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Iguazu Falls

Meaning of the Name

Pukapukara means red fortress, about this word is because the location of the group and the existence of
some semi-circular environment, about the red is because the color of the land.


The archaeological rest of Pukapukara, is located in top of the road that leads to Pisaq, is about 7Km. from
Cusco city, its altitude is of 3,580 meters above sea level.

In Pucapucara there are places, interior squares, baths, aqueducts and a ancient trail that is very well
know. The buildings are made of stones they have many sizes between medium and little ones, on the
surface of the rocks is very rugged, comparing with other archeological rest.
Buenos Aires Center

La Boca- Buenos Aires

Traditional, picturesque and unique, with these three words we can portrait this famous
Neighborhood in Buenos Aires. It was built almost two hundred years ago for Italian
immigrants who were travelling to Argentina in search of a better life. “La Boca” is a must
for anyone who visits this magical City.
Rio de Janeiro
Through its gorgeous rainforests, colorful culture, and beautiful and friendly people, everyone knows that
Brazil poses one of the absolute best vacation spots in the world

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