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H.S.A. is the most important & abundant plasma protein binding to variety of ligands.

It has four ligand

binding sites, for long chain and medium chain fatty acids, metals, and drugs such as warfarin

Amino acids present in each sub-domain

Quercetin is a flavonoid molecule. It is found in apples, red onions, tea, etc. It exerts many health
benefits. Melting point of 310-317C. Insoluble in water, sensitive to air and light exposure.

The aim of the project is to investigate the interaction between H.S.A. and quercetin.


H.S.A. obtained is 97-99% fat free, and solns prepared in pH 7.4 Tris buffer (6-30 micro M). Quercetin (15
microM) prepared in methanol (not exceeding 1%). The solns were mixed to study the interaction
between quercetin and H.S.A. by fluorescence spectroscopy. Further interaction was studied by
Molecular Docking using Biopredicta Software Tool

Results indicate that binding to quercetin quenches the intrinsic fluorescence of single Trp residue of
H.S.A. As protein concentration increases, dual fluorescence behavior of quercetin is observed typical of
the parent comp.

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