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Key dates in APUSH—Colonization to Reconstruction

1565 St. Augustine Spanish settle oldest, permanent settlement in North America
1607 Jamestown First permanent English settlement in North America
1608 Quebec Samuel de Champlain establishes first permanent French colony
1609 New Amsterdam Henry Hudson claims land the Dutch West India Company settles
1619 First African slaves arrive Beginning of the slave trade & of sectional problems for the country
1620 Mayflower Compact Separatists and others established principles of democratic society at
Plymouth; early form of colonial self-government
1630 Great Migration John Winthrop; Puritans to Massachusetts Bay Colony; 15,000 over 10 years
1636 Harvard College First colonial college; ministry & scholarly education led to W & M and Yale
1649 Act of Toleration First colonial statute granting religious freedom to all Christians; Maryland
1676 Bacon’s Rebellion land owners vs. former indentured servants & colonial resistance to GB control
1675-76 King Philip’s War Metacom; ends Native American resistance in New England
1692 Salem Witch Trials Religious fervor and hysteria led to witch hunt—McCarthyism & Red Scare
1730s & 40s Great Awakening Jonathan Edwards & George Whitefield; religious movement & established colleges
1735 Zenger Trial Encouraged freedom of the press
1754 Albany Plan Beginning of the French & Indian War; Ben Franklin political cartoon—call for inter-
colonial unity, collection of taxes, & troops to support GB in the war
1763 Pontiac’s Rebellion Rebellion led to the Proclamation of 1763
1770 Boston Massacre Culmination of GB military presence & enforcement of law; death of Crispus Attucks;
turning point in American cooperation with GB
1776 Declaration of Independence Revolutionary War has been ongoing for 1 year; Author: Thomas Jefferson
1783 Revolutionary War ends Treaty of Paris, 1783—recognizes the USA as a new nation
1788 US Constitution New government established as the Articles of Confederation fail; The Federalist
Papers illustrate the need for ratification
1791 Bill of Rights First 10 Amendments to the Constitution guarantee individual liberties
1795 Pinckney’s Treaty Agreement with Spain—protects shipping along Mississippi River & right of deposit in
New Orleans
1791 Factory System Samuel Slater immigrates from GB; establishes 1st US factory
1793 Cotton Gin Eli Whitney invents cotton de-seeding device; transforms the South
1800 Revolution of 1800 The peaceful transition of political power between the Federalist & Jefferson’s
1801 Marbury v. Madison Establishes the principle of Judicial Review
1803 Louisiana Purchase US doubles its size as expansion fever begins
1812 “Mr. Madison’s War” Opposition to the War of 1812 & the war hawks
1820 Missouri Compromise Established parameters for the expansion of slavery
1823 Monroe Doctrine Declared Western Hemisphere closed to foreign colonization or interference
1828 Tariff of Abominations Protest led to the nullification crisis & the Hayne-Webster debate; states rights
1828 Jacksonian Democracy Election of Andrew Jackson marks the era of the common man
1846 Mexican-American War Culmination of Manifest Destiny with southwest land added
1848 Seneca Falls Convention Elizabeth Cady Stanton & the “Declaration of Sentiments”
1852 Uncle Tom’s Cabin Harriet Beecher Stowe; exposes slavery, social contribution to the Civil War
1857 Dred Scott v. Sandford Slaves are property; 5th Amendment; citizenship; nullifies Missouri Compromise
1861 Civil War begins Sectional strife finally leads to 4 year war—slavery & states rights
1866-69 Civil Rights Amendments 13th – 15th Amendment; abolition/protection of citizens/male vote—women’s suffrage
another 50 years
1877 End of Reconstruction Compromise of 1877 resolves the election of 1876; Hayes removes troops

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