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There's a POWERFUL prophet in our country named Dr. Leslie Rogers...

he's one of the most renowned

and accurate prophets. He held an annual prophetic conference to which I went to the Friday that Rick
gave his testimony in the Reinzi Complex, it was HUGE. All of his prophecies he has ever gave came to
past. And he has the track record and testimonies from others to prove it. Predictions about disasters,
government...not only in our country but in other countries as well, he made and they ALL came to past
(he has them on tape from when he made them too so he also got the evidence.)

Anyway, he made a prophecy about Trinidad . Hurricanes and earthquakes were always targeted by
Trinidad (which is true) but he said that God has been merciful and long-suffering with us and He keeps
sparing our land.

But Trinidad in the year 2011 will be hit by an earthquake...even WORSE than Haiti . Many will PERISH.
This earthquake will happen North, South and West of this country (amazingly it's where all the major
clubs and crimes are). He said that only Trinidad will be hit, not Tobago and it will occur early in the
morning before 6:00AM. Signs will occur he said, Barbados and Grenada will begin to show signs of
tremors, fishermen will begin to come from the seas and talk about how the fishes are acting weird and
strange (According to the book of Job animals and fishes can predict these impending disasters and
proof of this is that they begin to act weird). Also, its INEVITABLE. This is not demonic but divine. God is
sending judgment to the land and especially to the church. He included also that there are wicked
people in the church and God is fed up of them.

He placed his entire reputation on the line (as usual) with this prophetic word. And there is no doubt in
my heart that this will happen. Stuff that I have never seen before in my country, I see them happening
now and its so disturbing. No wonder God is going to do this.

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