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mathe arab museum of modern art ayualuill loyal ull Joe dhiyy no 1+ dclull = yl P-tA “oll acgon.all Hing resell tafe ps ail cepeecail Salllg guogt daa! jUSlh lll Jac diy uS5 a lil ads po aes" Ja ll 0S 8 GoSfuall gab Rel goal el allio 8 diergall aucall pally Slsall is aah ucla O35) Ig Igual its sl aglsala ol aN ao lt a Sal “lulls oll go gine Jae Gyo": Eowdoall ; _— oyeatiall ball Jor diyg sgh tr —Tatuat deball, Jun 1 Guslarn lial gansta ll cll lal ayo ae iy po aul fos yesbaraie oda “Lot ial alae ll gusts al put gall au il calc call (bast ia gas ll quantal ill gine aug aim Ayal Salsa bugil plstaly cello yp las on tall Tmainat_edvostioné¢a ote go "gS As oll go gual ial Ja di (ole Bagh aS ye gyn ally all hl lla go "Sul gat ol ans la” Saal “Wauno jaall ay Ssqare acléoll Ube JoSall Basic Level Group A March 28 - 29 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Group B March 30-31 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m This two-day workshop wil draw on perconal interest fo create a ‘olage ung magazinac and images brought from home. Each group wil then beng theca imagas togathar into a ‘colaboratize compoation, fxed and painted on a common canvas. ‘To register, please choose a Group and email matnaf_educationaqma.orp.aa Subject title: "Khaled Takreti Open Workshop” Advanced Level March 28 - April 1 10:00 am. - 12:00 p.m. Drawing onthe proces that Takrat used to create the work *Garerations tha five-day xk painting and collage workshop i recorrmended for advanced students whe have aeady studied panting and rived macia techniques ‘To register, please email: ‘Subjeot title: “Khaled Takreti Advanced Workshiop” Please attach samples of previous artwork with ‘2 200-word answer to the question: “why do you paint/cotlage?” ‘Admission is free, Limited seats only so book early.

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