcal


Preserve -:I.e the \lDus .... l variety of bab1!:ats enOOIllp8llsedwi.tb:1n so

s_l1 an-aHa. This results. quiee, nattll"Blly, :La • nalt:lvely large.

gf pla.ntH are tg be fg,Wl.d in t:ho.ln~, a'reas described as open lE.ields.

upland hardw-ooda! lowland hardwoods, t,amar'8ek hardwood., marshes.

of the Preilerve .n.;l. in: the: northern par!:. jUBt ,.,est of the north

s,w&II'Ip. lbe flora is clIa.'racteriZled by gra8l!es. I!! few sedges and ·one

or more ape,eiea of Hypercium. Aadep1as. Verb as CUll,. Euphorbia •.

De.SflKI:diUIIII,' Le.s:pede.zil. Vlv:t::a. Edger on • Ant.e.unaria. and Solidago •.. _

In theBe aNaB. there are aLs,o woody plan'tllt amongwhi,ch are;

The upland hardwood are88i are to be found ptin.c:ipally at the soue;h-

easte1:'.n port:1on. of the Pr,ellerve. Spe:e.i.e.& 0'1' Quercus.,, Amelancllle-r. Viburnum~ f'a;gua. Cornua. Prunulli; ICarya •. Vitis,. and Celastus dlaraeter1ze

th,e .... oody flora wh.1le the berbae.1.ous p1anu an represen.tecl by BpecJ.eo

1n the genera Anemone. ,Me1l1onella. Tll:al1ctI'WII, Elepatiu. GeraniulQ,.

'I I l l L

PDpopbyllum, ViolS!, CaUum and Mon.otrapa. There is SUIpI:.:ls.illgl;y

and Clayeoltia :In. any of these amo,_

On 'both sides of the esker j the :tovland hBTdwood ~ove.r. a 1aTge part of the. cen.tcal a.r;ea 0'£ the l'xese.ltve.. In the spr:1.l1;g season.


110 that it :I.a U'W,AIIIp like. TUlia., Bet.ull;"llaU~rpiaus'and R!ubnu:a make up -the bulk of the woodT flora. Of the herbadoW! 'vascular pluta, most eonmooly found are CopHa, :M:l.tebe1~., V:!I.ola., Kitella, Adlllaema •. Syap,laearpooj ·Cyprededium" IIIIP:&t:I.~ns i!nd numerous



species '0.£ fe.nts.

B08 areo surlround Brigb~~ llall ed the 1I.0,rtb.el'n part of Dextcr Lake.. 'Ene (llde.r porti.O:as of the. bog eup'port an abundan·t :Br'~th of taru. One of' tbec:o~ne;!lit 8hr'008 on the Fre!:lerve .is lUius Ven:J.ix, vbic:h grow abundantly in the lIJ8.tshes and bogs. and whe:revu

lakM are. cWI!lonly fouo.d grasseS! ,an,d sedgeli' Cyprepe.diuIII Pogon1..a.

I I I I l I I l

of PQtentill.a FrU:tiCOSII,. Both ~r13ham ,and RaU Lakes appe8'E' to be.

c:lasiDg in. IliS evbl.enced. in P,lu:t,i·cul,ar by the plant B'uc.ceasI.PIl .at tbeir eastern and ftCl'rman boundarle.a. Ma'rl is evld.ent 111 1I:I!.IC:h

'of the substratum. making 'upthB margin~ of tb.ese lakes. Other mal:sheG

of Utdculartum. Saggit.!l.rta •. Poun1Ura Paba trill!, Solid.a&o. EBe.patorlu.

'ro.mpatiems,. AsclepluD. Ve.~befiA, Polygonum and Gol.1um 4Z'8 dClininaDt .•

The very brief deBar.1ptloti, ccnUind Imly partially .Lodieatel


Ii l

F. Fauna:'

I. I I

within the Preserve, imHe.atiloMl would: poiDt to t.b!1!l p:fohabll:f.I:::y that aneqtla.Uy' diversified wildlife pop,ulB.tion could "be Ii!UBtaine.di.

A eorrela,tion d'oe6 exist beltween tl'tll types .of vegetation found and the types ofwildlUe that cwld find tne el'e.a suitable


Coll!1!dea:ioll, the rle, is 'DO iknown documented 9: iudY"'l:e g~rdJifig ~be f Ilwt8


1ntbe, Preserve. tbeJ:lefol'e.we can only judgle.the wildlife based


Oil what e.ns ts wit:llin 'the County. 'l11e ·ar,es :18: ccmducive, but not necessarily l:I.1!IU:ed.l:o. the follow,ing types of w:11dUfe::

White Uil ae,etp~e8:ll:ant eq'Uinela (red. gray, black) q'Ua:ll


, I I I I I

OppO:!lSIJftl bll!liJger gt'ound bog


0'Ii!111 hawks

e1l1pmtllllk i!!km:!k

geese ducks







8n.okes frogs


to,ads lIalamande.r



I I·



The Ualt. e.bove 1s by far inco!!!p1e.te. but: should gt!T!ll!t6.t:le .aome 1dea of the tYP,es of wildlLi:f'e that: could be pDeaent lOB the Ott !BioloPllcal


[ [

:L rl L l l L L L [

L l 1 l L I l l~

G. HIs tlD:.rY:

See, Supplemen t 1,5

H. l"opulation and! Densi,ty;

caThoun County',s population 8i1 indi,e&tecli by' the .1970 GenrHlS WaB I,U .963.

,ElIIIl:ett Townshf,p development density - II total of 2.502 acres of resident,hl land use Kitb 3.654 dwell,lllg units. of 1.4 dwc:llin:g Un.1t:B per ae,re !let del1dty.

Calhoun county "deve.IoJ!IIlEollit density - a total of 25,762 acre~ (1,£ l'e.liid,ential land! use with 46t856 d,welling units:, or .1.,8 dWelling units per sere net density.

1. Land Vse:

Theptesent land: use and l,oniDg g,r the site and adj..:ent property ia aa follows:,

North - 'present land use - Rersidentiall., l.ow density zoning - Re.sldenUal. mad,1~1IlI

p'I'esent land use - Agricultural and mediw ood multip,1e den:sity


r::ort.!l1Ig: - Residen'ti,al. medium and' mldt:l.ple. d,BDSlty E8.8i1: - pl'eee!lJt bnduse - Re:!lident,id. low d,ensit:y

Boning - ReSidential, l~ d.e.nsilty

W'est - pre-oent lrmd use - Cons:umers Power ROW !IUd Agrlc,ultural,g- Ope.n Space and A:gdeultut'sl

Ott Preaex-ve ProPllrty .. p,reseni:. lsnd! use .. Biologica~ Pnserve Iloaing- Open Spa.ce (See Suppleme:nt g6)

J. Trlillll;lpCl'rt:!!i;ion Network:

ne: Harvey N. Ot't, B1010gica.l Pre.:!:eI:W :io, servic.ed l.'t'lmar11Ly by four networks of roads ~ Mic.higan Avenu.e; a majior' arterial; Wattles Road,. 4a!ne.8,on lloild.and l" .Roa.d, C01.!nty colleetore.


l l l L L L L Il l I I I,

I, I I I I I 1-

All fouT rtlladllale.l1tio.ned are hard Burfac.ed • with H1lch.1giln Avenue carrying appro:dmately 6.500 cars: dire, PUf the Ott PreBeit'll!· and K:I:,wul,ll Pines Park..

Other ne:lghbolL"bood roadis would. be avai:lald~ for access to dle PrCDe.rve 1f ,dieemed nec.ess,flry • but: them: by no means: "'Qvla be. pr.ll118ry ,1l~ce8tl points. (See Supplement (1)



As deslcl'ibed! in tile Warran.ty Deed for the Ott Preserve pr,operty. CoIlS'umersPower Qgmpany nc'lds ,an easement for the purpPge of md,nt4i~1ng a line for trang:llliss.!i.orl of electricall cuncnt over' and ac:rossl II portlgn of the !iI:Ud! 'Tbe !!.,ctually makeos up the western 'of the property. See aup,plement 18

f·or 'Wauan.tJ' Deed IUId Easie~nt.







~ Upland Hardwood h:,!g,1 Lowlgnd Hardwood t_~ .. J Cultivated Fie~d fi18BS B,rus,h or g,r,a-rni:J,le

~ Tamarac:k_ Swamp w,=·:l Gress - MC!liUh - Sphagnum Mat M::~;::I Grassy/WeB,dy










September 21, 1999 Mr. Dennis Rando[ph

Calhoun County Cmnmunity Development 11300 15 MIle Road

Marshall, MI 49115 II


Leadplant (Ammpha canesoens) - special concern Pale Avens (Geum virginianum) - special concern

Wihite Lady's Slipper (Cyprjpedium.candidwn) - state-threatened Anglliair Spittlebug (Lepyt(mta unguliferu) - specialconcern

CAq·;OJI'~ GOUNW ·OMi..tUI'IITV fJEV[;L(Jf'oh,:l'!"

Dear Mr. Randolph;

This letter lis to acknow ledge records that indica te the presence of these four state-listed species rut the OLt Biological Preserve and to offer my assistance with infomtation that: may be required for the permitling process as we seek funds to pursue projects wt would promote conservation and passive, low-impact recreational use of'the area, Such UBe, including developing ill significant population of local advocates, is essential ito maintaining the Ott Preserve as an interestiJag natura!! area with a: diversl1y of eccsystems and species.

Of course, I, and other members of our organization. Friends of the ou Preserve (FotOP). support only development that would. not negatively impact populations of these listed species ..

William Gilbert, long-time chair of Albion's biology depmiment,. conducted .3. floristic Inventory on the property infue late 19405 and! <lady 19So.s, when it was the property of Albion College. The herbarium of Albion College (ALBC) houses lis voucher specimens and aerialphotographs that document the known ranges oUhe three listed plant species a half century ago. Copies of the aerial photos a;re attached for leadplant, pale avens, and the while lady's slipper. r have seen the white lady'5 'slipper MId lead:plant,but bave not noticed thepale avena, although I will certainly look for it next summer. I have seen spittlebugs on sedges in the fens, but can't be sure they are the spectal concern angular spittil.ebllg.

The le.adplant is known from the wel1·drained sandy areas near the west edge of the pt@perty at the Consumers Energy right-of-way .. The pale livens is known from the esker north oflBriglJam Lake. The white Lady' ~ slipper is mown only from the fen between Dexter Lake (formerly Blanck lab) and Hall Lake and a similar habitat just north of'Hall Lake. It is likely that the angular spittlebug is in these marly fens as well.

I look forward to working with you to enhance accessibility whilepreserving and protecting this hi dden jewel of Calhoun County,

Phonee 517.629.0525

Fa:t.: 517.629.0509

:E-mai1: '




Gaunt vil"'glnh,:r,ull1 L.

Pale Av~ns


f A_Mll Y __ ~UM.:rn.Q§J$

Amorpha .canescena PIJI'13h

Le a.dp la n.t

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"_ ." 'Ii.ltl -

._ :.,,-".~



GYpripediwn c8ndidwn.lduml.

White Lady's Slipper

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