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By: Nabiilah Ardini F.

Class: 9A

My Name is Nabiilah Ardini Fauziyyah. My nickname is Nabiilah. I’m a 14

years old girl and a 9 grade student in 19 Junior High School Jakarta. My hobbies
are playing computer, listening music, and reading novels--especially Sitta
I’m a daughter of Mrs. Nina Nurdiani and Mr. Ardiansyah Agung Pribawa. I
have one twin sister whose name is Saniyyah Ardina Khoirunnisa. We live in a
house on Peninggaran Barat, South Jakarta.
I have black straight hair. My eyes are black and I have white skin. I’m not very
tall but I’m still thankful of what god had gave me.
My dream is to be a great citizen for Indonesia, a great human for the earth, a
great person for my family and Allah SWT. I hope I can take part on making
Indonesia to be a better country year after year.
I think that’s all for me. Thank you.

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