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For Actor reference

Character Profile
Alisha Lloyd
Name: Alisha Lloyd

Age: 16

Height: Approximately 170 cm

Weight: Approximately 70kg

Eyes: Brown/Green

Body Type: Normal to somewhat thin

Face Type: Feminine

Small Biography:

A good life that is mostly unproblematic. Her parents are busy and make little
time for her. Because of this she indulges in the affection that she is given from
friends and her boyfriend.

General Demeanor:

Easy going and expresses her feelings easily to those she knows. She is not afraid
of social outcasting and her actions are done for herself rather than for the
acceptance of others. She is optimistic.

Hobbies: Art, Music, Cooking

For Actor reference

Character Profile
Aiden Brook
Name: Aiden Brook

Age: 17

Height: Approximately 175 cm

Weight: Approximately 70kg

Eyes: Blue/Hazel/Green

Body Type: somewhat thin

Face Type: Semi-Feminine

Small Biography:

He has lived with his loveless father for a long time, his mother leaving them at
age 11. He spent a long time voiceless and unliked amongst his peers and is new
to sharing emotion.

General Demeanor:

He believes there is little good in life unless you work hard. For him, Karma and
luck do not exist. He finds comfort in anonymity and is passive aggressive when in
foreign situations.

Hobbies: Drawing, Reading, Writing.

For Actor reference

Character Profile
Andrew Denson
Name: Andrew Denson

Age: 17

Height: Approximately 180 cm

Weight: Approximately 70kg

Eyes: Any

Body Type: Semi-Built or Fit

Face Type: Unmistakably male

Small Biography:

He was raised mainly by his loving father and his mother leaving at a young age.
They were still connected though and have a very strong relationship. He was well
off at school, treated well and has gone through his fair share of high school
relationships, both female and male.

General Demeanor:

Very laid back, sensitive, solid and down to earth, optimistic and confident.

Hobbies: Photography, Some sports, Vehicle enthusiasm.

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