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Lady (Miasara) –

Man who helped Miasara (Johari) –

Two men who harassed Miasara (bad man 1 & 2) –

Act 1

Setting : Dark street

It was a cold, dark night in 2011. There were no stars on the sky. The sky was covered
by thick, grey clouds that contained water. It was going to rain heavily soon. A poor,
young lady named Miasara walked alone in a town in Selangor without any place to go
and she only had some money in her purse. She strolled slowly through the street and
tried to find a cheap room to rent.

Miasara : (while walking) Oh…where should I go? I haven’t been here before and I have
no relatives in this place…It is already midnight and it is going to rain… (felt worry)

Act 2


Setting : in a village house

Miasara came from a small village which located in East Coast. She was pregnant after
having forbidden affair with her boyfriend in her village. They had gone over the limit.
However, her boyfriend did not want to be responsible for what he had done to her and
leaved her without any news.

Miasara : (sad) Mother…after you passed away two months ago, I am all alone in this
world…although I still have brothers and sisters, but they are too busy with their own
lives and do not even care about me anymore… Besides, I have brought shame to this
family (rubbed her stomach) and everyone does not want to have anything to do with
me. I realise that I belong to a poor family and I do not get a proper education, how I am
going to survive without any help from other people? (thought deeply) I think… I should
try my luck in the city. Perhaps I can find a suitable job there and I can earn some
money to support my life…


Act 3

Setting : dark street

(back to reality)

All of sudden, two bad men appeared from the darkness of night. They harassed her
sexually and said vulgar words to her.

Bad man 1 : Hi, sexy lady…are you alone? I can keep you a company if you like… what
are you doing outside in the middle of night? It is dangerous for a lady to walk alone…

Bad man 2 : Hello, pretty girl…where are you going? Are you looking for a room to rent?
…don’t worry, you can spend your night in my room…hahaha!

Miasara : Please let me go…I’m begging you…don’t hurt me…please…

Help!! Help!! Somebody please help me!! Help me!!

A man who drove nearby heard her scream for help and rushed to the place which the
voice came from.

Johari : There is someone in trouble! I need to help that person! Where does the cry
come from?

Then, at a corner Johari saw a lady who was being harassed by two men. Without
wasting any time, he picked up a branch and hit the men. The bad men ran away.
Miasara who had already sat on the road almost delivered her baby at any time!

Johari : Miss…are you alright? Did they hurt you? Do you need to go to the hospital?

Miasara : Mister…please help me…I am going to deliver my baby…help me… (she


Johari carried her into his car and drove her to a hospital. Thank God, finally she gave
birth to a cute, healthy boy baby safely.

Act 4

Setting : a ward in a hospital

In the next day, Johari visited Miasara and her baby at the hospital.

Miasara : I would like to thank you for saving me and my baby. (started to cry) I cannot
imagine what will happen to me and my baby if you were not there last night. Thank
you, Mister…What is your name, Mister?


Johari : You are welcome. It is my responsibility as a human to help those who are in
need. Well, you can call me Johari. What shall I address you, Miss?

Maisara : Maisara…Sara will do…

Johari : You are from somewhere else, right?

Miasara : Yes…I am from Kelantan. I come here to find a job. It never crossed my mind
that all of this will happen to me…Your presence gives me some hope in my life, Mr.
Johari. You have saved our lives.

Johari : Just call me Johari. You are already married, don’t you? Where is your
husband? I can call him to inform about you and your baby.

Maisara : I am not a married woman…and this baby does not have a father…(cried)

Johari : Oh, I understand…For the time being, you can stay at my sister’s house if you

Maisara : Thank you, Mr. Johari…err.. Johari. I really appreciate your help.

Johari : No problem at all.

Maisara and Johari fell in love and they got married later. They lived happily ever after…


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