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Name: .................................................................................. Grade: ...............................

1. Elije una palabra para completar los huecos.

a. I ............................ twelve years old.

have am are
e. I....................... two sisters.
b. You ................... my friend. have got am has got
am are is
f. My mother ......................... a new car.
c. They .................. students. is driving is drive drive
are is am
g. ................... you got a pencil?
d. Where. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . you from? Have Has Are

is are have h. There................. three books on the table.

have is are
2 .- Completa el siguiente diálogo con las frases de la caja.

How are you? Good morning Hi! What´s your name? my last name is Perez

A: _____________
B: Hello!
B:Good morning
B:I´m fine Thanks.
B:My name is Sergio
A:What´s your last name?

3.- Coloca los números en el paréntesis que corresponda.

11 – 12 – 13 – 15 – 22 – 27 – 35 – 39 – 48 – 50

1.- Thirty five ( ) 6.- Fifty ( )

2.- Twenty seven ( ) 7.- Twenty two ( )
3.- Fifteen ( ) 8.- Thirteen ( )
4.- Eleven ( ) 9.- Twelve ( )
5.- Forty eight ( ) 10.- Thirty nine ( )

4.- Completa con palabras que conozcas (cuantas más, mejor) dentro de cada grupo.

Body (= cuerpo) Colours (= colores) House (= casa)

Food (= comida) Animals (= animales) Clothes (= ropa)

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