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ee - duom Yetta from the novel by Wanter Kirn ‘There is no “I” in toom, = Common Business Aviom Secure your own mask before arsiting others. = Connon PreFght Instruction A SPOTLIGHT reveale RYAN BINGHAK standing at a PODIUM. How mich doee your Life weigh? yan pauses to let up consider this. REAM (COW?'D) imagine for a second that you're Careying s backpack... T want You $0 feel the straps cb your’ Bhotlders... You feel then? {gives uss best) ow, Event you to pack 4t with al She’ atuft you have in your Ife. Start with the iverle things, ‘the Staff in drawers and on shelves ‘The collectables and knick-knacks. Fol the woight az it sdde up. Now, start adding the larger stuff. Your giothes; title top eppicances, 3, itnena, your 1. That spack should’ be getting pretty heavy st thie polst™= Go Bigger. Your couch, your bed, your kivcken Esbles stude’ st all inv. Your cat, get it in there... Your home, Deva two story House, 7 went you to stuff it into that backpack. yan tekes @ best to let the welght oink in. ena (comE’D) ow try to wah. vie hosr people around up chuckling. Ryan satles. Reveals LWP, HOTEL CONFERENCE, ROOM -_AFPERNOOR ‘the Kind that chifte between Lover income corporate retr {ind lover incone veadings. We leak around the room. the few dozen people soca to be Visualizing aa told. Sone wre taking notes ean (cour’D) Kinda hard, isn’t it? This is what Wwe do to ourselves on a daily Basis. we voigh ourselves down ‘Until we can't even sove, And make no mistake = Moving ie iiving.

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