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BIL108E Spring 2011

Introduction to Scientific and Engineering Computing

CRN 24288

1. The height of an object thrown in the air can be found using the following equation.

where y is the height in meters of the object above ground level after t seconds.
Write a function which calculates the height of an object for the given t values. Then, run
your function for the t values ranging from 0 to 15 with 200 evenly spaced points and plot
your result for time versus height. Use blue line colour, dash line type and + data point
type for your plot, label your axes. Write the maximum height of the object and the time
to get there as the title of your plot.

2. Write a program (.m file) which asks the user about the magnitude of the force level (in
Newtons) in order to lift a small part and the program will display a message about the
force level applied considering following cases.

a. for 0, respond: part not found;

b. for 1-44, insecure grip;
c. for 45-88, nominal grip;
d. for 89-100, part may be misaligned;
e. above 100, danger-part may be stuck.

The program should also display a message if the force input is bad data.

Good Luck

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