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Converting infix to postfix

1. Set postfix string to empty string

2. Create an empty operator stack
3. Repeat
3.1 Get the next token in the infix string
3.2 If next token is an operand (begins with digit), append it to postfix string
3.3 If next token is an operator
3.3.1 Process the next operator
Until at the end of the string

3.3.1 Process the next operator (next op)

If operator stack is empty, push next op onto stack.
Else if precedence(next op) > precedence(top operator)
Push next op onto the stack (ensures higher precedence operators evaluated first)
Pop the operator stack and append operator to postfix string
Until next op is pushed onto the stack.

x – y * a + b / c becomes x y a * - b c / +

operator precedence: *, / 2
+, - 1
Let’s consider the effect of parentheses:

'(' indicates the start of an expression that is evaluated separately – just push it on the
stack –Acts like a fence to separate the subexpression.

')' indicates the end of a subexpression. Pop off all operators and append them to postfix
string until you reach a '(' and then pop '(' -- don't append ')' and '(' to postfix string.

To have this happen seamlessly in the algorithm, give parentheses the lowest precedence
(, ) - 0 precedence.

3.3.1 Process the next operator (with parentheses)

Set done to false

If operator stack is empty or next op is ‘(‘, push next op onto stack and set done to true
Else if precedence(next op) > precedence(top operator)
Push next op onto the stack (ensures higher precedence operators evaluated first)
and set done to true
Pop the operator stack
If operator popped is ‘(‘, set done to true
Else append operator popped to postfix string
Until done
Convert: 3 + 5 * 6 – 7 * (8 + 5) to postfix

Precedence: *, / 2
+, - 1
(, ) 0

postfix string is null string, operator stack is empty

next character is 3, postfix is “3”, next token is +, push it onto empty stack

| +

next character is 5, postfix is “3 5”, next character is *, push *

| + *

next character is 6, postfix is “3 5 6”, next character is -, pop *pop +

postfix is “3 5 6 *”,
| +
next character still -, pop +, postfix is “3 5 6 * +”, operator stack is empty, push -

| -

next character is 7, postfix is “3 5 6 * + 7”, next character is *, push *

next character is (, push ( onto stack but give it lowest precedence

| - * (

next character is 8, postfix is “3 5 6 * + 7 8”

next character is ‘+’, push it onto stack

| - * ( +

next character is 5, postfix is “3 5 6 * + 7 8 5“

next character is ‘)’, pop and append all operators to postfix string until matching ‘(‘ is on
top of stack, then pop ‘(‘ and set done to true

postfix is “3 5 6 * + 7 8 5 +”

| - *
At end of string, keep popping stack until stack is empty
Postfix form: “3 5 6 * + 7 8 5 + * -“
Expression evaluation assignment.

Using 2 stacks you can evaluate an infix expression in 1 pass without converting to
postfix first:

1. Create an empty operator stack
2. Create an empty operand stack
3. Repeat
3.1 Get the next token in the infix string
3.2 If next token is an operand, place it on the operand stack
3.3 If next token is an operator
3.3.1 Evaluate the operator (next op)
Until at the end of the string
4. while operator stack is not empty
pop operator and operands (left and right),
evaluate left operator right
and push result onto operand stack
5. Pop result from operator stack

3.3.1 Evaluate the operator (next op)

Set done to false
If operator stack is empty or next op is ‘(‘,
push next op onto stack and set done to true
Else if precedence(next op) > precedence(top operator)
Push next op onto the stack (ensures higher precedence operators evaluated first)
and set done to true
Pop the operator stack
If operator popped is ‘(‘,
set done to true.
pop right and left from operand stack
evaluate left operator right
push result onto operand stack
until done
Evaluate: 3 + 5 * 6 – 7 * (8 + 5) = using an operator stack and an operand stack.
Operator = denotes the end of the expression and has precedence of –1.

Stack affected next character, action

|3, 3, push 3
|+ next op is +, push +
|3 5 5, push 5
|+ * next op is *, push *
|3 5 6 6, push 6
|+ next op is -, pop *
| 3 30 6, 5 popped, evaluate 5 * 6, push 30
| next op is -, pop +
| 33 30, 3 popped, evaluate 3 + 30, push 33
|- next op is -, push – (stack is empty)
| 33 7 6, push 7
|- * next op is *, push *
|- * ( next op is (, push (
| 33 7 8 8, push 8
|- * ( + next op is +, push +
| 33 7 8 5 5, push 5
|- * ( next op is ‘)’, pop +
| 33 7 13 5, 8 popped, evaluate 8 + 5, push 13
|- * next op is ‘)’, pop ‘(‘ and discard

At end of string. One way to “detect” end of string is to use an operator symbol = with
precedence of –1.Because its precedence is < anything else, all operators will be popped
from the operator stack and evaluated automatically.

|- next op is ‘=’, pop * (at end of string)

| 33 91 pop 13, 7, evaluate 7 * 13, push 91
| next op is =, pop -
| -58 91, 33 popped, evaluate 33 – 91, push -58
|= next op is =, operator stack is empty, push =
| pop result –-51
Pop operator stack – it should be empty or there is an error.

Assignment: Do this using the applet provided for expression evaluation. The applet has
calls to method processOperator() and processDigit() which are part of class Calculator.
Both methods take a character argument, the current character to be processed. Method
processDigit() is called each time a digit character key is pressed. If the next character is
a digit you should add it to the number being accumulated in numValue (10 * numValue
+ (int) token - (int) '0'). Method processOperator() is called each time a non-digit key is
pressed. If the character just pressed is not a digit and the previous character was a digit,
method processOperator() should push the number in numValue onto the operand stack
and then process the operator .
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.Stack;

public class ExpressionEval extends Applet

implements ActionListener {
private Button[][] buttons; // array of Button objects.
private Label result = new Label(); // Label for result
private Label infix = new Label(); // Label for expression
private Label nextChar = new Label(); // Label for each char of expression
private String infixStr = ""; // expression being evaluated
protected Label operandLabel = new Label(); // Label for operand stack
protected Label operatorLabel = new Label(); // Label for operator stack
private Button reset;
Calculator calc = new Calculator(); // Calculator object

public void init() {

Label instruct = new Label("Press = to end expression");
Panel map = new Panel(); // a panel in our applet
// characters to be used as button labels.
char [][] opMap = { {'0', '1', '2'},
{'3', '4', '5'},
{'6', '7', '8'},
{'9', ' ', '='},
{'*', '/', '+'},
{'-', '(', ')'} };

// Create an array of buttons of the proper dimensions.

buttons = new Button[opMap.length][opMap[0].length];

// Create the 6 x 3 grid of buttons

map.setLayout(new GridLayout(buttons.length, buttons[0].length));

// Create and label each button, add it to applet,

// and register applet as listener.
for (int r = 0; r < buttons.length; r++)
for (int c = 0; c < buttons[r].length; c++) {
// create labelled button - take label from array opMap
buttons[r][c] = new Button("" + opMap[r][c]);
map.add(buttons[r][c]); // add to panel
reset = new Button("Reset");
} // init

public void clear() {

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

Button b = (Button)e.getSource(); // Gets the button pressed,
if (b == reset) {

char token = (b.getLabel()).charAt(0); // token is label character

infixStr = infixStr + token; // Append it to expression
nextChar.setText("Character is " + token);
infix.setText("Expression so far: " + infixStr);

// Process the token

if (token >= '0' && token <= '9')
else {
String message = calc.processOperator(token, this);

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