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MBM5103: International Logistics & Maritime Commerce


Date set: Oct. 19th, 2010

Set by: Dongping SONG
Hand-in deadline: Nov. 19th, 2010, 15:00
Hand-in place: On-line through SCOLAR.
Weighted Max Mark: 40% (of the total module mark)
Word length: 2000 words (+/- 10%)

Explain the slow-steaming strategy that liner shipping companies have adopted in
recent years. Critically discuss its benefits, implications, and sustainability in a broad
international logistics context.

Note: All sources used must be clearly referenced. The Harvard reference style
should be used (cf. Please provide the
word count excluding referencing list and appendix.

Mark criteria:
1. Appropriate explanations of the concept and the rationale of the emergence of
the slow-steaming strategy (40%).
2. Critical discussions of the strategy in broad logistics management / objective
perspectives (50%).
3. Use of external sources, presentation, structure and referencing (10%).

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