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The Role Of Tourism In India

The Role of Tourism in India

Tourism is travel for recreational, leisure or business purposes. The World Tourism Organization defines tourists as
people who "travel to and stay in places outside their usual environment for more than twenty-four (24) hours and
not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes not related to the exercise of an activity
remunerated from within the place visited.I want to do this! What's This?
Among the various service industries, tourism in India is the largest and fastest-growing in the country. It has a vast
impact on the national economy and plays a major role in other aspects of the country's growth and development,
especially the creation of jobs.

National Economy

1. The Ministry of Tourism in India reported in 2007 that tourism contributed 6.23 percent of the country's gross
domestic product (GDP). Tourism was also responsible for 8.78 percent of the country's total employment. This
translated to roughly 53 million jobs and recorded earnings of
approximately $10.73 billion. These positive numbers contributed to a growth rate of 24.3 percent compared to
previous years.

Sector Development

2. India's booming tourism industry benefits specific sectors. Traditional crafts are being developed and promoted
by the government because crafts are a key component of India's tourism.

Medical Tourism

3. The country's medical and health care community is another beneficiary of tourism. People from all over the world
have discovered they can get the same quality of medical services in India at a lower cost than in other countries.
Medical care in India costs 1/10 of what it is in the U.S. or UK, and the quality of service is similar. Tourists also go to
India to learn about or benefit from alternative medicine. Non-Western healing techniques are still actively practiced
in the country.

Future Improvements

4. As the industry grows, the Ministry of Tourism...

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