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A disease is an abnormal condition affecting the body of an organism.

It is often construed to be a
medical condition associated with specific symptoms and signs.

1. predisposing factor
Etymology: L, prae + disponere, to dispose
any conditioning factor that influences both the type and the amount of resources that the individual can
elicit to cope with stress. It may be biologic, psychologic, genetic, or sociocultural.
Mosby's Medical Dictionary, 8th edition. © 2009, Elsevier.

A predisposing factor is one that makes the body more susceptible to a disease and may alter the course
of the disease.or
These are the factors or conditions already present that produce a susceptibility or disposition in a host to
a disease or condition without actually causing.

2. Enabling:
These factors or conditions allow or assist the disease, condition, injury, disability, or death, letting the
process begin and run its course.

3. Precipitating:
Factors such as exposure to a specific disease agent may be asociated with the onset of a disease.

4.Reinforcing factors such as repeated exposure, environmental conditions and unduly hard work may
aggravate an established disease or injury.

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