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Pirate Clothing Known Worldwide for Historical Clothing and Accessories

During medieval era people with different social status wear different style of clothing, there dressing
sense told the story of someone’s ‘standing’ in society. This also holds true for pirates’- there
appearance was defined by loose shirts and pants. Pirate shirts are soft and comfortable to wear with
lots of variety in their styles. The shirts are with or without lace, have full length sleeves with narrow or
broad ends. The lengths of these shirts are up to thighs or waist and are available in many colors but
most designs are in white. Designed with curiosity, these pirate shirts are cherished by everyone.

Medieval period was all about wars, invasion and hijacking the ships of merchants, all these situations
shows the gruel some act of taking someone’s life and swords were designed for this. They can be
considered as jewel to a warrior, a blood thirsty weapon, anyone could feel powerful by taking it in
hand. The irony with this life taking weapon is that it is beautifully decorated, the handles are made of
woods or metals and some are wrapped by eye catching decorative materials like leather. The long
lengths of blade part mostly are of carbon steel and can be narrow or broad at their bottom.
Medieval helmets were used to protect Soldier’s or knight’s life during war, invasion or pirate attacks
while fighting. They were designed in such a way, that they can protect the face of someone who had
put on it. These helmets can be open, closed or half closed helmet. Designs of helmet depend on the
person who wore it and also on the place of its origin and Era. Spartan Helmets were closed only open at
mouth and eyes area. Barbarian Warrior War helmet was half closed and Norman helmet were open
helmet. Commonly the helmets were made of high carbon steel or low carbon steel.

Shields itself signifies the term protection. Medieval Shields also used for protection of soldier’s and
knight’s life from direct attack of enemies’ weapon. During training season Shields and Swords were
used to increase the strength, skill and technique of fighting, so that on battle ground soldiers could
perform well. Shields were decorated with different designs, those designs were useful in recognizing
the owner of the shield, thus also saves the owner’s life in another way.

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