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The no fly zone and the delay of democracy in Burma

The no-fly zone is denying the Libyan people their right to self determination.
That may seem like the oddest statement, but watching the grass roots, home cook
ed and home grown revolutions over the past weeks and months, it has become obvi
ous that now is the time for the Arab Spring.
Throughout the Mid East people have shown extraordinary courage and determinatio
n to be part of a movement that has exploded spontaneously (in some cases) and a
fter years of suppressed opposition and bloody tyranny. This is a moment. This i
s their moment.
It's surprising then that so many who decried the Iraqi war and other Western in
terventions have supported the Libyan no-fly zone. It is, they say, unconscionab
le to watch Libyans being slaughtered. The no fly zone will not -- has not -- pr
evented further bloodshed. It also cannot fight the fight that leads to democrac
y and emancipation for Libyans.
Democracy rarely -- if ever -- comes without a bloody fight. Freedom fighters un
derstand that -- embrace that -- and launch determined battles knowing that deat
h is a constant threat. It's part of the process, and inescapable if the outcome
is to have meaning sovereignty and durability.
I lived in Burma last decade and had many frustrating discussions with many Burm
ese who thought that the answer to their situation was an invasion by America. T
hey watched in awe as George W Bush bigfooted his way round the world. Why won't
he invade us, many lamented. We need rescuing! Why don't you do it yourself? I
would ask. It will be hard and heartbreaking and bloody and long but it will wor
k, it will work.
And this is what we have seen in Egypt and Yemen and Bahrain and Libya. Brave an
d determined people who want what is rightfully theirs and are fighting and dyin
g for it. It is shocking to watch and it is also heartening and inspiring to wat
This is a home-grown revolution that should be played out by the people, for the
people. They will fight, they will die, but they will win.

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