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Antonio- Hello

Fran- oh! hello! sorry, who are you?

Antonio- My name is Antonio , and what is your name?

Fran- My name is Fran.

Antonio- how are you Fran?

Fran- I´m fine thanks, and you?

Antonio- I'm fine too thanks, and, what is your surname?

Fran- my surname is Orset, and you?

Antonio- My surname is García. Nice to meet you Fran Orset

Fran- nice to meet you Antonio Garcia

Antonio- Fran, what is your hobbie?

Fran- I like music, like rap for example, and you?

Antonio- I like play drums

Fran- oh that's great!

Antonio- yes, I love music and all weekend I play drums with my band

Fran- that's very good, well, I have to go at work

Antonio: Where do you work?

Fran – I work at a refinery in Huelva

Antonio- and, do you like your job?

Fran- Yes, My job is very interesting and important

Antonio- and, what is your salary?

Fran- My work is well paid.

Antonio- but, how much money you make?

Fran- I make over two thousand euros in a month.

Antonio- oh! It´s great! I would like to work with you my friend

Fran- I studied hard to be there

Antonio- where have you studied?

Fran- I studied in a high school in Palos de la Frontera

Antonio- How many time have you studied?

Fran- I estudied during two years

Antonio- and, It´s difficult?

Fran- yes, It's very complicated but very useful

Antonio- well, maybe I go back to study again

Fran- ok, I go to work that is late

Antonio- ok Fran, glad to see you and I hope to see you soon

Fran- well thanks, I'm glad to see you too

Antonio- Good bye!

Fran- Goodbye!

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