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Brands and today’s Youth

Usually, when we think of a product we want to buy whether goods or service, the
first thing which comes to our mind is the BRANDS. To define it can be said that, a
Brand is an identity to a product; company’s usually endowed products & services
through the power of a Brand. While talking about Brand and today’s youth we must
understand that all customers are not alike, infact all customers are unique. But, in
broader sense if we categorize there can be two possibilities i.e. whether a
costumer is a RATIONAL BUYER or IRRATIONAL BUYER. In today’s scenario if
we look, a majority of youth is irrational in taking purchasing decision. Youth which
is described as impatient, energetic, passionate, eager and impromptu is the
backbone of any economy today, as the majority of population of the world is
compiled by youngsters. Today, if we look at the pattern the youth is going fashion
crazy and the products that they are buying are basically stylish, let say for example
gadgets like mobile phones, laptops, i-phones, gaming devices, apparels and
accessories, stylish bikes & cars etc. They are very much influenced by the brands
of these products and from the company’s point of view it is very important to
understand and connect to the youth through right positioning. We should
understand that everything is a brand in a way, every product we buy is a brand
what we need is a PERFECT FIT, a fit between the traits and personality of a
product and the traits and personality of the customer, where these two meets
purchasing takes place. Today youth has become brand conscious to the extent
that they need a Colgate or a Pepsodent for brushing, they are picky for their
bathing soap. Every product has its own attributes and these attributes in a way
describe its positioning. Usually companies use celebrities as the face for its
product, youngsters are also very much influenced by their friends circle which
compiles their reference group. To conclude, a Brand is a very powerful tool in the
hands of a company. Brand carries with it a legacy, a group of followers that doesn’t
see the brand as only the differentiated product but as the only solution to their
unmet desires.

Thank you

Kr. Saloni Maharaj

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